The Real Remedy

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The skeleton sat on the floor, humming to himself softly. He tipped his scratched and cracked head back and forth, his unfocused eyes fixed on a point in the white wall. The facility was quiet. The hallways were dark and empty. He couldn't see them, but he knew they were. The buckles on his straitjacket rattled as he trembled. He breathed quietly. Every breath hurt his ribs and his soul was quivering. He knew the facility was closed. He wouldn't be able to see his nurse for another few hours.

His bony hands clenched into fists inside his huge sleeves. He was shaking. Was he cold? He honestly didn't know. He blinked and refocused back into reality before blinking a couple times. He furrowed his brow, his shivering pausing for a moment. He turned. He had just gotten a... a feeling...? He hugged his arms to himself, trembling softly. He slowly pushed himself to his feet, staggering around. He fixed his gaze on the mirror in his room. He knew the mirror would become a window during the day. He staggered over to it, blinking. He reached up with one sleeved hand and tapped the glass softly.

It made a soft thumping noise against the glass. The skeleton huffed. That definitely wouldn't be loud enough. He shivered. The air has suddenly turned cold. He lit up and whipped around, staring around the room excitedly. "Paps!" He said, his voice soft, excited and breathless. "Paps! Paps! Paps!" He spun in a delighted circle, always happy to see his brother.

The air always got cold when Paps was nearby. Was he visiting? Where was he?? The skeleton squeaked as a flash of color caught his eyes from under the bed. He grinned. BAND-AID!! He loved Band-Aids!!! He dove for it, squealing. He wriggled under the bed, kicking at the padded floor. A squeak of triumph signified that he'd gotten it. He began to wriggle back out.

"Sans..." The skeleton jumped and bumped his head in shock on the bed as he heard Papyrus' voice. "Oh! Sorry, brother!!" Sans whined and wriggled out from under the bed, rubbing his head with a sleeve. A new crack had appeared! He huffed, sitting on his knees. He had the band-aid gripped in one of his sleeves. He slipped it inside his sleeve, gripping it in his bony, skeletal fingers. He blinked and turned to his brother, who sat on the bed.

"Paps!!" Sans squealed, smiling. He loved seeing Papyrus, even though his brother was hard to see. He could see the bed through Papyrus. It was a bit strange at first, but Sans had gotten used to it. Apparently, Dr. Toriel and Undyne couldn't see Papyrus. Neither could Nurse Frisk. Sans sighed and got to his bare-boned feet. He smiled, giggling as he hugged himself. Papyrus blinked at him before giving a soft smile. His brother still wore his red scarf, but wore a regular jacket and pants. Sans tipped his head. Papyrus seemed worried. "Wh-What's wrong??" Sans asked, his smile disappearing for a moment.

"Someone is nearby... but no one should be here..." Papyrus said quietly, furrowing his brow. He clacked his teeth together nervously. Sans furrowed his brow in response and tipped his head. That was strange. No one was supposed to be here at night. They both jumped as there was a soft rapping noise from the window. Sans twitched for a moment, his eye lighting up before a spark erupted from a crack in his head and pain exploded through his body. He squeaked and grabbed his head. "Brother, calm down..." Papyrus' voice was gentle and Sans took a deep breath, nodding quietly.

He gulped and looked up. "Knock knock!" He squealed, bouncing up to the glass. He smiled quietly. On the other side of the glass, there was a soft voice. To Sans, he was more startled by the fact that the voice wasn't muffled. To him, the voice was clear as day.

"Who's there?"

Sans blinked. Female. It sounded like it was raspy and broken. Like it hadn't been used for eons. It sounded older than him. Definitely more around Nurse Frisk's age. Sans tipped his head at her response, slightly taken back. Was this a joke?? This was a joke! Oh! He needed a punchline!! He twitched for a moment, deep in thought. Finally, he lit up, hugging himself. "Needle!" There was a soft pause before the monotonous voice answered again.

"Needle who?"

