Guard Dog

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The skeleton tapped the tip of his knife with skeletal fingers. He waited patiently. He sat outside what had formerly been Asgore's castle. Not anymore. It was Nightmare's now. The skeleton's job was to stop anyone from interrupting while he talked to Error. He sighed. His soul glowed in front of his chest, a bright red target. Black goop trickled down from his empty eye sockets. Of course, that didn't mean he couldn't see... what kind of Killer would he be if he couldn't? He sighed and stood, pacing in front of the entrance. Killer was Nightmare's right-hand man for a reason. He stared around at the emptiness of the Underground. He could feel every monster's LOVE crawling inside of him. He'd killed everyone.

Killer sighed and glanced at the doors, momentarily wondering what the two were talking about. His fingers absentmindedly went up to his hood, teasing the fur on it. He wore the classic Sans outfit. The blue hood, shirt and shorts. His footwear always depended on how he felt. The fur was a rare occurrence too. Normally, his hood would be grey and plain, but sometimes he liked to have fur around it to warm his bones. He froze as he sensed someone and immediately whipped around. He stopped. What the...? Two shapes were in front of him. He recognized one of them. It was Error's little pet, the Underswap skeleton he'd captured. He didn't recognize the other one.

It was a human, he could tell that much. The yellow fur on their red hood hid their face. They wore a black leather coat, grey skinny jeans and black boots. Black shirt. Killer raised his brow before tipping his head and giving a chilling grin. Immediately, he saw the skeleton... Blue... duck behind the figure. He was reasonably scared of Killer. Killer fixed his nonexistent gaze on the taller figure. He spun the knife. "What's your business?"

He watched as the figure lifted a pale, freckled hand and pulled the hood back to reveal an equally pale, freckled face. Dead grey eyes blinked at him. Grey hair with orange tips framed the face. Killer was momentarily put off by the rope tied around their neck and at what seemed to be a choking pressure. Female. He didn't recognize them. He blinked as their body glitched for a moment. Another of Error's puppets? He blinked as the human took a breath.

"Need to... speak to Error."

Her voice was broken and monotonous. Killer snorted. "He's busy. Beat it. I wouldn't mind a little bloodshed to pass time." His threatening tone seemed to do nothing to deter her. She blinked at him.

"I need to see him now."

She took a step forward and Killer immediately whipped his knife at her. He heard Blue yelp and scowled as bone shot up in front of the human, protecting her. The human blinked before turning to look back at Blue, who had his hand up. Killer summoned another knife and pointed it at him. "Error may kill me if I hurt you, but don't think I won't." He hissed. Blue gulped and shivered. The human turned back to Killer.

"Do not hurt him."

Her voice was not threatening. Not even a warning. It was simply a statement. Killer blinked before giving a maniacal chuckle. "Or what?" He snarled and jagged bone shards shot up in front of the human as she tried to take another step forward. Killer growled. "You're getting on my nerves." He snapped his fingers and two shapes appeared in front of him. Blue immediately squeaked and moved back, his eyes wide in fear.

Both Dust and Horror lifted their heads. Dust had his hands in his pockets, while Horror's hung limp at his side, given for the axe he held in one hand. The blade scraped the ground. They both blinked and saw the human. Killer spoke. "Take her out. She's causing problems. Don't touch the blue one." Neither of them moved and Killer blinked. "What are you doing?!"

Horror's eyesockets had widened and he dropped his axe with a clatter, moving back as his bones shook. Killer stared at him in shock. He'd never seen Horror act like this. He was displaying FEAR. What was wrong with him?! He furrowed his brow. The human greeted Horror and he trembled. The human sighed. She turned to face Dust. Killer growled. "DUST! Do something!"

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now