Wild Chase

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"I c-c-c-c-can't believe Dream let her g-g-g-g-go!!" Error spat angrily as he and Ink left X-Tale. Ink sighed. It was annoying, yes, but at the same time, he understood. Dream just wanted happiness and positive feelings. Even from tortured beings like Scooter. It made sense that he'd want to release her. The problem, or at least one of them, was that now she was hiding in the Multiverse again. Ink snapped his fingers and the Doodle Sphere lit up around them once again. 

Ink summoned a single, golden thread and reached up for it it as it sank down to him. Error blinked. There was no paper on this one. What was he...? Oh. Error flushed a bright yellow as he saw Ink take the doll out of his pocket and tie it to the string. Finally, he gave it a tug and Error watched as the doll was pulled up towards the top of the Doodle Sphere. Ink turned to him with a smile. He clapped his hands and Error jumped, focusing on him.

"Alright! Let's find Scooter! Shouldn't be too hard since she's not in Undertale anymore!" He said, grinning. Error crossed his arms, noticeably uneasy. "What's wrong, Glitchy?" 

"It c-c-c-concerns me of where sh-sh-she could be... Some of these...." He paused, hating using this word as he rolled it off his tongues, like it was disgusting. "AU'S... are d-d-d-dangerous and unstable enough a-a-a-as they are without her in them..." Ink blinked before nodding. Error was right. 

Some of these AU's weren't even fully formed. She couldn't visit those without ruining the AU itself until the AU was in a stable position. Scooter had to be running out of options, right? Ink sighed and rubbed his cheek. "Well, we haven't checked Branching AU's, like Swapfell or Fellswap OR Storyfell." He saw Error scowl. 

Error hated the Branching AU's even more than the AU's themselves. Like they needed even more variations of the SAME mistake... He glitched angrily, his fingers twitching. Ink smiled in understanding. He nodded and thought of something. He blinked and began to stare around the papers. He found the one he was looking for and sighed a bit in relief. Flowerfell remained untouched. He had already admitted that Flowerfell was one of the saddest AU's to him. There was no telling how it would affect Scooter or the AU if they collided.

Ink huffed. "I wish I could just tag the ones she's already been to, but I don't know how many have actually seen her." He mumbled to himself, pacing furiously around the bottom of the Doodle Sphere. He rubbed his head. "Cause some of them HAVE seen her, but want to protect her, so they lie. I mean, some are really bad liars, but some are EXCELLENT liars..." Ink usually tended to mutter to himself when he was thinking extremely hard about something. 

Error watched him. Couldn't they just find her the same way like before? Look through all the papers? Was Ink worrying about time? Error furrowed his brow. Why would he be worried about time? What were they running out of time for? He watched the other pace for a few more moments before sighing and turning, looking up at all the papers. 

Stars... He squinted in annoyance. His eyesight was so bad. He snapped his fingers and glasses formed in his hands. He slipped them on and looked up again, relaxing now that he could see. He scanned the papers. He heard Ink stop pacing before the other burst out in quiet giggling. Error scowled and shot him a glare. "Shut it, Squid!" He snapped before turning back to continue searching. 

Finally, Error spotted something. A crumpled-looking paper was curling. He furrowed his brow. Was that... Was that a Band-Aid stuck on the paper? He sighed. He would never undertsand these damn AU's. He whistled, getting Ink's attention. He pointed up and looked over to see Ink following his finger. The other's eyes lit up and he immediately shot up, flying through the air towards it. Error sighed as he flew up after him, taking off his glasses and snapping them back to the void. He continued up before bumping into Ink, who'd stopped. Error scowled and moved around him. "Squid!" He began in annoyance. He stopped as he saw Ink's face. The other was staring at the paper in unease and dismay. "What's the matter with you?" 

"That's... Asylumtale." Ink said, his voice nervous. "I think it's a CRAZY cool AU and all, but the Sans in there is... very... out of it..." He was unsure of how to word that. He'd only met Asylumtale once, when the AU had first been forming. The Sans there had absolutely lost his mind and it made Ink very uneasy in his bones for some reason. He didn't know why. He should've been used to insanity. But this one just... what was the word? Frightened? No... Intimidated...? No... Oh! Disturbed. Disturbed was the word. Ink was disturbed. The AU was mysterious and definitely one of the darker ones. Ink was visibly shaking. 

"Y-Y-Y-You don't have to g-g-g-go. I can j-j-j-j-just go get her myself..." Error grumbled gruffly, actually concerned for the other. Ink blinked before shaking his head. 

"No, I'll go! I... just haven't been there in a while!" Ink said, grinning nervously. Error rolled his eyes before grabbing Ink's hand and the AU Guardian yelped as Error opened the portal to the AU. They both disappeared through it, leaving nothing but the hanging strings and papers in the Doodle Sphere. 

And Ink's doll, of course. 

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now