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The human shivered as they moved through the forest. They enjoyed the peace and quiet, but it was still cold as HELL. They sighed, wondering where Asriel had gone. "C'mon, Goat Boy... where are you...?" They nurmured. Asriel was freakishly good at Hide-and-Seek. They groaned.


They jumped and whipped around, knives forming around hem. Their eyes were wide. The knives immediately dispersed as the scent of blood hit their nose and they were wide-eyed. "Scooter!" Chara exclaimed, running over to the other. Scooter was collapsed on the ground, the blood being stained red from her hands. Chara was horrified. Scooter's hands were absolutely mangled, like they'd been put into a paper slicer. "Holy hell."

Scooter was panting, her breath coming out in huge puffs of smoke, like a factory. Her face remained emotionless. When she'd yelled before, her voice had been loud and urgent, but monotonous. Chara stared at her. It had been a while since they'd seen Scooter. Last time, Chara had failed to kill her and bring her peace.

"What are you doing here?!" Chara said, their eyes wide. Scooter sighed shakily. She closed her eyes and her entire body glitched, her mangled hands reappearing, good as new. Scooter sighed. Chara couldn't help but fix their eyes on the rope around Scooter's neck. They'd given that to her. Scooter gulped and stood, the snow crunching under her feet. She sighed again.

"Where is... Asriel...?"

Scooter's voice was slow. Chara huffed and crossed their arms. "Oh, no. Don't change the subject with me, Scooter. I'm not easily distracted." They stated flatly. Scooter blinked at them and Chara sighed. "Seriously, what are you doing here?" Scooter sighed.

"I am being followed."

"What?! By who?! Me and Asriel can knock 'em right off your tail!" Chara said, immediately becoming defensive. "Are they the one who got you hurt?!" They growled. "I'll kill 'em!" Scooter shook her head and reached out to the younger human.

"It's fine... but I can't continue living like this..."

Chara stared at Scooter, not understanding. "Are... they trying to hurt you...?" They asked uncertainly. Scooter sighed and shook her head.

"Not... intentionally... But, them trying to help is doing more harm... than good..."

Chara nodded, understanding where Scooter was coming from. Scooter suddenly looked up and Chara jumped, slightly spooked.

"Greetings... Asriel..."

Chara looked over and smiled. "Found you!" They chirped. The goat boy huffed, crossing his arms.

"That doesn't count!" He protested. He turned to Scooter and waved a furred paw. "Howdy, Scooter!" Scooter blinked and waved back slowly. She turned back to Chara, who blinked at her. "What's going on?"

"I'm gonna take her somewhere to get her away from people that are chasing her." Chara gave a rushed explanation and Asriel blinked before his eyes widened. "No, it's okay. If anyone comes through looking for her, tell them she isn't here!" Chara turned before Asriel could protest and quickly grabbed Scooter's arm. They both teleported away.

The tile made tapping sounds as they both landed on it. Scooter blinked as she stared around. She'd seen this place before. Golden, full of pillars and tiles. A window filtered sunlight in next to them. Scooter blinked. This entire room gave off a warm feeling. A nice glow. Chara closed their eyes. They took a deep breath, seeming to enjoy themselves. "It's a beautiful day outside..."

"Judgement Hall..."

Chara blinked as Scooter spoke. They turned to Scooter. "You've been here before?" Scooter nodded.

"I would've been here anyway."

Chara stopped and stared at her. "Oh... right..." Scooter would've been the first human. Chara often forgot that. Every place that the main character visited, Scooter would've been. Because Scooter would've been the main character. Chara was uncomfortable before they heard shuffling.

"Chara? The human isn't here yet." They both turned to look at the King. It was Sans. He stared at them, confused. His gaze moved past them and saw Scooter. He blinked before bowing. "Greetings, Scooter."

"Greetings, King Sans."

Scooter nodded back respectfully as she greeted him. Chara turned to King Sans. "Sir, do you have a place to hide her? She needs to get away from some people that are chasing her." Chara explained quickly. The king blinked at them before nodding. He beckoned with his head to Scooter.

"Please follow me, Scooter." He stated. Scooter nodded and moved past Chara, pausing to look back at them.

"I'll be alright. It was KNIFE to see you again!" Chara giggled as they formed a blade. Scooter nodded. She turned away and moved after the king. Chara stared after her. "Good luck, Scooter!" Chara called, waving. Scooter nodded and turned, following the king. The king led her through the palace before stopping. He tapped a door. Scooter blinked.

"This will take you directly to Undertale." He said quietly. "The original." He blinked as he saw Scooter's body glitch and twitch a bit. "Whoever is tracking you is from the Multiverse. They shouldn't be able to track you if you're in the original." Scooter was frozen. The king didn't understand. "You're... from the original... right? This should be fine for you... right?"

"No one from the original knows who I am."

The king froze at that statement. "But that's your timeline." He said, slightly put off. Scooter looked down. Indeed it was. But just because she'd come from there didn't mean...

"It would have been."

The king froze. Right. He opened his mouth to apologize, but Scooter raised her hand, sighing. She signaled that it was fine. The king furrowed his brow as he noticed the bags under her eyes. He blinked and looked to the side. "Well, I don't know where else t-"

"I'll go."

He looked up at her. "You really don't have to if you don't want to." He stated quickly. He stopped again as Scooter shook her head. The door opened, revealing the blurred cave of the beginning. Scooter suddenly twitched violently and the king flinched. He knew why. She was looking at the EXACT place she'd died. He apologized and she shook her head.

"I have to."

Without another word, she moved through and the king yelped as the door slammed behind her, knocking him back. It had been sucked shut. The king was dismayed. That had not been a good idea. He sat on the ground and held his head in his hands. "Oh no..."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now