Family Visits

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Geno blinked as he heard a new noise. It had been a while. He wasn't exactly sure how long, but it was safe for him to assume it had been a couple days. He was hesitant to turn around, especially after what he'd just witnessed. "Geno!!" He blinked and immediately turned with a smile. Goth blinked up at him before hugging him. Geno chuckled softly and hugged him back. He looked up as Reaper drifted through the hole from the Omega Timeline.

"Hello, Genø..." Reaper purred, floating down in front of the other. Geno scowled, some bright blue tinting his bony cheeks. He heard Goth giggle. He looked down at the small skelechild, his eye full of affection. Neither him or Reaper were really sure how he'd gotten there, but they didn't really mind. Goth was adorable, after all. He had a red scarf, like Geno, and one of his eyes was always pitch black. He wore an outfit similar to Reaper's, except his robes were white. He wore slippers, but they always were changing color.

Reaper stared at Geno before tipping his head. "What's wrøng?" Geno blinked. He hated when Reaper read him like a book. He shook his head, giving Reaper the "I'll-tell-you-later" look. Reaper glanced down at Goth before seeming to understand and nodding. He gave a crooked grin. "Høpe yøu døn't mind, but Ink is cøming by with Palette later." At the mention of Palette's name, Geno felt Goth's grip tighten on his jacket. He looked down at the smaller, noticing the purple blush.

Geno nodded and sighed, seeming like he was annoyed. Secretly, he liked when a lot of people were there. "I guess that's fine..." He said quietly. Reaper blinked before chuckling. He reached out towards Geno with a hand and Goth quickly let out a protest. Reaper paused right before touching Geno, who was wide-eyed. Reaper sighed and Geno could hear the disappointment in his breath. Geno felt it tug at his chest. He knew Reaper just wanted to be able to touch him. Honestly, he just wanted to be able to touch Reaper too. He snapped back to reality as he realized he was staring at Reaper and went bright blue.

"Geno, are you okay?" Goth spoke up in concern. Geno sighed, nodding. He felt his blush fade as his mind became preoccupied again. Reaper's bony fingers could end his life with a single tap. But Scooter... Why couldn't they kill Scooter? He jumped as someone snapped their fingers in front of him. He blinked and looked up, startled.

"Yøu seem really øut of it tøday, baby..." Reaper stared at him. Geno felt himself blush a bit at the pet name. He shook his head, muttering that he was fine. Reaper frowned. "C'møn, Genø. The tension is absølutely KILLING me!!" He gave another crooked grin and Geno couldn't help but a crack a small smile too.

"Later." He said firmly. Reaper nodded. Geno picked up Goth, who yelped. "So what have you been up to?" Goth giggled as Geno swung him around before setting him down again. Goth shuffled, tucking his hands behind his back.

"I-I'm trying to use magic! I can almost summon bone attacks!" Goth said, seeming shy about it. Geno blinked before smiling. "Even Ink's stepping in to teach me some things!" Geno laughed quietly. Ink did always like to teach younger ones.

After a while, another hole opened up and Geno looked up. He jumped as it suddenly became very loud. "GOTH!!!" He chuckled as Goth was tackled by Palette, a small skeleton that had come from Ink and Dream. He was dressed in a sailor's uniform, adorned with a cap and lots of color splashed onto white cloth. Goth yelped before giggling. Geno looked up as Ink came over, sipping down one of his vials. He wiped away the remaining color, apologizing.

"Sorry! I needed to refill!" He said quickly, laughing nervously. Ink had his bright blue jacket tied around his waist and wore some pretty cool sneakers. He liked to dress in a brown outfit that sometimes had fluff, depending on how Ink felt. Speaking of feelings, he had his rainbow assortment of vials on his sash. The things that helped him feel. Ink was a soulless being, after all. Geno shook his head, saying it was fine. Ink blinked at him with his ever-changing eyes and his smile faded. "What's wrong??" Geno felt mildly annoyed. Was he really that easy to read?? Reaper floated down, having woken from his mid-air nap.

"I tried tø ask him that earlier." He said. Geno sighed and stood up, gesturing them both to him. They both seemed to realize this was serious and came to him.

Geno didn't even know how to start. "Someone came into the Save Screen a few days ago." He started. "And it wasn't anyone that I knew. It wasn't even a Sans or anything." He rubbed the back of his neck, tracing his spine. "It was a human." Ink opened his mouth, but Geno shook his head, cutting him off. "It wasn't Frisk or Chara." That seemed to baffle the Protector and Ink shut his mouth with a confused look. "They... said they knew you, Reaper." Reaper immediately blinked, seeming confused as well.

"Well, wørd døes get arøund when yøu're the gød øf death." He said, shrugging. Geno sighed. He shook his head.

"They asked me to kill them." At that sentence, a cold wave suddenly seemed to sweep out from Reaper as his eye sockets went black. Geno stopped, staring at the other. Ink was wide-eyed too. He immediately turned to Reaper.

"We don't know if it's her." He said quickly. Reaper's eyes slowly lit up again and he nodded, suddenly seeming a bit more alarmed and on edge. He turned to Geno.

"What was their name??" He demanded. Geno had never seen Reaper so serious about something. He gulped.

"Scooter." The wave swept out as Reaper backed up, his eye sockets dark. He looked shocked and haunted. He had his mouth covered. Geno had never seen the usually cocky skeleton act like this. He was somewhat freaked out. Ink gulped shakily.

"She's still alive." He didn't sound happy. He sounded like he was regretting some huge mistake. Ink crossed his arms. "That's not good..." Geno blinked.

"Who is she??" Geno demanded, kind of annoyed that everyone seemed to know who she was but him. Both Ink and Reaper shared an uncertain glance. Reaper finally sighed and turned to Geno. He spoke in a pained voice.

"She was my biggest mistake." Geno felt that sink his heart a bit before Ink came forward. He leaned in and sighed.

"Scooter was... is... the first fallen human."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now