Visiting Hours

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Sans blinked open his eyes. He lifted his head up from its resting position on Scooter's lap. He twitched and took a moment to glance at her. She had her eyes closed. She wasn't breathing and Sans would've been concerned that she was dead if she hadn't already warned him that this was how she slept.  Papyrus has already left for the night. Sans blinked and rubbed an eye socket with his sleeve. Why was he awake?  

It wasn't time yet for anyone else to be here. He twitched and rolled off the bed, falling to the floor. He pushed himself up and shook his head. He blinked and stared around, his eye sockets wide. What had woken him? He never usually got up on his own. He blinked as he heard a shuffle and whipped to face it. He froze. 

The two other skeletons in his room froze as well, all of their eye sockets wide. Sans twitched before a freakishly wide grin spread across his face. He didn't recognize the black skeleton, who seemed to share Scooter's problem of glitching in and out of existence. But he definitely recognized the white one, who smelled heavily of paint. "Hey!!" He whispered shrilly and softly, not wanting to wake up Scooter. "Knock knock!!" 

The skeleton known as Ink, who Sans had met extremely briefly before, seemed uneasy as he glanced at the black skeleton. Finally, he turned to Sans. "... Who's there...?" 

"Cash!" Sans said gleefully, spinning in a circle before he stopped in place, waiting eagerly for Ink to continue the joke.

"Cash who?" Ink asked, still not seeming to understand where this joke was going. The black skeleton next to him seemed annoyed and Sans giggled. 

"I always knew you were a little NUTTY!!" He fell over, laughing. He managed to sit up to see both of them staring at him. The black skeleton seemed both unamused and disturbed, while Ink just seemed dismayed. Sans blinked and his smile faded as he sat up. "This... this is where you laugh... right???" He gave a nervous grin, his eyes darting back and forth. He held his sleeves up shakily to cover his face. 

Had he messed up the joke?? It was supposed to be funny! Why weren't they laughing?? Finally, Ink seemed to jump and plaster a smile on his face as he gave forced laughter. "Haha! Good one!!" Sans blinked and raised his head to look at him. That hurt. He blinked and pushed himself to his feet. He hated when people PRETENDED. 

"What do you want?" Sans asked coldly. Ink seemed taken back by the sudden change. He seemed dismayed and started to apologize, but Sans scowled. "No. What do you WANT???" He spat. Both Ink and the other skeleton seemed shocked. Sans gave a cold smile. "What's wrong?? You two look chilled to the BONE. Isn't that HUMERUS?" 

Sans gave a monotone giggle as his eye socket twitched. All of a sudden, he saw both of them move back and jumped as he felt a hand on his head. He immediately looked up and saw Scooter, who was awake. Her face was unchanging, but her body was stiff as she stared at the two. Sans gave a full body shiver, making the buckles on his straitjacket rattle violently. Scooter rubbed his head before turning to look up at them. 


It was simple. Only one word and yet, Sans saw both of the skeletons immediately become uneasy. He giggled and cut himself off before attaching himself to Scooter's side. For some reason, even though nothing suggested it, Scooter seemed angry. Ink put up his hands, giving a nervous smile. 

"Look, I'm sorry about before, but we had to get you out of there." He seemed to be trying to explain something. Scooter seemed both unfazed and unamused as she tipped her head. 

"It hurt." 

Sans blinked at her statement before turning to them, his eye lighting up instantaneously. He growled at them violently, dark blue magic shooting dangerously from cracks in his skull. "You hurt her?!" He snarled out. He twitched, pieces of his skull falling out and exploding into dust on the padded floor. The cracks in his skull were widening. Immediately, both Ink and the other skeleton went into a defensive position. Scooter blinked. 

"We didn't WANT to!! But you were out of control!" Ink protested, turning his attention to Scooter in the second part of his statement. Sans twitched and flinched as he felt another sharp pain tear through his body and his eyes extinguished itself. He groaned and bent over, rubbing desperately at his eye socket with one sleeve. He whimpered. He blinked and looked over as Scooter knelt next to him. He pressed desperately into her hands and she closed her eyes. A red glow lit up from her hands and Sans flinched as he felt the cracks on his skull close a bit more. He sighed. That felt much better. 

He shook his head before looking up at her and giggling. She sighed and pushed herself to her feet, turning away from them. Sans blinked. She was leaving. She didn't have to tell him. He knew she was. Just like when he knew that Nurse Frisk had to leave soon. He smiled at her. He jumped as Ink suddenly cried out. "Scooter, wait!!" 

Sans watched as Scooter sighed before turning back to look at Ink. Ink gulped. "We... we had an idea for you... but we need you to come with us..." He said, seeming to word each thing carefully. Sans tipped his head. Why did Ink seem so cautious about talking to Scooter? It was like the way the doctors talked to him. He furrowed his brow and frowned. He hated when they spoke to him like that. Like any word would immediately set him off into a craze. 

Scooter blinked at him for a moment, face unchanging. Finally, she drew in a breath. 

"I think... I've had enough... of your... 'ideas' for a while..." 

 Sans saw Ink's eyes widen and turned to see Scooter rip a hole in the air. Woah! He giggled deliriously in amazement, having never seen anything like it. Scooter lifted her hands and pulled up her hood, waving one in a quick goodbye before jumping through the hole. Sans waved with his sleeve, even though he knew she was long gone and could no longer see him. The hole stitched itself up messily before closing and Sans turned back to the other two skeletons. 

He'd turned back just in time to see them disappear into a paint splotch on the floor before it was sucked up, as if into a pen. Sans was alone once again. He began to hum and pace around the room, slapping his sleeves against his sides. He wasn't sure how long it was. His feet hurt. He jumped as a voice broke into his tuneless song.

"Brother...?" Papyrus had returned and Sans turned to him with a huge grin.

"Papyrus!! You missed it!!" He squealed before plopping down in front of the bed and starting to recap the entire thing to his ghostly brother. 

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now