Chapter 2

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Oliver Black

I leaned back on the bed in the hotel and regained my breathing.

"How was that for a good morning?" Her sultry voice whispered in my ear.

"Not the worst morning I've had." I smirked.

I picked my phone up and checked the time.

"What? Do you have to go already?" She pouted.

"I have work." I stated as I redressed myself. "I'll need to head home first to get ready."

"Make sure you call me." She said sweetly and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah. Sure." I said blankly as I left.

It's only the second time I've been out with her. She's already attached. Typical.

I only rang her because she was easier and less time consuming than picking up another girl.
Plus, she has an amazing mouth and doesn't mind it rough.

I slid into the seat of my car and made my way to my penthouse.
I did the usual routine of shower, dress, eat, brush teeth and leave. 

I didn't particularly want to come to this meeting, or do a deal with Jeremiah Adley. He's as slimy as they come.
But, this could be a good opportunity for us to expand our market and earn more revenue.
My father wanted to come along with us, just to see how his old friend, Joseph's company is going.
They were good friends before he died and then lost contact with the Adley's.

"Keep your eye on Jeremiah, Oliver." My father warned his blue eyes swam with disdain.

"I know. This isn't my first time making a deal with someone who is questionable." I said and continued browsing through my emails.

"I heard his daughter works for him and has.. how do I say?" He winced slightly as he spoke. "Helped close some deals."

I rose a brow at what he was implying. "I know my reputation with women. I'm not stupid to allow my decisions to be swayed by sexual favours." I frowned at the thought.

The old man could have some faith in me at least. Everyone knows I 'date' a lot, thanks to the media.
But I've proven myself as a competent businessman and have grown Black Industries exponentially.
I would do anything for my family and Black Industries.

"I know, son." He sighed. "I hope it's not Joseph's little girl, though." He mumbled.

I frowned further but paid no more attention to the old man.

"Let's do business son!" Dad chuckled.

He's been in retirement for too long, he's going mad.

We stepped out the car and made it into the building with the rest of my team and Clara, my PA.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked. She scanned the group. When her eyes landed on me she gasped and blushed. "Black Industries?"

Richard nodded to her and she immediately picked up the phone. Her eyes found me again and she smiled slightly and bit her lip as she tucked a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear.

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