Sans broke out into a giggling fit before pointing towards the door next to the window. The only door into his room. "Needle little help getting in the door?" He exclaimed, tipping his head. He heard Papyrus chuckle behind him. Why did the other skeleton sound so nervous? Sans turned to look back at him and Papyrus gave him a comforting smile. Sans furrowed his brow. Why did the other seem so worried?! He gave a nervous bounce before turning back to the door. Where were they?! Oh...!

"Door's locked! Door's locked!! Sorry, sorry, sorry!!" Sans exclaimed, wrapping his sleeves together in front of him. He'd forgotten about that!! "What a BONEhead!!" He scolded himself before pausing and breaking into laughter at his own pun. He jumped as the door suddenly fizzled. He blinked and stepped back in shock as a figure pushed itself through the static-like door before the door reformed solidly behind them. He moved back, giggling nervously. The figure was tall.

"Human? Human. Human?" Sans seemed to check with himself every few moments before doubting himself once again. Was this a human? Like Nurse Frisk? It looked like one! He blinked as he heard Papyrus.

"Brother, get away from her. She seems dangerous!" Papyrus sounded alarmed and Sans immediately moved back several feet, twitching as he shook quietly, his buckles rattling softly. The figure seemed unsurprised by his retreat and instead, nodded from beneath a pale red, yellow-furred hood. He looked to the side and noticed his brother standing defensively. Sans was confused. "Who is she? Can you ask?"

Sans blinked before turning to the figure and opening his mouth. He stopped as the figure raised a hand, revealing pale, freckled skin and giant rings on each finger.

"You don't need to ask. I heard him."

Sans snapped his mouth shut and turned to Papyrus, who definitely looked a little shocked, to say the least. "What's wrong bro? You look a little RATTLED!" Sans giggled, turning to him. Papyrus was wide-eyed.

"She... she can hear me, Brother..." At that statement, Sans froze. He was right. His own eye sockets widened as he turned to look at the figure incredulously. The figure lifted her hand and pulled back her hood, revealing a pale freckled face and long, grey hair with orange tips. Piercings glinted on her ears.

"Am... I not supposed to...?"

She spoke in her monotonous voice, sounding vaguely confused. Sans turned to her and shrugged. "I dunno...! No one else has heard him so far!!" He said, bouncing from one foot to the other. He stopped as he saw her eyes. Those eyes were... He bounced up to her, despite Papyrus' protests and stared up at her. He furrowed his brow. The female blinked down at him with empty, grey eyes.

"What's the matter...?"

Her question was soft and expectant. Like she definitely knew the answer. Sans blinked before reaching up to her and his sleeve slid down. Her neck had a ribbon tied around it. It looked EXTREMELY tight. Around her shoulders, laid a white, silvery scarf. It looked so soft! His hand revealed itself and he held the hot pink Band-Aid up to her with wide eyes. The female blinked at it.

"Here! The nurse always gives me these when I'm hurt!" He said. The female blinked before her pale hand reached up and took it. He watched as she tucked it in her pocket and turned back to him. She reached out and Sans immediately flinched back, a grin on his face.

He squeaked as he felt her hand on his head. Her hand was startlingly gentle as she knelt in front of him. He jumped as her fingers dipped into the crack on his head and she closed her eyes. Sans felt a sudden warmth on his head and squirmed. Ow!! He shrieked as he heard a cracking noise and felt a slight burst of pain. He jerked away. He blinked up at her, shaking.

"Sorry... I closed the crack..."

What? Sans reached up and felt his head. She was right! The crack from earlier was gone! He grinned and bounced around her excitedly. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!" He squealed. Finally, he hugged her around her waist. She seemed unfazed and simply moved to look down at him. He smiled up at her. "Y-You're gonna stay for a bit, right?!" He asked excitedly. She blinked.

Sans blinked as Papyrus spoke up. "I really don't think that's such a good-"

"Of course..."

Sans immediately turned back to look up at the female. She blinked down at him before sighing.

"How could I say no to that face?"

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now