Floral Fury

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The flower sighed as it bounced quietly in place in its little cavern. It hummed to itself. It was waiting. For Frisk. Or... for Chara. It honestly wanted to see Chara. It bounced quietly to its own little music. Finally, the flower heard footsteps. He turned, grinning. "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the-"

He stopped. The figure in front of him glitched quietly. Immediately, the twisted grin spread across his face. He didn't see a reason to pretend to be nice towards someone who seemed threatening. They wore a leather coat and their face was hidden under yellow fluff on a red hood. A gold chain hung off the belt of grey skinny jeans and their boots were uncomfortably close to his roots. "Well, well, well! Look at you!!" He gave a demonic giggle and the figure seemed unfazed.

Flowey tipped his head. "Who's under the hood? Chara? Frisk? Smiley Trashbag?" He bopped his head back and forth with each guess. The figure continued to look down at him. He sighed. Flowey noticed glints and his eyes moved to focus on rings encasing pale, freckled fingers. He paused, crossing off everyone he could've guessed it was. He frowned.

He jumped as the figure suddenly moved and lifted their hands to pull back their hood. Flowey blinked at their face before scowling. "Who are YOU?!" He'd never seen this person before. It was a human. Female. Grey hair. Orange tips. Pale and freckled.

Two things caught his attention. One being the rope tied uncomfortably tight around her neck and the second being her eyes. They were grey and dull. Full of death. Flowey tipped his head at her. She didn't even appear to be breathing. Finally, she took a deep shaky breath.

"It would've been me... you met..."

Her voice was quiet and broken. It was like she hadn't spoken in decades. Flowey was momentarily taken back and furrowed his brow. "What?"

"You would've met me... instead of Chara... Asriel."

At the mention of his name, Flowey jerked and growled, the ground erupting with thorny vines. They wrapped around her and pierced pale skin, drawing maroon blood. Flowey snarled at her. "Explain!" The human sighed, seeming undeterred by the sudden attack. How did she know who he was?! What did she mean. He watched her open her mouth again.

"It would've been me you met... if I'd lived..."

On the last part, Flowey froze. If she'd- Immediately, he jumped as she fizzled and glitched out of his grasp, sitting on her knees in front of him. She still showed no sign of emotion or pain as blood continued to trickle from her wounds.

Flowey drew back immediately. He lashed out and impaled her through the torso with one of the spiky vines. She continued to blink down at him, nothing on her face changing. "What ARE you?!" He cried out. He watched her eyes. They showed him nothing. She opened her mouth slightly and maroon blood spilled out from her mouth. Flowey jerked back in disgust. "Ugh!"

He ripped the vine out from her chest and she slumped to the side. A large hole was shown in her torso, but she seemed unbothered by it. Instead, she slowly dragged herself in a crisscross position and held up her hands. Flowey watched as her chest glowed and he jerked back as she revealed her soul.

It was shattered into a heart formation. He immediately summoned his pellets and attacked it, a grin on his face. How could this human be so stupid?! He watched as she jerked before pausing. Was he even doing anything?! He paused and jumped as she glitched and all the physical damage disappeared. The blood stayed on the ground, but it was all gone on her. Flowey trembled for a moment before looking up at her, horrified.

The human seemed both unaffected and somewhat disappointed.

"As I thought..."

Flowey scowled. "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!" He screamed at her. She slowly raised her eyes and met his. He shivered. She opened her mouth.

"That... that's an excellent question..."

He watched as she pushed herself up and all his vines retreated. His petals quivered for a moment. "What are you?" He whispered shakily. He was reproachful now. He didn't like this. This human was like Chara. Unpredictable. But, this human wasn't his friend. This human... was a new element. A new obstacle. Where had they come from? Flowey was uneasy.

Whoever she was... no... WHATever she was, she wasn't normal. She was unnatural. Flowey felt a twinge of fear in his soulless body.

His stem twitched. He slowly looked down. "Get out of here!" He spat. He looked up. The human stared down at him. He didn't even want to know her name. He didn't want to know anything about her anymore. "Just get out of here, you freak!"

The human seemed unfazed by the insult. She nodded and sighed, moving past him. He didn't know her. He knew nothing about her... but... He HATED her. Who did she think she was?! He growled and whipped around. She was looking back at him.

She sighed and pulled up her hood. Her voice was quiet as she turned away.

"Goodbye, Asriel."

With that, she left him alone. Flowey spat after her before shivering and turning back to the front to wait for the REAL human. He shivered again, the feeling spreading all the way to his roots.

"What a freak!" He muttered quietly.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now