Not Your Fight

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Sans moved through Waterfall, not having to see the kid until Judgement Hall. He'd already pranked them with his red-eyed telescope. He whistled through closed teeth. Maybe Shyren was nearby and they could do a kind of duet together. He blinked as he felt a sudden unease and stopped. He knew who it was. What was she doing here? He turned. "Might have to make sure she's not causing any trouble..." He murmured. He turned and followed the tension. It led him to a field of echo flowers. He stopped. That was... eerie.

The usually chatty, glowing flowers were all completely silent. Sans hated that. He blinked and looked around. He followed the tension until he jumped at a loud noise. Was that...? Immediately, Sans teleported towards the noise, his eyesockets wide. That was a gunshot. He appeared on a hidden ledge. He knew this ledge. This ledge led to... He stopped as he stared. The door. The door that was never open. It was hidden in a lower part of Waterfall. The door was wide-open. Sans immediately went over and looked inside. He yelped as Scooter suddenly came out from the door.

"Scooter! What're yo-" He stopped. Scooter was staggering. He watched as she turned to him, her entire bottom jaw missing and blood dripping from her torn open mouth. Her tongue lolled out of her upper jaw. Sans stared at her in shock. She glitched and her jaw returned as she sighed.

"I... don't want to fight..."

She sounded emotionless as ever. Sans blinked. Fight? Who was she fighting?! He turned and looked into the room before his entire skeletal structure froze up. Oh. Oh no... Sans blinked as Gaster turned to him in all of his shadowy horror. The other's body had long melted into liquid shadow. His eyes pierced Sans'. Sans hated seeing Gaster. He didn't think he would ever see him in real life. He'd only ever seen Gaster in his nightmares. Watching.

Sans moved in front of Scooter, his eyesocket lighting up. Gaster tipped his goopy head and made a gurgling noise. Black, shadowy tentacles wriggled up from behind him. Sans jumped as they shot towards him, not able to react fast enough. There was a crunch and Sans felt something wet spatter him. He blinked and looked up as Scooter coughed. She'd moved in front of him, being impaled through multiple parts of her body. He flinched as the tentacles yanked back with a crunch and she dropped.

Sans was wide-eyed. He turned to Gaster as his gaster blasters immediately appeared behind him. He sent out beams of light, hoping to disperse the goopy menace. Sans blinked in shock as Gaster simply stretched to avoid the beams, forming abstracts shapes with his body before reverting back to the goopy pile. Gaster gurgled and seemed to clear his throat. He made a series of garbling noises. Sans froze. He knew exactly what Gaster was saying, and apparently, so did Scooter.

"A nEw ElEmEnT hAs BeEn aDdEd..."

A new element? Sans furrowed his brow before yelping as Scooter suddenly yanked him backwards. She stared at Gaster with dead eyes and spoke in a dead tone, but her body was tense. Sans could feel it.

"Do not touch him. Your quarrel is with me."

Sans froze. Oh. HE was the new element. Whatever Gaster was trying to get Scooter to do, he'd probably just made it worse by showing up. His eyesockets widened as Gaster held up his hands and six different gaster blasters formed behind him before opening their mouths. Sans flinched as Scooter whipped around, blocking him with her body. The blasters went off and Sans felt them both get blasted backwards. He was being pushed back into the rock wall and could feel immense heat inches away from him.

Finally, it stopped. He shook as he opened his eyes. Scooter was leaned over him. She slowly turned to face Gaster with a cracking noise and Sans covered his mouth in shock. Her back was burnt black and he could see part of her spine. She glitched and it was good as new again.

"I do not want to fight you, but I will not just go with you willingly."

Scooter stated this firmly and Sans was confused. Where was Gaster trying to take Scooter? Sans jumped as Gaster spoke in his garbled, twisted speech again.

"THeN, I WiLl KiLl hIm..."

Sans felt himself freeze. Scooter stared at Gaster calmly.

"You risk the game if you do."

Gaster shrugged and Sans saw Scooter's body tense. She spoke quietly.

"Then, it would appear I have no choice but to fight you..."

As she spoke, Sans took a step back. A red outline was separating from Scooter's body. Above her, glowing red bullets were forming in waves. She twitched and Sans stopped as Scooter spoke again.

"You know, I've been DYING to learn how to do your 'gaster blaster' trick!"

Sans shivered. That didn't sound right. Scooter sounded cocky and taunting. But mostly, Scooter still didn't sound... alive. Above her, the bullets were starting to pack together, forming a shape. Sans became chilled as he realized what it was. The bullets had packed themselves into the crude shape of a gaster blaster.

"I think I figured it out!"

Scooter giggled and once again, it sounded wrong. Sans took another step back and Scooter seemed to jump before she turned to face him. He stopped, eyes wide. Her eyes had lit up with a red glow and a twisted smile was on her face. The red outline that shadowed her held a smile as well. Sans was struck with what it actually was.

This wasn't Scooter. This was Scooter's DETERMINATION. But, ONLY her DETERMINATION. Other than the red glow, her eyes were still glassy and dead. Sans blinked. This was dangerous. To be a being purely made of DETERMINATION was dangerous. It was like Chara. Except, Chara wasn't this deadly. Scooter smiled as her improvised gaster blaster opened its jaws. A red glow started to light up deep in its mouth, flames licking the outside air.

Scooter sighed as she pulled off her leather coat and tied it around her waist, revealing a black sweatshirt over her red hoodie. She smiled and pointed towards Gaster. Sans had never heard a more delirious phrase as Scooter giggled.

"Dance with me, Doctor! It'll be fun!"

She gave a twisted grin.

"Like a dance with DEATH!"

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now