Insatiable Bloodlust

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Killer struggled up, gasping. Scooter grinned and kicked him back down onto the ground. She seemed to enjoy hearing his ribs crack. He could hear Blue crying. Killer had quickly found out that the bullets Scooter formed would speed out at him, as if shot by a real gun. The shotgun shells, were incredibly damaging to him. He struggled to look up and stared directly into her glowing red eyes. He could only see out of one of his own. Just barely.

Scooter leaned over him, grinning. Killer furrowed his brow, squinting. There was a thin outline right next to her. It glowed orange and red. It smiled at him too. He knew what it was. He didn't think something like her could even have DETERMINATION. He gasped as she kicked him again, sending him flying. He hit the doors and crumpled in front of them.

Killer didn't understand. She could hit him and cause heavy damage. But when he damaged her, she just glitched it off and kept attacking. He gasped, black liquid pouring from his mouth. Scooter began to approach him again, but Blue stumbled in front of him and held out his arms. "S-S-Stop!! Scooter... please...!" He cried, shaking. Scooter stopped in her tracks, blinking at him.  She seemed both annoyed and confused.


She demanded this angrily, seeming outraged. Blue shook his head, standing his ground. "Please..." He begged weakly. Killer saw the small skeleton's hands curl into fists. For a moment,  Scooter gave him a blank stare. Killer felt fear jolt through his body and his soul wavered. She was crazy. She would kill the puny skeleton.

Killer watched quietly. Scooter blinked before nodding and her eyes suddenly dispersed their glow, returning to grey. Her emotions seemed to disappear with the glow. Killer felt a bit more at ease as he watched her DETERMINATION vanish. She sighed and relaxed. Blue seemed to relax too, letting out a shaky breath. She approached him and he let out a whimper, taking a step back. She leaned down and reached out, holding his head gently. Her hands lit up green and Blue cried out as the crack on his head slowly closed with a splintering noise. Killer flinched. Blue pulled away and looked around. The light in his eye socket wasn't coming back and Scooter sighed.

She lifted her hand and her coat reappeared back on her. She sighed. She moved past Killer and went inside the palace, the doors making a loud creaking noise. Killer remained on the ground, his breathing shallow. Blue saw him and leaned next to him shakily. "I-I'm so sorry..." He whispered out. Killer blinked. What did he mean? Didn't Killer try to kill him? Why was he being nice? He was too weak to lash out as Blue reached out and held his soul. The target was oddly squished, unable to keep its round form. Blue's gloves were almost comforting. That really pissed Killer off.

Killer was in pain. He blinked at Blue, who stared at him. "I-I can try to help..." He whispered out quietly. Killer shook his head before crying out in pain again. Blue seemed dismayed and huffed. "This isn't an argument! The Magnificent Sans WILL help you!" He said firmly. Killer stared at him, not understanding why this puny skeleton was trying to help him.

"Leave... me... alone!" He growled and managed to shove Blue away. Blue stared at him, wide-eyed. Despite his pain, Killer struggled up and growled at him. He laid against the wall. He was missing a part of his leg and several of his ribs fell out onto the ground, shattering into dust. His skull was fractured. "Go. Follow your freak friend."

Blue started to protest and Killer snarled. "GO!! I DON'T WANT YOUR PITY!! GET OUT OF HERE!!" Blue yelped as a knife flew past him and he stared at Killer with tears in his eyes before backing up and fleeing through the door. Killer glared after him for a few moments before flinching and leaning against the wall. It hurt.

Killer closed his eyes and sighed, dust leaving his mouth.

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