True Power

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Cross stirred and opened his eyes from his sitting position on the ground. Chara had gone back to a dormant state. Scooter had closed her eyes, and Cross was understandably disturbed by how dead she looked. She wasn't breathing or moving. He just didn't understand how she looked and felt so dead, yet was alive.

"Hey... Scooter...?" He asked after a moment, having been curious about something for a while now. Scooter slowly opened her eyes, expression unchanging and still no sign of breathing. Cross hooked his fingers in the fur on his hood. "Do you mind if I ask... something kind of personal?" Scooter blinked at him before opening her mouth and taking that single painful breath to speak.

"I... do not remember any of my former life, if that has anything to do with the question..."

Cross blinked before shaking his head. "No, no. I... Can I see your SOUL?" He asked awkwardly. "I was told what happened to it, but I'm not quite sure I understand what was meant by it." Scooter blinked at him and Cross suddenly felt like he was being EXTREMELY nosy. His grip tightened on his hood. "I-I can show you mine... too... if that will make it... easier...?" He asked, gripping his chest with his other hand.

Scooter blinked at him. She seemed unexpressive as usual. Finally, she looked up at him, tipping her head.

"There... is a problem with your SOUL as well...?"

Cross jumped before chuckling nervously. "Y-Yeah... you see, I've got half of a human SOUL and half of a MONSTER soul." He explained. "Because I was... CROSSed with Chara." He cracked a small smile at his own pun. Scooter blinked.

"I... would like to see that... and... I have no problem showing my SOUL..."

Scooter's chest lit up and Cross jumped, quickly moving to show his own SOUL as well. He cupped it in his skeletal hands. His mismatched soul glowed quietly. The red and white of the two halves appeared stitched forcibly together. Cross sighed. He looked up as Scooter sighed and immediately yelped.

Scooter's soul was shattered into pieces, all of them vaguely forming a heart formation. The pieces shone a crimson red on the tops, while the bottoms were all pitch black. The shards were motionless, almost appearing frozen in place. Cross stared at it in shock. Why was it BLACK? He stared at her.

"I... was told... even before it was shattered... my SOUL was a bit... corrupted..."

Cross blinked. So it had been black even BEFORE it was shattered? He shivered and pulled his own soul back. Scooter sighed and the soul drifted back to her, fading. All of a sudden, Cross shrieked as he felt something wrap around him.

"Are we sharing SOULS?" Nightmare's bubbly voice sounded over his shoulder. Cross immediately lit up bright purple. He squirmed and Nightmare's tentacle only tightened around him. Cross gasped. Nightmare continued forward, his presence spreading black across the white space. Scooter blinked at him calmly. Nightmare extended one black, bony hand and his soul formed. A shimmer of purple was in the center, but the entire SOUL appeared coated in black darkness. It dripped. Cross blushed. Nightmare pulled it back. He turned to fix his gaze on Scooter and opened his mouth to speak.

"Brother?!" Cross froze as Dream's voice broke forth. Nightmare immediately scowled and whipped around. Dream stared at him before his gaze moved to Cross, who Nightmare still had a grip on. Nightmare chuckled darkly. Dream's gaze moved past them to see Scooter and his eyes widened. He covered his mouth and immediately seemed to forget about them. Dream ran forward, slipping past them and sliding next to Scooter, who blinked at him.

"Hello, Dream. How have you been?"

She asked this calmly and Dream stared at her in disbelief. "Forget me! Look at you! Here!" His hands lit up as he reached behind her. She blinked and Cross heard snapping sounds. Scooter pulled out her hand from behind her and they all flinched as maroon blood spilled from cuts around her wrists, revealing blood-stained bone. Scooter sighed and her hands glitched, the wounds disappearing. She blinked at him.

"Thank you."

Her statement was short and curt. She stood up and reached down, picking up her leather coat. She pulled it on and sighed. She reached over and Dream squeaked as she rubbed his head. Cross blushed. That was so cute. He gasped, his blush deepening as Nightmare yanked him back to him. Nightmare dropped Cross next to him.

"Where are you going now, Scooter?" Nightmare's voice was loud and Scooter turned to blink at him with deadened eyes. Cross saw Nightmare's body shiver. Scooter blinked and looked down. Even though her face didn't change, it was clear she didn't have an answer. Cross saw Nightmare's grin twitch. "Why don't you come with me?"

"What?!" Both Cross and Dream exclaimed at the same time. Nightmare's hand was outstretched and the other was tucked in his pocket. Scooter blinked and turned to him.

"And if I do?"

Her question was quiet. Cross blinked. Scooter was a bargainer. She wouldn't do anything unless she was promised something in return. At least, that's the way she was portraying herself to him. He furrowed his brow.

"I may not be able to kill you. But I can make the pain stop." Nightmare said. Immediately, Cross saw Dream's eyes widen.

"Nightmare, no!!" He cried out. Scooter blinked and turned to look back at Dream. Though expressionless, it was clear that Nightmare's offer was appealing to her. Dream was shaking. "H-H-He'll corrupt you... so you'll be fully immersed in pain and you won't feel it anymore." Dream was shaking as he explained it. Nightmare's tentacles curled in and he gave a sigh of annoyance. Scooter seemed unbothered by this. Cross blinked and backed away from Nightmare. Nightmare noticed and his tentacles seemed to droop. Cross saw this and immediately shook his head, silently telling him that it wasn't because Cross was siding with Dream.

Cross stopped between the both of them. Dream glanced at him desperately. Cross felt incredibly torn. Scooter blinked and turned back to Nightmare.

"Is it permanent?"

Her question was startling to everyone. Nightmare scowled before nodding. He knew this was a dealbreaker. He tucked his hand away. As much as Scooter wanted the pain to be gone, he knew she wanted death more. He growled and his tentacles gave an annoyed wave. Scooter sighed.

"I cannot accept. I do hope you understand why."

Nightmare sighed and nodded. Dream blinked, wide-eyed. This was the first time he'd seen his brother willingly give something up since his corruption. Normally, if he didn't get what he wanted, he took it by force. Even if it was a soul. Cross summoned his dagger to his hand uneasily. He gripped his hood nervously.

Part of him hated seeing Nightmare disappointed, but part of him was relieved that Scooter had refused. If he fully corrupted her, he would have control over her. And Cross didn't know much about Scooter, but he had a feeling she didn't like being controlled. Or... no... he didn't think she COULD be controlled. He snapped back to reality as Scooter spoke.

"I cannot stay, everyone. I have someone who's waiting for me..."

He jumped as Scooter turned and ripped a hole into the air. The Omega Timeline. Scooter pulled her hood up. She turned back to Cross.

"Thank you for keeping me company."

Cross blinked before giving a small nod. "Yeah... sure..." He said softly. He watched as she turned and disappeared into the hole, it stitching itself up behind her. He blinked and became aware of his new situation.

Nightmare bristled at Dream, clearly angry. "I would've had her!! Why'd you open your DAMN mouth?!" He snarled. Dream had tears in his eyes.

"It wouldn't have worked! And you just would infinitely prolong her suffering!" Dream protested, shaking quietly. Both of them were in defensive positions. Cross's eyes widened as he drew his dagger.

This was not good.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now