One Quick Meal

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The man of flame looked up as the bell on his door ran. He was washing a glass. A figure stood in the door. He recognized her. This was the one who Sans had been with. What was her name? Scooter? Scooter. Grillby's flaming fingers tapped the glass lightly. What an odd name.

He watched as she moved. He didn't like the way she moved. She shuffled from place to place, like she was constantly harboring some secret injury. It made him uncomfortable with the aura of pain that always surrounded her. He watched as she made her way over to a back booth, before sitting down and placing her head into her arms as she leaned against the table. Her hood covered her. Grillby sighed and moved out from behind the counter before making his way over.

He blinked as her body seemed to fizzle and his own crackled uncertainly in response. He reached out and tapped the table gently. She didn't move at first. Finally, she lifted her head and a single dull grey eye fixed on him. Grillby blinked and tipped his head.

Scooter sighed and raised her head, her face unchanging. Grillby blinked before moving his hands. Food? He asked in sign language. To Grillby's surprise, Scooter's pale hand signed back yes. He asked what she would like. Once again, she also responded in sign and stated she would just like some fries.

He nodded, but before he could move away, she signed again. Wait. She signed the word quietly and Grillby stopped, waiting as she requested. She shook her head and signed to him that she had no money to pay him. Grillby blinked before shrugging and signing to her comfortingly.

I'll put it on Sans' tab. He signed with a soft, glowing grin. Scooter blinked at him before sighing and nodding. She thanked him quietly with a single hand and he nodded. He appreciated that they could have a full conversation without speaking.

Grillby made his way back behind the counter. The diner was quiet. She was his only customer right now. Not even Sans had dropped in. Grillby cooked her fries quickly before pausing. He turned and sent up a cracking noise. She blinked and looked over at him. He signed, asking if she wanted anything with her fries.

Scooter shook her head. Grillby nodded and finished, bringing them over to her. He placed them in front of her with a nod and she sighed, thanking him with a soft, emotionless breath. Grillby paused as Scooter reached up towards her neck. A Ribbon was tied around it now, as opposed to the rope Grillby had seen earlier. Wait. Grillby pictured the smaller human that had been there with Sans earlier. That little human had had a rope wrapped around them like a sash. Had that been Scooter's rope?

He flickered in curiosity before blinking as Scooter sighed. She turned to look up at him. She signed that she ate very messily and that she would happily clean up after herself. Grillby blinked and signed that it was okay. She shook her head. Her next words alarmed him.

I bleed when I eat. Scooter signed. Grillby was taken back as Scooter nodded. She sighed and looked up at him, signing that she would ty to be quiet and not gross him out too much.

Grillby quickly signed back that her eating couldn't possibly be as messy as Greater Dog. For a moment, Scooter blinked at him, her face unchanging. Grillby felt a bit awkward before he saw a flash of green in her full eyes and her lips faintly twitched a smile.

"... S'pose not..."

She spoke quietly. Her voice was raspy and quiet. She sounded faintly amused and Grillby gave a soft smile himself. The glint disappeared as she sighed and turned to the front, reaching up. Grillby moved back as she began to untie the ribbon.

Grillby went back behind the counter and began to wash it. He jumped as there was cracking noise and looked over, wide-eyed. He froze. Scooter's head had snapped to the side, revealing a broken spine sticking out of her skin. He watched as she lifted a hand and cringed as she placed her head back on her neck. He turned to respect her privacy, but wanted to see what she meant. He watched as she took a bite of fry and gulped. He jumped as blood spattered from the side of her neck, covering some of the fries and the table. She gave a shaky sigh as blood ran down her chin.

Grillby couldn't even imagine how much that hurt. He continued to wash the countertop quietly. Finally, after several minutes and painful choking noises, Grillby heard her take her last gulp and heard the plate clatter. He looked over and stopped.

Scooter was shaking as blood ran down her fingers and from her mouth. Her shirt was stained and the table was dark with blood. The plate was spattered with red. She closed her eyes. Grillby jumped as she seemed to glitch and the blood disappeared from her neck. She stared around. She looked up at Grillby and shuffled over with the plate and her ribbon.

She held the ribbon out, her head tilting dangerously. Grillby seemed to understand and took the ribbon gently before wrapping it around her neck. He assumed it had to be extremely tight and tied it as so. He pulled back and she nodded, thanking him softly before glancing back at the table.

"Hy... Hydrogen Peroxide...?"

Grillby blinked. She sighed and placed the plate down. He nodded and went under the counter. He handed her a spray bottle and some paper towels. She thanked him. Grillby watched as she moved away and cleaned the table quietly.

Grillby blinked as she came back and he put everything away. He blinked as she sat at the counter. Her hands lifted before she looked him in the face and slowly lowered her hands. She took a deep breath.

"Thank you... for the meal... Grillby."

Grillby blinked before nodding and taking her hand. He nodded once and she blinked, tipping her head.

"Such a gentleman..."

She slowly pulled away and moved towards the door. She pulled her hood up and turned away. Grillby watched as she disappeared out the door and left him alone in the diner.

Grillby sighed and went back to cleaning the counters.

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