Different Perspectives

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The skeleton blinked. Something had changed. He looked up. The air felt different. He focused back on the child in front of him, sending out more bone attacks. He couldn't let the child leave. His brother would kill them. Why did they even want to leave so badly? The skeleton didn't understand. He sent out another, the dark blue hood on his skull shifting back a bit. It was connected to his dark blue robes, which reached the floor. The royal crest was on his chest.

He froze as the world around him suddenly went grey. The child had been moving forward, ready to attack with their stick. They were frozen, mid jump. The skeleton heard fizzling. He looked past the child, down the hallway where they'd come from.

Someone else was moving. Immediately, the skeleton tensed. This... this looked like the human child. He furrowed his brow. "Halt!" He commanded. The figure did. The skeleton studied them with glowing blue eyes. He was uneasy. They looked... human! Another one? He blinked in shock. This one... didn't feel right.

There was an aura of nothingness around them. The kind of feeling where one had lost every kind of motivation or will to keep living. Proactively the opposite of the DETERMINATION his brother was trying to get from the human souls. But beneath that, the skeleton could sense an aura of pain. Heavy pain. The kind of pain that was emotional, physical, and mental, all blended together into a heaviness.

The skeleton tensed as the human reached up with rings glinting on pale, freckled fingers and pushed back a red, yellow-furred hood to rest on their black leather coat. Dull, deadened grey eyes blinked from an emotionless face. Ribbon was tied chokingly tight around their neck, almost covered by a silvery white scarf. Piercings glinted on their ears underneath long, frizzled grey hair with orange tips.

They wore black boots and grey jeans with a gold chain. Female. The skeleton stared at them in shock. He'd never seen such an old human fall down here. Usually, the humanwere children, but this one seemed like a young adult.

He was wary. "Who are you? Are you another human?" He asked, his voice uneasy. He glanced at the still-frozen child. He furrowed his brow. "Did you do this?" The female took a deep breath, not having been breathing prior to that. Her eyes seemed to stare through him, not really focusing on him.

"My name... is Scooter, Alter."

Immediately, the skeleton froze. The only one who called him that was Ink. That meant this human was from the Multiverse. It confirmed his assumption as her body suddenly glitched. Alter furrowed his brow. He'd never heard of this human. He stopped as she continued to speak.

"I did do this."

Her voice was quiet and broken, like she wasn't used to using it. Alter couldn't help but let his gaze drift down to the ribbon around her neck. Something about that made him uneasy. His soul was pounding. Her voice was so monotonous and void of emotion. Everything that Scooter was presenting, was exactly the opposite of what Alter's brother believed humans had.

"What is your business here?" He asked quickly. Scooter blinked slowly at him, her eyes moving to meet his. He'd never felt more unnerved. Even though she was looking right at him, it was like she couldn't see him at all.

"I crave death."

Alter froze. "That... that is not a good thing to crave, Scooter!! Surely, there is something else I can interest you in!" He exclaimed. He was shocked. Scooter blinked at him and instantly, her eyes seemed to focus and actually see him. He jumped a bit.

"I am in so much pain, Alter. I just want it to end."

Alter blinked. "Then I'll heal you! There's no need to instantly turn to death as your alternative!" He said quickly. Scooter shook her head.

"Healing does not work. It has been tried."

What? Alter tried to think desperately. He flinched as Scooter suddenly tipped her head and horrible grounding noise erupted from her neck. He instantly reached up and felt his own neck, eyesockets wide.

"Please kill me."

The request was simple, yet the most alarming thing anyone had ever asked Alter for. He stared at her in shock before shaking his head. Scooter blinked and looked down. All of a sudden, she raised her hand, pointing towards the child. Her hand began to glow and Alter's eyes widened.

Without thinking, he shot a bone from the ground, impaling the older human. He immediately retracted it, his eyes wide as he covered his mouth. "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed. Scooter dropped to her knees with a gaping hole in her chest. Her face didn't seem to change as she stared down at it, blood beginning to trickle from her slightly parted lips.

Alter jumped as she glitched and the hole disappeared, leaving her good as new. She raised an arm and wiped the blood from her mouth before pushing herself back to her feet.

"As I thought."

Alter was wide-eyed. Scooter sounded so disappointed. She blinked and looked up at him with unfocused eyes once more. It struck him for a moment, how corpse-like the other seemed. She sighed.

"Where is... Toriel?"

At the mention of his friend's name, Alter immediately froze. "She won't kill you." He said quickly. Scooter blinked at him. "She promised me she wouldn't kill any humans-"


"What?" Alter was slightly taken back. He took a step back as Scooter raised a hand, her soul appearing. He shook. Her soul was shattered into fragments, all forming the shape of a heart. They were both crimson and pitch-black. Scooter spoke in a hushed, almost angry voice.

"Do I look human to you?"

Alter shook in place. "She... she won't..." He said quietly. Scooter blinked at him before reaching down. He eyes widened as she revealed two revolvers and pulled them out. She pointed one at him, and one at the human.

Alter yelped as the world suddenly seemed to regain color and the human slowly went back into motion. He shrieked as Scooter pulled the trigger, sending a bullet through the child's head. The child flew to the side and collapsed limp, on the ground, their soul shattering. The world went grey again and Alter stared around in terror.

Scooter turned the guns both to him. Her eyes lit up red and she blew out both of his lower legs, forcing him on his knees. Tears ran from his eyesockets as she held one gun right to his head. "Please don't." He whispered. Scooter blinked at him, the red glow in her eyes fading.

"I have no choice."

Alter screwed his eyes shut in terror and Scooter sighed. She pulled the trigger. The Ruins went silent as there was a loud gunshot, along with a crack. A thump soon followed, but was quickly swallowed by the eerie silence.

Then, there were footsteps.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now