His Puppet

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The skeleton sighed and fidgeted with his blue cape. He sat alone in a white void, sipping quietly from a drink. He gulped and set the drink down, his star-shaped blue eyes drifting up to look at the ceiling...? Was it a ceiling? He didn't know anymore. He shuffled, his armor clinking a bit. The ceiling held thousands of strings. Glowing, bright blue strings. He was focused on a particular clump that held a white monster SOUL. His soul. He stared at it, wondering if he would ever get it back. It wasn't like he could run away. He really didn't understand his captor.

He blinked as he heard footsteps and popped up excitedly, whipping around, his blue gloves curled into fists of excitement. "Error! Wel-" He stopped. That wasn't Error. Who was this? "Oh! Uh... hello!" He said, tipping his head. He continued to give a huge smile, always eager to greet a new friend. The figure didn't respond, continuing to approach him. He gulped. Was this another one of Error's friends...? He took a step back. "Uh..."

The figure stopped a few feet away. They wore a red, yellow furred hood, that hid their face. They were tall and wore a black leather coat. Grey skinny jeans and a black shirt. A glint caught the skeleton's eye and he focused on a golden chain that hung from the figure's belt. They were wearing black boots. He blinked and raised his hands to fiddle with his fingers. Finally, he jumped as the figure lifted their arms to reveal pale hands that pushed back their hood. The skeleton blinked in shock. "Y-You're a human!" He said, his eyes wide. Deadened grey eyes stared at him from a pale, freckled face. A female. The skeleton was excited. "Greetings, human!"

He blinked as the human didn't answer and only stared at him. He felt uncomfortable. He watched as her eyes slowly began to roam and she sighed. He felt a jolt of alarm and began to sputter. "I-I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong?? I haven't seen anyone else in..." He trailed off, thinking before coming up empty. "A long time!" He finished nervously. He smiled at her uncertainly. Finally, she opened her mouth.

"Who... are you...?"

The skeleton blinked at her breathless voice. He jumped and gave a grin. "I am the Magnificent Sans! MWEHEHEH!!" He laughed. The human blinked at him and he gave a nervous smile before looking down. "B-But if that's too much... Error always calls me 'Blue.'" The girl tipped her head and Blue jumped at a sudden cracking sound. He focused on her neck and gulped. That... that rope looked much too tight for a human neck. He jumped again as she inhaled to speak.

"Where... is Error...?"

The skeleton blinked. She was looking for Error. He tucked his hands behind his back, looking down. "Error... went over to talk to Nightmare about something... They're in Killertale." He said softly. He heard footsteps and looked up before shrieking. The human was right in front of him and reaching out. "WAIT, NO!" Immediately, his eyes lit up and he threw the human away before he shook himself back to his senses and covered his mouth. "Oh! Sorry! Sorry!" He watched as the human sat up and blinked at him. She didn't even seem angry.


"I-I'm sorry!! When other people touch me, Error usually kills them, so I try to keep people from touching me!! I didn't mean to hurt you!" He explained quickly between apologies. He watched as the human stood up. Blue felt bad. He looked down.

"That's what I want..."

Blue blinked and looked up at the human. "What?" The human stared at him evenly.

"I want him to kill me."

Blue's eyes widened. "WHY??" He asked in shock. The human blinked at him again before turning away. "Hey! Wait! Where are you going?!"

"I'm going to find Error."

Blue blinked at her. "Ar-Are you going to hurt him??" He sputtered out. The human turned to look back at him, still emotionless.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now