Absolute Truth

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"So... she's a g-g-g-glitch?" Error asked quietly, sitting across from Ink. Blue sat next to him, his legs tucked to himself and his eyes wide. Ink paused before looking down and nodding.

"I... yeah... I think so..." He said, his brush tucked behind him. "We've... tried everything..." He put his head in his hands. "Nothing is working... I mean, a lot of us don't want her to die... I mean, CLEARLY she's our friend and all but...!" He sighed and looked away. "I-I just want her to be happy...even if that means..." He trailed off and looked down at the ground.

Ink laid his head in his hand, clearly conflicted and Error stared at him. He felt a twinge of dismay and reached out to the other. He paused and quickly pulled his hand back, his face lighting up as he wondered what the hell he'd been about to do. He heard Blue giggle and shot the small skeleton a glare, which only seemed to make him laugh harder. Ink noticed and raised his head, seeming confused.

"I... I should probably go find her." Ink stood up with a huff and Error quickly glitched to his feet. He blinked at Ink before giving a shrug.

"I-I-I -I can help you." He said. Ink blinked at him in shock and Error stared back, his face lighting up a bit. Ink broke into a smile and Error blinked at some rainbow blush on the other's pale cheeks.

"Really, Glitchy?!" He squealed excitedly. He laughed quietly and opened his arms before pausing. Error sighed and nodded. He jumped a bit as Ink tackled him in a hug. He blushed as the other pulled back. "This better not be a joke!" He said sternly. Error scowled and shook his head. Ink pulled away and smiled. "Good! Because I'll destroy you in the INK of an eye if it is!" He giggled and turned away. Error was wide-eyed.

He blinked and turned to Blue. "Y-Y-Y-You'll be okay if I leave you here for a bit, right?" Blue rolled his eyes and Error stared at him. Error was well aware he asked that all the time when he was about to leave. But this time was especially important now that Blue's soul was free from his strings.

"I'll be fine!" Blue said, nodding as he promised Error in a cheerful voice. Error nodded and turned to Ink. Ink smiled and reached out, holding out his hand. Error sighed and took it before yelping as Ink suddenly turned and whipped out his brush. He watched as Ink made a large, black splatter mark on thin air before he jumped, pulling Error through.

Ink smiled. Error looked up and froze. Millions of papers dangled around him on golden strings, showing millions of AU's. Error twitched, forcing himself to ignore them. He hated this. "Welcome to the Doodle Sphere! It's beautiful, isn't it?" Error knew it was indeed beautiful, but his fingers were just absolutely ITCHING to destroy everything. He nodded and blinked as Ink started to move around, checking each and every paper. He never touched them, but continued to check the fronts and backs.

Error could pick out tons of AU's. He could see Underfell, Littletale, Endertale... He scowled. He stopped as he focused on one. Flowerfell. He turned and saw a page that was crumpled and torn around the edges. A large X marked it. "X-tale." He said softly. Ink froze before nodding and continuing to look around. He roamed through the papers, hissing when they touched him. He blinked as he noticed one. His skull prickled a bit.

Underswap. The paper was curling up on itself. Error furrowed his brow and pointed at it. "Squid." He stated. Ink blinked and looked over at him, confused. Error gestured to the paper once again. "Is it supposed to be d-d-d-d-doing that?" He asked, his head twitching to the right. Ink followed his finger and his gaze fixed on the paper. Immediately, his eyes widened.

"No." He said quickly. He moved over to it and stared around it. "Something is off in the Timeline." Error stared at him. Ink suddenly seemed to realize something. "It does that when there's something that's not supposed to be in the timeline." He quickly whipped out his brush. "That's where Scooter must be."

He slashed the paper with his brush, opening the AU before turning to Error with a huge smile and holding out a paint-splattered, skeletal hand. "Are you coming?"

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now