Just Twisted

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"Y-Y-Y-You ca-Ca-can't just leave l-l-like that!!" Error snapped once Scooter had returned to the Save Screen. Scooter blinked at him with that apathetic look and he glitched in annoyance. He growled and turned away, but stopped as she spoke.

"Would you not go comfort a friend?"

He whipped around with a scowl. "I-I-I don't-t-t have fr-fr-friends!" He snapped at her again. Scooter continued to watch him with that infuriatingly indifferent gaze.

"What about Blue?"

The question made his left side glitch all sorts of strange and he shook it off. "J-j-Just a p-p-puppet!" He said firmly. Saying it like that made his chest feel uncomfortable. He crossed his arms. Why was he stuck with her?! He blinked as she inhaled to speak and rolled his eyes. "I T-T-TOLD Y-"

"What about Ink?"

That made Error stop. He whipped around immediately, his voice a little higher-pitched than usual. "W-W-W-We a-are n-n-not f-f-friends!!" He stated, glaring. Scooter blinked at him and he suddenly became fully aware of a slight blush on his face. Unfortunately, becoming aware of it only seemed to worsen his condition. He glitched and blacked out for a moment.

When he rebooted, Scooter had caught him and helped him stand. Error muttered a rough thanks before avoiding her gaze. "N-n-n-not fr-fr-friends!" He growled out. Scooter blinked slowly before giving a nod.

"Not friends..."

Error raised a brow, not liking the thoughtful hint of tone in her voice. "Sh-Sh-Sh-Shut up!!" He snapped. Scooter obliged, sitting down crisscross and closing her eyes. She went still, seeming to relax. Error watched her with a glare before sighing and sitting down next to her. There were a few moments of silence. Then, Error noticed Scooter's eyes open and she stared blankly up into the nothingness. After a few more moments, she inhaled to speak.

"Do you have a SOUL, Error?"

The question caught him off-guard and he stared at her. She turned to look at him.

"You... and Ink... are the Destroyer... and the Creator... of life. But Ink is soulless... are you soulless as well?"

Error was slightly less shaken by the question, realizing it was a legitimate assumption to make since he and Ink balanced each other out. He blinked. "I-I-I-I do-d-do..." The answer seemed to surprise Scooter, who didn't show anything beside a slight twitch of her eyebrows. She turned away.

"Curious... I wonder why that is..."

She seemed content with his answer, but for some reason, the question still bothered Error. He had never actually thought about it. Why did he have a SOUL? Could he have been a real Sans at one point? The thought made his glitch a little. Could INK have been...? No. Error was somewhat convinced Ink never would've been a real Sans. He held up his hands, confused as he stared at them.

It was fuzzy the farther Error tried to think back. Where had he come from? He jumped and twitched back to reality, suddenly EXTREMELY uncomfortable with how deep he was thinking. He didn't like it. He glanced at Scooter and realized she had been staring blankly forward the entire time. He briefly wondered what she was thinking. Was she even thinking at all?

Error blinked. He had been curious about some things as well. "Sc-Sc-Sc-Scooter." At her name, Scooter blinked and slowly turned her head to face him, resulting in that soft grounding noise of bone. Error flinched and instinctively reached up to his own neck. He sighed. "I-I-I-I saw p-p-parts of y-your SOUL a-a-are b-b-black... b-b-But a-a-a-according to the G-G-G-Goddess o-of L-L-Life, y-y-your SOUL w-w-was bl-bl-black e-e-even b-b-b-before you f-fe-f-fell..."

Scooter blinked. Error turned to her. "Y-Y-your SOUL o-o-only b-b-becomes b-b-black i-i-If you've b-be-be-been twisted i-i-in s-some w-w-way... b-b-b-be it e-e-emotional, m-m-mental..." He paused a moment. "O-O-Or physical..." Scooter blinked before she seemed to understand.

"You want to know how I was corrupted even before falling?"

Error nodded, seeming both hesitant and curious. Scooter blinked.

"The human that falls is a child... children... are often... impressionable, but, overall, are unblemished by the tragedies of life... I... am no longer a child... and I've seen things that people are better off never even thinking about... I'm sure you've noticed, Error... but humans, when filled with bad intention, are the single most destructive things you'll ever see. Horrible crimes and sins committed... Especially with my... old life...? The way... I used to live...?"

Scooter sounded unsure, but didn't seem to take back the statement. Error stared at her. He was a bit taken back. Scooter suddenly looked up at him.

"What does your SOUL look like, Error?"

Error immediately lit up yellow. He hadn't taken his SOUL out in so long. Not since one of his first meetings with Ink. And he had been absolutely humiliated by it. "I'd... r-r-r-r-rather n-not..." He stuttered. Scooter blinked and a faint twitch of her eyebrows signaled she was surprised again. But she didn't question him. He watched as she turned back and continued to stare into the darkness.

After a few minutes, Error's chest itches uncomfortably. Scooter had done and said nothing, but he felt like he was being rude. Besides... wasn't she about to die soon? He cleared his throat awkwardly. Scooter blinked and looked over. Error sighed. "M-m-m-m-my SOUL r-r-r-really i-i-isn't an-an-anything special... I j-j-j-just don't l-l-like taking it out a-a-around others..." He stared at the floor.

"That's understandable."

Scooter gave a quiet, apathetic shrug and Error sighed. He extended his hand and his soul formed. A jet-black heart floated upside down in his hand. It glitched every so often with stripes of yellow and red. Scooter blinked and tipped her head.

"I... wish I could know why you have a SOUL, but not Ink."

Error blinked as he tucked his SOUL away. He gave a soft scoff. "Y-Y-Y-You and m-m-m-me both..." He said, sighing and sitting back. Scooter blinked. After a moment of staring, he growled. "Wh-Wh-What?!"

"I enjoy your company."

For some reason, she sounded oddly amused and that made Error bristle even more. "Sh-Sh-Sh-Shut up!" He snapped again. Scooter blinked before nodding and returning back to her blank stare. After a moment, Error sighed and muttered something. She didn't react and he hoped she hadn't heard.

"What was that?"

He swore under his breath before sighing. "Th-Th-Thanks... I g-g-guess..." He muttered. After a few seconds of silence, that soft hint of amusement was back in Scooter's voice.

"You're welcome."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now