Who Are You?

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Error's eyes were wide as the entire world around him went grey. He glanced at Ink. Ink was staring down at Scooter, his eyes wide. "Scooter? Scooter!" This was Scooter? Error was taken back. This human... felt dangerous. Even now, the way she pulled against Error's strings was angry and wild. He flinched as she suddenly whipped around. There was a crazed, red glow in her eyes. Behind the glow, he could still see the dull, glassy eyes she usually had. What was he looking at?! He blinked as his eyes focused on a piercing, scarlet outline that seemed to shadow Scooter.

The figure had piercing red dots for eyes and a thin smile. Error felt himself shudder. "I-I-I-Ink? What is th-th-th-this?" He sputtered out. Ink glanced at him.

"DETERMINATION, Error." Ink stated. Error was speechless. He'd witnessed many monsters and humans alike use DETERMINATION. Never, had he seen it like this. Scooter suddenly scowled at him and the expression made him stutter. He'd never seen her face change. He hated that. He glitched and scowled back, tightening the strings around her. The strings sliced into her skin, causing maroon blood to stream down from the cuts.

"Gaster! Go!" Ink called. The cowering melting skeleton made a weak, garbling noise and disappeared into a puddle in the ground. Error growled.

"C-C-C-Come on... y-y-you stupid g-g-glitch!" He hissed. Scooter snarled in response and Error's eyes widened as glowing red bullets formed around her, aiming towards him. There were loud gunshots as the bullets shot towards him. Error flinched back, snapping the strings as Ink darted in front of him. There was a bunch of cracking noises. Error blinked as Ink threw down the hardened, ink shield.

"Scooter!! STOP!!" He yelled. Scooter twitched and growled. All of a sudden, a glowing blue bone cage cracked up around Scooter, trapping her. Error's eyes widened. Ink blinked and looked down to see Classic Sans, still against the rock wall. He glanced at the paused Undyne, to make sure it was just Sans. It was and he furrowed his brow. Sans was panting, his hand out. Scooter snarled. She was twitching violently.

"Why?! What're y'all doing?!"

She screamed out in a strangled voice. Error saw both Ink and Sans flinch. He jumped as she stopped and twitched before closing her eyes. They all watched as she dropped to her knees and sighed shakily. Mist came out from her mouth in a horrifying scarlet color. Finally, she sighed and opened her eyes. The red glow was gone and the silhouette faded.

"Scooter? Scooter, are you better now...?" Ink asked quietly. Scooter didn't appear to be breathing. Finally, she closed her eyes again and collapsed on the ground. The bone cage disappeared. Sans scrambled up. Ink jumped and floated down to kneel next to Scooter. Error glitched down by his side. Ink sighed. "We should take her while she's out."

"Where are you going with her?" Sans spoke up behind them. They'd all met briefly before. Sans knew exactly who these two were. Ink blinked and turned.

"Oh! Uh... you see... she's... REALLY dangerous... like... SANSationally dangerous." Ink chuckled weakly. Error snorted and rolled his eyes. "So we... have to... Uh... isolate her..." Sans seemed alarmed by that and looked taken back. "Yeah... so..."

"Where are you going with her?!" Sans asked quickly, taking a step forward. Ink immediately moved in front of Scooter and Error turned to Sans, growling.

"L-L-L-Listen, pal. Th-th-th-That ain't any of your c-c-c-concern..." He spoke in a glitching, Warning tone. Sans seemed taken back.

Before he could ask anything else, Ink whipped his brush down, encasing them in a giant ink bubble. They all disappeared as Sans cried out. Sans dropped to his knees, alone on a broken ledge in Waterfall.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now