Broken Promises

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Ink stared at Scooter with wide eyes. This was exactly the meeting he didn't want, but... He glanced at Blue next to him. Blue was safe. He watched as Scooter pulled down her hood and fixed dead eyes on Error. Ink saw the other's body glitch for a moment, as if afraid. Ink gulped and took a step forward.

"Scooter...?" He said quietly. He shook for a moment as those lifeless eyes fixed on him. "It's me... Ink... do you remember me?" Slowly, Scooter gave a nod. She turned back to Error. Ink was right next to him now. He noticed how tense the other was. Error's fingertips were already lit up blue, though no strings had appeared yet.

"You are Error...?"

"Y-y-y-Yeah...? Who's asking?" Error asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. He was still in a defensive position, ready to attack at any moment. Scooter blinked at him.

"I need you to kill me."

Immediately, Error's body glitched and he furrowed his brow. What? She WANTED him to kill her?? He stared at her for a moment, briefly thinking it was a joke before one look at her quickly told him that she wasn't the joking type. He lowered his hands. "I-I would, b-b-b-b-But-"

Error had glanced at Ink before stopping as Ink spoke. "I'll allow you to. But only for her." Error stared at him in shock. What?? What was so important about this human that she HAD to be killed?! He stared at Ink before scowling.

"N-N-N-No! I sense your g-g-g-game, Ink! Y-y-y-you'll let me destroy her... b-b-b-But then you'll expect me to let y-y-you create some ABOMINATION in return!!" He glared at Ink. Ink seemed surprised before a look of dismay crossed his face and Error was taken back.

"No, Error. I... won't create anything you don't like. I just want her to have happiness." He gestured to Scooter, who still stood, calmly watching them. Error stared at him, his glitching eyes repeatedly scanning the other, trying to figure out if it was a trick or not. Ink held up his hands, shaking his head. "I promise."

Error blinked. He glanced at Scooter, then Ink, back to Scooter, and his gaze settled on Ink. "... You'll l-l-let me destroy her?" Ink nodded, seeming pained. Error was still hesitant. "You... expect n-n-n-n-no repayment...?" Ink nodded again. Error usually couldn't tell, but this time, Ink was genuine. He just wanted Scooter to be happy.

Error turned to Scooter and a wicked grin glitched across his face. "W-W-W-Well?" He held out his hands. Scooter blinked and nodded before lifting one of her own. A glow appeared in her chest. Ink saw Error glitch in shock and heard Blue cry out. Scooter's soul was now shown, still just as shattered as the last time he'd saw it.

"Oh stars!!" Blue gasped behind him. Error seemed to finally finish processing its appearance before sending out strings. The strings wrapped around a few pieces and Error tugged them. The entire soul moved forward with the pieces. Error furrowed his brow.

Error raised the soul in the air before he sent up more strings. Strings were attached to every piece of her soul. Error gulped and locked eyes with Scooter. Was that... hope? He shivered and refocused on the soul. This was it.

Error yanked downwards. There were several sharp snapping noises and Error watched in shock as his strings snapped. What?! He tried again, with the same result. He watched as pieces of his string drifted down and settled on the floor. He quickly retracted them, staring at her in utter horror. "What are y-y-y-you?"

Scooter blinked and raised her hand. The soul floated back to her. She absorbed it back and sighed. They all jumped as she shuddered and the last of her orange tips in her hair disappeared under grey. "Oh no..." Ink murmured. Scooter had lost all hope. "Scooter..." He stopped as she raised a hand, shaking her head.

Scooter stared at the ground. Her face was calm and emotionless, but tears poured down from her blank eyes like an endless river. She sighed.

"... as I thought..."

Before Ink could stop her, she turned and ripped her way back into the Omega Timeline, disappearing as the hole stitched itself up. Ink stared after her in dismay. Error seemed to unfreeze and turned to Ink with wide eyes.


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