In Charge

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Ink hummed to himself as he floated through the white space. He emerged into the Doodle Sphere. The place where he liked to keep all of his AU's. Golden thread held each individual AU. It made him so happy to see them all. "Hello, everyone!" He said cheerfully, even though he knew none of them could actually hear him. He drifted around to each AU, checking if everything was still in order. One of the paper's twitched. It was a barely noticeable movement. A slight lift of a corner. Ink blinked and quickly moved over to it. He waved his hand and opened it. Oh. Dusttale. That AU always gave him chills. Dust was fighting his human again. That was odd. The human never usually made it that far into the Underground. They were in Snowdin instead of fighting in front of the Ruins, like they always did.

That was odd. Ink shrugged and continued to move around to each of the papers. Finally, once he'd finished checking them all, he sighed and laid back, taking a quick breather as he floated. He blinked as more golden strings appeared, new papers forming at the end of them. He smiled. The Creators were quite a bunch, he had to hand it to them.

Finally, he sighed and opened the paper that would lead him back into the Omega Timeline. He had to talk to someone. He knew they were here. He stepped through and shut it, walking along an invisible ground in a pure white space. "INK!! WHAT'S UP, BROSKI?!" Ink prepared himself and was ready for when he felt someone tackle him. He laughed and turned to look at one of the more brightly dressed skeletons. This was Fresh, the Sans from the hidden AU of Underfresh. No one really knew why he would hang out in the Void, rather than his own AU, but they didn't really question it. Fresh frequented the Omega Timeline and most of them just simply accepted that he was there. Fresh fixed his sunglasses, reading YOLO. Ink found that the letters on Fresh's glasses often changed to fit his thoughts. It was fascinating. Besides, it was usually fun hanging out with Fresh because he was always in a good mood. "What's the dealio??"

Ink turned to face him. He paused for a moment as Fresh tipped his head. He was somewhat hesitant to tell Fresh. Fresh knew about Scooter, but every time she was mentioned, it seemed to put him in the dumps for a bit. Ink sighed. "There's been another sighting of her." Immediately, the letters on Fresh's sunglasses changed to OH NO. His smile faded and he tucked his hands in his pockets. He sighed too.

"That's no good, man." He said, seeming downfallen. Ink swore internally at himself. Fresh gave a grin and his glasses changed once again to read BUT HEY! "At least we know she's still up and around. Maybe we'll actually catch the dissipating dudette for once!" He laughed a bit and Ink smiled. He did enjoy Fresh's enthusiasm. Ink nodded.

"I think we've figured out a way to track her, but it's a bit of a risk." Ink said. Fresh blinked. "I'm not gonna be around for a bit so I can't watch over this. I figured since you're here all the time, I could have you watch over the Omega Timeline for me!" Despite Fresh's playful, childish demeanor, the other knew his way around. Ink couldn't think of anyone better for the job. He watched with a smile as Fresh lit up.

Fresh's glasses seemed to go through a series of words before finally finally seeming to settle on YES CAP'N. He saluted to Ink, with a huge grin. "I won't disappoint, my colorful comrade!" Ink smiled and nodded. He waved goodbye to Fresh before turning and opening the paper back to the Doddle Sphere. He disappeared inside and started to search through the papers as the hole closed behind him. He knew which AU he needed, but it was always changing locations on a whim. Finally, he came across a crumpled, blank paper with a single red X across it. He sighed.


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