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The skeleton twitched as he crept through the woods. This human was good. No one usually lasted this long in his Hide-and-Seek games. A sharp-toothed grin twitched across his face as his triangular eyes darted around in his eyesockets. He scowled. This was beginning to become annoying. He stomped his foot in the snow. He wore a dark purple scarf/bandanna and his grey battle armor. His black boots crunched on the ground. "Human!! Where are youuu??" He sang out, his voice trilling.

He giggled to himself. He knew he'd eventually catch them. He'd laid too many traps in these woods for him not to. They just had to walk right into one...


The skeleton jumped and shrieked, whipping around as he sent out a bone attack. There was a crunch as it met its mark and he paused. Oh. He covered his mouth. "Friend! Oh stars, my apologies!" He cried. He jerked the bones back into the ground, removing the intrusion from the figure's leg. Immediately, they dropped to the ground, their knee broken. Berry approached them. He wasn't scared. The only one who called him Berry was his mega best friend. "Greetings, Scooter!" He grinned. He'd never met her, but he'd heard about her in the Omega Timeline, so he had naturally deemed her his biggest fan.

The greyed human sighed and glitched to her feet. Berry smiled up at her. "Quite bold of you to scare me during Hide-and-Seek!" He exclaimed excitedly. She nodded quietly, but offered no apology. Berry's brow twitched. He was annoyed by this, but didn't dare pick a fight, knowing full well that this was an enemy not even the Maleficent Sans could beat. He picked up a scent on her breath and furrowed his brow.

There were two scents actually. One was... Berry shivered. Dust. The other... Berry's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms. "Scooter! Have you been smoking?!" The human blinked at him before giving a slow nod and Berry growled. "What is wrong with you and my lazy bones brother?! Smoking is going to turn your bones yellow!!" He scolded. Scooter blinked at him, seeming unbothered by this irrefutable fact. That annoyed Berry even more. He huffed and crossed his arms. "Well!" He blinked up at her. She... had some stuff on her that was different then what he'd been told she wore.

Instead of a rope, like he'd heard, there was a faded pink ribbon tied tightly around her neck. On her shoulders was a beautiful, soft-looking silvery-white scarf. There was also a gold chain hanging from her belt. Then, it struck him. "You have received gifts!" He said, snapping his fingers. Scooter blinked slowly at him before looking down at herself. She looked back up and sighed.

"I... suppose I have..."

The dismissive way she said it also bothered Berry. He scowled. He would give anything to receive gifts from anyone but his brother! How could she be so indifferent to them?! Finally, he came to a decision and chuckled. "Ngh hehehe!! I, the Maleficent Sans, will make you a gift so great, you will be FORCED to be grateful for it!!" He exclaimed, nodding his head. Scooter blinked at him before tipping her head, resulting in a horrendous cracking sound.

Berry instinctively raised a purple, gloved hand to the back of his neck, spooked by the sound. He was uneasy for a moment, but stopped as Scooter inhaled shakily to speak.

"But I am grateful for my gifts..."

"Nonsense! In no way, shape or form do you even remotely sound like you are! Therefore, I, the fearsome Captain of the Royal Guard, wilL FORCE you to appreaciate a gift!" He stomped his foot again, his arms recrossing. Scooter blinked.

"You really don't have to-"

"Of course I do! How else would I show appreciation for my bestest friend?!" Berry exclaimed incredulously. He'd completely forgotten about finding the human in their Hide-and-Seek game as he reached out and took Scooter's hand. She blinked, being dragged along as he pulled her out of the dark forest.

At the edge of the forest, another skeleton was asleep at a sentry post, his cigarette still lit in his mouth. Berry growled and flicked the other skeleton, waking him up. The skeleton was tall and lean. He opened his eyesocket, revealing one to be lit up pink with a black dot. The other remained shut. He sighed, pulling on his maroon hoodie. "Hello, bro." He drawled out lazily. His gaze fixed on Scooter and he raised a brow. "I'm gonna assume you're PULLING MY LEG, cause that's definitely not the same human you went into those woods with." He said, sitting up and stretching.

Berry blinked, having a short realization. "Oh! The OTHER human! Brother, can you go find the other human? I have business with this one!" He said, letting go of Scooter's hand to rub his cheek. The tall skeleton blinked before standing and ducking out from under the sentry post.

"S'pose I will..." He leaned down to Scooter, his other eyesockets opening to reveal a pitch-black hole with a glowing, magenta slit. "I'll be keeping an EYE on you." With that, he leaned back up and rubbed his head before turning and starting into the woods.

Scooter stared after him indifferently. His threat was not of any concern to her. It wasn't like he could do anything. She knew, since she'd already tried with him. She blinked as Berry took her hand once again. Berry cackled gleefully.

"Now, now. Do you like traps?" He asked excitedly, turning to her. His eyes were lit up in curiosity. He'd just come to the realization he didn't actually know anything about this human. Scooter blinked at him before shrugging. He clicked his tongue. "That can be changed!" Scooter doubted it, since she'd been stuck in one of his traps before. It had been less than a pleasurable experience. Berry stopped and whipped around, his eyes wide, like he'd just realized something. "Oh, no, you're trying to get me off topic!! Clever human!" He laughed, wagging his finger. "No one distracts the Maleficent Sans!"

Scooter literally hadn't said a word, but nodded. Berry grinned in triumph. "Trying to distract me with one of my favorite hobbies! How clever!" He turned away, proud of himself for detecting the silent human's deception. "No, I WILL craft you the greatest of gifts!" He had no idea what he was going to make her. She definitely didn't seem like a puzzle type, nor like a stuffed animal type. He furrowed his brow. This would be harder than he thought...

No! He shook off the thought. "No, YOU are the Maleficent Sans! YOU will not be downfallen by a single petty challenge!" He scolded himself out loud. Scooter walked along quietly behind him. He grinned.

The silent human was going to receive the best gift ever! He would make sure of it!

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now