Fun & Games

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The man sighed. He laid back in the grass, resting underneath a tree. It was peaceful here. He blinked open blue eyes and blew white hair out of a pale face. He blinked a couple times before listening. He kept his hands tucked in the pockets of his his blue hoodie. He wore black shorts with a white stripe and white socks with pink slippers. A white T-Shirt covered him. His hair was messy, as it always was. He remained quiet, staring up at the sky as white clouds slowly moved along the blue sky. He blinked as he heard something moving through the grass and turned.

The little goat monster next to him huffed, seeming upset that he'd foiled their surprise attack on him. He gave a grin. "No, wait, I'll pretend I didn't notice." He turned his head back, closing his eyes. "See?" He opened them as he heard a soft, disappointed bleating noise. He sat up, sighing. "Sorry, kiddo." The little monster crossed their arms. They wore a striped sweater and black shorts over their white-furred body. The man and his brother could really only identify it as some strange little goat creature. They knew it was a monster. It had brown, bobbed hair. For some reason, it always kept its eyes closed. Sans didn't mind.

For now, everything was alright. The little monster was on its Pacifist Route. He knew it would have to leave soon. The man grunted as he sat up some more, staring towards where grey clouds gathered over the woods in the distance. That was Snowdin. Where he'd met the little monster. He blinked and looked over at them. They seemed content. The man chuckled. Where was his brother?

He blinked as he almost immediately received an answer upon the calling of another man's voice. He turned. The first man was in his late twenties, the new man being in his early twenties. The new man was taller and thinner. "Sans!" He called. The first man blinked and gave a grin.

"What's up, bro?" He asked lazily. The new man huffed and crossed his arms. He had pale skin and white hair as well, but orange eyes. His white hair was neat and pushed back. He wore a black, skintight body suit and a baggy blue crop top over it, along with baggy blue shorts. He wore red gloves to match his red boots and red scarf. He usually received looks, but Sans would shut that down extremely fast. He didn't tolerate people making fun of his brother.

"You know what's 'up', brother!!" The second man said, stomping further around the tree. He stopped as he saw the little goat monster and a smile lit up his face. "Little Goat!" He said excitedly. The little monster turned their head to face him. He came around and picked the little monster up, placing them around his shoulders. Sans smiled. He loved watching the two get along.

"Yo, Papyrus. Did you take the kid to get some Ice Cream yet?" He asked, tipping his head. His brother gasped and the little monster gripped his head.

"What an excellent idea!! Come, little goat! Let us get some Ice Cream!" He said excitedly before they took off towards Snowdin. Sans waved after them, chuckling. He sighed and laid back against the grassy hill. He laid there for a few moments, feeling the grass tickle his skin. He blinked as he became aware of a chill. That was odd. Usually this area was far enough from the chill of the perpetually snowy Snowdin. He blinked open his eyes and stopped.

The grass had frozen against his skin. The wind was no longer blowing. He furrowed his brow and sat up. The entire world had gone grey. He sat up, moving the grass and forcing it to move out of his way. He stared around, his eyes wide. That wasn't right. He quickly stood up. He froze as he heard the grass swish behind him. He whipped around. Another person stood next to the tree, a pale, freckled hand resting on the grey bark. They looked about the height of Papyrus. Sans tensed.

The person was female. She blinked at him with grey eyes. He didn't like those eyes. They were glassy and dull. Like a dead body. Sans hated that. She had long, grey hair with orange tips and piercings on her ears. Rings shone on her fingers and a chain hung from the belt on her grey skinny jeans. It looked like it might had been gold once, but the gold was wearing away into a tired copper. She wore black combat boots and a black sweatshirt over a red hoodie with yellow fur on the hood. She wore a black, leather coat. A silvery white scarf laid on her shoulders and Sans froze as he saw her neck. "Uh, Hey..." He started in alarm, seeing how tightly the ribbon around her neck was tied. Didn't that hurt?? How could she breathe??

She seemed unfazed by the ribbon, her face completely void of any kind of emotion. Sans shivered. She let off an aura of pain, underneath a heavy feeling of nothingness. She didn't even seem to be breathing. It was like he was looking at a wax statue. Sans shivered and took a step back. He furrowed his brow. "Who-" He stopped in shock as part of her body suddenly seemed to fizzle and glitch. She returned, still staring.

She looked Papyrus' age physically, but looking into her eyes, Sans felt like she was much, MUCH older. He was uneasy. Who was this? He didn't recognize her. Then again, he didn't really meet the same people every RESET. There were too many humans for that. But he definitely figured she wasn't the type of person you would randomly meet in public. She slowly raised her head, fixing her deadened gaze on him. He jumped as she took a deep breath, something in her throat rattling.

"Sans... I presume..."

Sans froze. He gave an uncertain smile. "Yup." He said, still uneasy. How did she know his name...? Was she possibly one of Papyrus' odd friends? He doubted it. She nodded. Her voice sounded broken and raspy. Unused. He tucked his hands in his pockets. He took a step forward and she blinked, looking down. He approached her and held out his hand. "I'm Sans... Papyrus' older brother. I take it you're one of my brother's friends." He gave a friendly smile, despite the unease he felt with her.

The woman blinked and reached out slowly. She suddenly took his hand and turned it over, revealing the whoopee cushion. Sans jumped. He'd forgotten about that. He heard her give an emotionless scoff. "Oh! Uh... the ol' whoopee cushion in the hand trick..." He rambled quickly. He rubbed the back of his head nervously, smiling. "It's always funny."

It struck him as she seemed to recognize those words, mouthing them softly along with him as he spoke them. He drew his hand back. "Yeah... so what's your name...?" He prompted. He was honestly so freaked out. The woman blinked before looking up at him.


Sans blinked. "Sounds like you like to travel." He said, chuckling a bit. She seemed unamused and simply blinked at him. Sans felt extremely awkward and felt his face heat up. "So... how do you know my bro? You guys know each other long?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

On one hand, he couldn't see how Papyrus would be friends with someone like this. But at the same time, he completely understood. Papyrus would have totally befriended an emotionless loner. Why wouldn't he? Sans continued to smile awkwardly. Finally, Scooter took a deep breath.

"We've met... many places... He's a constant presence... wherever I go..."

Sans blinked. "So you guys have known each other for a while! How have I never heard even a little about you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Scooter blinked. Sans was becoming increasingly uneasy and he couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't telling him the truth. She sighed and took another breath.

"Because he hasn't met me yet."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now