Old Friends

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The skeleton slept soundly at his post. He didn't have much to do. The human had already passed through and should've been in the Hotlands by now. He snuggled into his black jacket, the yellow fur on his hood warming him. He shrieked, jumping as someone knocked softly in the counter next to his head. In the dim light, a gold tooth glinted along his jaw. He jolted up, eyes wide and one glowing. Underneath his red sweater, a red, studded dog collar made a quick appearance before disappearing back inside the fabric. He panted. "B-BOSS, I-" He stopped as he saw who it was.

"Hello, Red."

The skeleton was wide-eyed. He seemed to relax, but seemed dismayed at the same time. It was rare he calmed down enough to show both eyes in his eye sockets, but it was done. He spoke softly. "Hey, kid..." He reached out and shook the human's hand. It wasn't his human.

He sighed and pulled back. "No luck, huh?" The figure shook their head and slowly pulled back a yellow-furred, red hood. It revealed a pale, freckled face and dead grey eyes. "What're you doing back here? If ya think I can still kill you, I hate to tell you-"


He stopped as she spoke. Finally, he sighed and stood, coming out from his post to stand next to her. "What's wrong, Scooter?" He asked. The human blinked and slid down onto her knees in the snow. Red was able to suddenly see the darkened bags under her pale eyes. He sighed. "You need to rest, sweetheart." He reached out and helped her to her feet. "C'mon, Boss is at home. He'll make a bed for you."

Scooter followed without protest and Red scowled as he realized he was receiving stares. His one red eye lit back up and the monsters scattered. They'd entered Snowdin. He groaned as they were stopped. "Hey, Sans. Who's the broad?" Red scowled up at Doggo, who was chuckling.

"Shouldn't you be at your post?" He asked in annoyance. Doggo snorted and flicked aside a burnt dog biscuit. He wore his black, shredded shirt and had that look about him. Clearly, he was a mutt, not knowing who either parent was. Doggo leaned down.

"Shouldn't you?" He growled back. Red was taken back before Doggo continued. "Your bro would be really pissed if he found you running around with some girl. Let me take her off your hands for you." He reached out towards Scooter and Red immediately tensed. He didn't have to do anything. Doggo was blasted back from Scooter. She didn't move, only staring after the startled mutt. He struggled up, growling. "Alright, which one of you shits did that?!" He barked, glaring around the center of town. Red continued to lead Scooter while Doggo was distracted.

They stopped in front of their house and Red opened the door, letting Scooter inside. He slammed the door behind him. Immediately, he heard thumping and turned to look at Papyrus as he emerged from the kitchen, furious. "SANS!! I THOUGHT I-" He stopped, his rage cooling as soon as he saw Scooter. Scooter blinked at him slowly. He still wore his Royal Guard Armor. A black, torn, thick fabric over his torso with a long, torn red scarf. The shoulder pads were studded. There were claw marks over one eyesocket, both housing piercing red eyes. He wore his ripped black skinny jeans and red boots, a shiny skull making up the buckle on his studded belt.

"Hello, Papyrus."

Scooter's voice was monotonous, as usual, but seemed tired. Papyrus glanced at Red, who nodded his head towards the couch. Papyrus understood and crossed his arms. He sighed. "Welcome back, dear Scooter. I take it you need rest." He flinched as Scooter blinked, tipping her head with that ugly cracking noise.

"I don't feel like I do... but I suppose you wish for me to anyway."

Papyrus nodded firmly. "You've assumed correctly!" He stated. Scooter sighed. Red chuckled and led her over to the couch, setting up a pillow. Papyrus dug through the closet, pulling out a tattered blanket. Scooter slowly laid down, resting her head agains the pillow. She sighed. Both Red and Papyrus stared at her in dismay. Finally, she closed her eyes and fell silent. They'd found that Scooter didn't breathe while she slept. It was probably the closest feeling she had to finally being dead.

Papyrus turned back to Red. "Good job for bringing her here..." Red blinked before nodding quietly. There was a moment of silence. It was rare that Sans received praise and Papyrus knew it too. Finally, Papyrus cleared his throat. "Any reports on the human?" He asked coldly. Red shook his head.

"No, but Doggo ain't at his post, and unlike me, he didn't have a reason for leaving." Red said, his voice a growl at the mention of the canine's name. Immediately, Papyrus' eyes lit up and he roared.

"THAT STUPID MUTT!!" Red watched as Papyrus slammed through the door. He sat down next to Scooter for a moment, enjoying the peaceful silence. He knew he'd have to go back to his post eventually. Red always appreaciated when Scooter was around.

It made Papyrus much less of an asshole towards him and more of an actual brother.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now