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Red stared at Scooter. Scooter returned his gaze with not even a hint of emotion. It was dark, signaling night, even though the sky couldn't be seen in the Underground. "So... I guess you're SCOOTING on out, huh?" He said, shrugging. Scooter sighed and nodded quietly. "Not gonna say bye to Boss...?" Scooter shook her head and Red scoffed quietly. "I don't blame ya..." She stood in the door, about to step out into the silent town. He sighed and looked down.

Red blinked as he heard footsteps. He looked up at Scooter as she knelt down in front of him. He blinked in shock as her mouth twitched and she gave a slow smile. He sputtered. "Woah! Kid!" He was cut off as Scooter reached out and hugged him. Red stiffened. If it had been anyone else... ANYONE else at all, he would have lashed out. Even if it had been Papyrus, he would've lashed out. Red trembled before hugging her back. She pulled back and shivered suddenly. Red watched as the orange seemed to climb her hair a bit.

For once, her eyes held a tint of green. She sighed.

"Thank you, Sans."

Red blinked at her before shaking and looking down. "Kid, c'mon, I'm not a fan of crying..." He said, rubbing his cheek. Scooter sighed and just like that, the glint in her eyes was gone, along with her smile. She stood and blinked as Red stopped her. He held up a gold chain and she paused. "Go on." She reached out and took it, slowly clipping the chain to the belt of her pants. She reached out and rubbed his head. He chuckled quietly. "Good luck, Scooter."


Red nodded as Scooter spoke. "Yeah, yeah. Don't tell the others about you." He said, grinning. Scooter blinked and nodded. She turned away, pulling the hood up. Red chuckled. "Bye, kiddo." Scooter raised a hand in farewell. He watched as the door shut. It was odd to hear it close without slamming. Red sighed and blinked as Papyrus' light came on upstairs. He groaned internally as he turned.

He'd forgotten about having to explain that to Papyrus. He blinked as the other came storming down the stairs. He realized that he was still shaking. Papyrus' furious glare calmed a bit as he noticed the empty couch. His eyes moved over to Red. "S-Sorry, Boss. Scooter just left." Red reported quietly, swearing internally at the shakiness in his voice.

Papyrus stared at him before nodding. He cleared his throat. "Sans." Immediately, Red froze, fearing he was in trouble. He blinked as Papyrus spoke again. "Take the day off tomorrow." Red stared at him with wide eyes. His glowing eye slowly calmed until the two white dots were back again. He didn't know what to say. "I saw you watching over her. I know you haven't slept."

Red gulped and nodded. "Thank you, Pap." He froze and coughed as he saw Papyrus freeze, having already turned away. "I-I mean, Boss! Sorry! I..."

"Just get some rest, brother." Papyrus' voice was quiet. He went back up the stairs and Red stared after him. Papyrus had called him brother. He felt tears in his eyes again. He quietly thanked Scooter as he started back up to his room for some well-earned sleep.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now