Dead Man Standing

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Sans furrowed his brow and his right eye lit up. "What? Hey, listen." He scowled. Scooter blinked and focused on him. Sans sighed. "Who are you? Do you even know my brother? Your vague mystery thing isn't really working for me." He shuffled. "And I don't really want to hurt you, but you're freaking me out." He took a few steps back and Scooter took a deep breath.

"That's... understandable."

Scooter blinked at him, but didn't seem willing to provide him with a solid answer. He blinked and furrowed his brow.

"I am Scooter. I have met your brother. But I have not met YOUR brother."

Scooter's answer explained even less and Sans groaned. "See? That doesn't make sense to me. How have you met him, but not met him? You're talking nonsense." He took a deep breath. "Do you want to have a bad time?" Another flash of nostalgia in her eyes. She blinked and looked at him.

"I don't like that you pretend."

Immediately, Sans froze. He jumped as she appeared behind him before snatching something out of his pocket and returning to standing in front of him. Sans' blood went cold. She held the button that Ink had given him quietly. "Hey..." He began shakily. Scooter flipped the neon yellow button over and to Sans' horror, pressed the button on the black side. Immediately, the button vanished into the air and Scooter turned to fix her dead eyes on him.

"How sad. I cannot even trust the places I hide."

She sighed quietly. Scooter raised her hand and immediately, Sans' eye lit up, glowing. He scowled. "Look, you weirdo. I just did the Guardian a favor, which you just ruined for me." He snapped. Scooter raised an eyebrow, but there was no hint of a question in her eyes or voice.

"Why can't you all just leave me be."

She lifted her hand to her mouth and to Sans' horror, ripped open the tips of her fingers on her teeth. Blood began to ooze before thinning and straightening. She lifted her hands, red strings now shooting out. They wrapped around him and yanked him closer. He froze, immobilized as she studied him.

"I have learned a new trick."

She almost seemed to be informing herself of this. Briefly, Sans wondered who she'd learmed it from or if she'd made it up on her own. Sans began to struggle, staining his hoodie red from her strings. She released him and he fell back. He stared up at her. She seemed somewhat irritated. The blood strings whipped around wildly, pulling back before wrapping around the tips of her fingers, making them a glowing red. She flexed her hand quietly. Sans backed up, getting up cautiously. Scooter sighed and turned to face him. As she looked at him, a cold feeling seemed to grip his entire body, freezing him in place.

"A curious thing... DETERMINATION..."

Sans paled. As she'd said the word, a red silhouette had flashed behind her, with its own face. Scooter stared at him, her eyes and expression unreadable. Sans stared back with wide, panicked eyes. He couldn't breathe! Finally, she unlocked her gaze and turned away. The cold feeling that had been paralyzing Sans' body released him and he drew in shaking breaths. He watched as she turned away.

"Why don't you let him help you?" Sans almost immediately regretted speaking as Scooter turned to face him again. She spoke no words, but her eyes showed cold curiousity, which signified his next words had to be chosen very carefully. "I mean... if he's doing this much just to find you, it must mean the idea he has for you is pretty good..."

"I don't need 'good'... 'Successful'... That is what I need."

Scooter's voice was cold. Sans blinked at her. "You won't know until you find out." He pointed out quietly. Scooter stared at him. He gulped, fearing for his life. It didn't seem she liked what he said. She sighed and turned away.

"No idea he has is worth the pain..."

She stated this with frail certainty. Sans briefly wondered how many times she'd attempted this. A suicidal immortal. The thought would have vaguely tickled his dark humor. He looked down. "Are you sure? You'll never know if you give up like this." He said quietly. At that, Scooter turned fully to him. He jumped, realizing he must have said something wrong. She had her fist curled.

"What a hypocrite."

What? Sans stared at her in shock. What did she mean? He shivered as she looked up, her eyes giving off that red glow. When she spoke, it was echoed with his own voice.

"Just give up. I did."

Sans immediately froze. "That was-" He began to protest quickly, but was instantaneously cut off as Scooter spoke once again.

"You remember those words, do you not??"

He blinked. Something in Scooter's voice was changing. It seemed to fill with anger and bitterness. She was shaking.

"Who are YOU to tell me not to give up? Isn't that what you've been doing? I've been around so much longer than any of you. If you've given up after a couple hundred RESETS, why can't I give up after a couple hundred EONS?!"

Her voice was quiet with fury. Sans stared at her, speechless. There wasn't really anything he could say. She was right. Scooter blinked and the red tint faded from her eyes. She sighed, red mist escaping her mouth.

"Forgive me..."

Her voice was emotionless once more. No hint of life. Sans stared at her. He opened his mouth, but stopped as she held up her hand.

"Save your breath please. I'm good on apologies..."

She turned away, seeming to pause and take in the grassy meadow. Sans saw her fists uncurl. He jumped as she spoke one more time.

"What a beautiful world you have to look at..."

With that, she tore a hole into the Omega Timeline. She jumped through and it closed, leaving Sans alone under the tree, shaking and red-stained. His eyes were wide. Above him, the leaves rustled in the wind as color revived itself.

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