Chapter 58

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Avery Black

I sat on the cold tiled floor in the bathroom with my head leaned against the wall. It seemed to sooth the slightly raised temperature of my flushed skin.

"Avery?" Oliver's voice echoed in the bathroom.

I turned my head and smiled meekly.

He sighed and scooped me up off of the floor. "I've called Dr. Klein, he'll be here in 20 minutes."

Oliver sat me on the vanity and passed me a toothbrush with toothpaste. I accepted it to get the awful taste out of my mouth.

"It's just a stomach bug." I frowned.

"You've been like this for a week. I told you if it didn't clear up I would get the doctor. You've already taken all sorts of medicines from the pharmacy and nothing's worked." His tone became increasingly annoyed. Which was rarely directed at me, so I wasn't used to it from him. What really had me worried though, was the frantic look in his eyes.

I frowned and focused on brushing my teeth. I spat in the sink and Oliver handed me a cup of water.

He stood in between my legs and hugged me closely. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Why are you so worried?" I murmured.

He released a breath. "I just don't want anything to happen to you."

I pulled back and kissed his cheek. "I'll be fine."

He lifted me up and walked downstairs.

"I can walk, you know?" I chuckled.

"Just let me take care of you." Oliver said as we walked.

He sat me on the couch in the living room.
After he laid a blanket over me the elevator dinged and Dr. Klein stepped out.

"Mr and Mrs. Black." He smiled happily at us. He was quite used to using our first names, but I think he just wanted to say our last. "I haven't seen you two since the wedding. You looked absolutely marvelous, Avery." A brown eye winked at me. "You were okay, Oliver."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Can you please take a look at her." He said impatiently.

"Of course. What's the problem?" He sat down on the coffee table in front of me.

"I've been vomiting on and off for the last week and a half." I stated. "I'm sure it's just a stomach bug."

"I see." Dr. Klein smiled again and dug through his bag. He pulled out a forehead thermometer and held it up until it beeped. "Nothing too abnormal." He listened to my chest and heart. He prodded my stomach a little looking for any painful areas.

"Everything is looking normal." He sighed. "I'll take a blood and urine sample, if you don't mind."

"Can you make sure we have the results by the end of the day?" Oliver asked.

"Sure, I'll bring them here personally."

Dr. Klein took my blood and I peed into the little yellow jar.
I handed it over and he was off.

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