Going Back

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The little goat monster bolted through the forest as the world regained color around her. This was unexpected and she was terrified. Her pink shirt did nothing to prevent the chill of the snow, the only thing helping being her purple and grey hoodie. She wore purple shorts with a white stripe and pink slippers. Not useful for running in the snow. She slipped and stumbled before approaching the Ruin doors. What had that been?! 

"Sans?!" She cried out, her pink eyes wide. Wind ruffled her white fur. She stared at the doors desperately, panting. She'd heard gunshots. The human was not supposed to have the gun this early. Also, the gun definitely wasn't supposed to be LOADED. She stared at the doors. "SANS!!" She desperately hoped he was okay. 

She stood and clasped her furry hands together as she heard the door start to creak open. A figure came out, the door shutting behind them. The world fizzled around the goat monster and went grey again. She stared at the figure with wide eyes. Immediately, her eyes lit up orange and she formed her dreemurr beamers. Fire crackled inside of them. "Where is Sans?!" She cried. "What did you do to him?!" 

The figure was human and female. And definitely not a child. The goat monster could tell that much. She panted, scared for what had happened to her friend. This human... they reeked of pain and nothingness. She sensed no DETERMINATION, but was put off by how dangerous the human seemed. 

Black leather coat, black shirt covering a red hoodie with yellow fluff. A silvery white scarf covering a tightly tied ribbon around her neck. Grey jeans and black boots. Gold chain on her belt, gold rings on the fingers and gold piercings on the ears. She was pale and freckled with grey hair and orange tips. Dead grey eyes stared past the goat monster. She didn't appear to be breathing, shown by the lack of clouds leaving her mouth. The goat monster jumped as the human took a deep, shuddering breath. 

"Greetings... Toriel."

Immediately, the goat monster flared up, fire exploding from the ground next to her. "How do you know my name?!" She demanded. She was momentarily put off as parts of the human's body glitched in and out of existence. The human blinked. 

"I need you to kill me."

What?! Toriel stared at her before shaking her head, dispersing the dreemurr beamers. "I-I can't! I promised Sans I wouldn't hurt humans!" She said firmly. She froze as a dark look crossed the human's face. 

"He said you would say that."

Toriel watched as the human's arm lifted and she dropped a dusty, dark blue robe. Toriel stared at it, trembling. "No... no, you didn't." She whispered in horror. Her gaze shook as it rose to the human. She curled her fists. "You didn't!" The human blinked at her.

Toriel felt tears leaving her eyes. She threw her hands out and the dreemurr beamers reappeared, kit and ready to attack. Her eyes lit up orange and fire exploded around you. "I'LL KILL YOU!! I'LL KILL YOU!!" She screamed. The human blinked and merely looked up as the dreemurr beamers activated. 

Toriel skidded backwards from the blast of heat, panting in fury. Who did this human think they were?! She activated them again, blasting the charred human into the doors of the Ruins with a loud crack. 

The human dropped and collapsed, smoking. Toriel screamed and the dreemurr beamers activated once more. When the light cleared, only a pile of ash was in the human's place. Toriel dispersed the beamers as she dropped to her knees. She began to cry. She knew she usually lost Sans, but this time, it hurt even more. He'd been murdered in cold blood and it wasn't even the Genocide Run this time! 

Toriel sobbed quietly, covering her face. There was a fizzle and she froze, looking up with teary eyes. She stopped, absolutely dismayed as the human turned to look at her. "What...?" Toriel squeaked out. The human was perfectly fine. But Toriel had blown her into ash!!! Toriel stared at her, shaking. This didn't make sense. Usually, the human would have to RESET. Toriel shook her head. 

"I... I don't understand." She squeaked out. The human seemed both emotionless and disappointed as she took another shaking breath and spoke in that broken voice.

"As I thought."

Toriel stared at her. What did she mean?? She sobbed harder. What was happening?! The human was heard approaching her and Toriel looked up at her, tears matting the fur under her eyes. 

"I'll allow the human to RESET now. So he may return. Thank you for trying." 

Toriel stared at her. The human?? So this person wasn't the human?? Toriel didn't understand. The human sighed and turned away. Around them, the world fizzled once more and regained its color. 

There was a click and a whooshing sound as Toriel squeezed her eyes shut. She blinked them open and stopped. The weird human was nowhere to be seen  and she was back at her sentry station. She sat up, her eyes wide. What had that been?! Who had that been?! 

She shook quietly, remembering the empty look in the human's eyes as she'd dropped Sans' dusty robe in front of her. It wasn't even the same look the kid got in the Genocide Run. The look in the kid's eyes was cold, because they were well-aware of what they were doing. The look in that female's eyes had been empty, like she'd lost everything. All emotion, all motivation, all feeling. 

Toriel hated that. She shook her head. The kid had RESET! That mean that Sans was back. She sighed in quiet relief, her breath coming out in a puff. She froze. The feeling was back. That aura that the female had let off of pain and nothingness. She quickly scanned the area, not seeing her at all. She was watching. Toriel could tell.

Then, the feeling disappeared and Toriel relaxed. She was still shaking, her soul still positively quivering. Who had that been? She blinked and looked up as she heard the doors to the Ruins open. She blinked and teleported, having forgotten in her panic that she could do that. She watched form the trees and sighed in relief as her regular human left the doors. 

She focused on the stick they were carrying and a smile spread across her face at the lack of dust. Good! That meant that Sans was okay! Toriel internally cheered before teleporting our behind the human, following them. 

She was shaky, but she still had a job to do. 

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now