Chapter 46

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Avery Adley

"Avery," Oliver roused me from my sleep. "We've landed." He said quietly and helped me collect my things.

As soon as the weekend came Oliver whisked me away to the Blacks private island in Fiji.

I had to admit I was nervous flying. I hadn't been in a plane in a very long time.
The last time was probably when I was five and we returned from France.

We travelled for about 16 hours, so I had time to get used to it. It was as luxurious as I expected. Leather seats and lounges, a bar, a hostess to cater to every need and even a few rooms at the back.

Oliver did some work on the plane while I read a book and eventually fell asleep for a few hours.

Before we left I received a phone call from Vivienne.
She was talking a mile a minute about the wedding. She wanted to hold it in a months time. Apparently Erica was fine with finishing the wedding dress by then.

Oliver didn't care. I didn't mind either. No matter how far the wedding is, the results the same.
However, apart of me was excited.

I did have some questions about the wedding.

Did we still need to get married?

Didn't Mr. Adley destroy the agreement between companies?

Isn't it useless now?

My breath was taken away when I looked out the window. It was beautiful. The ocean was crystal clear with sandy beaches. There was thick tropical foliage that contrasted with the vibrant blue of the sea.

Warm air hit me and whirled around as we exited the luxury private plane and stepped onto the private landing strip.

Oliver followed behind me and we made it to the car that was waiting for us.

We both slid into the backseat and waited for our luggage to be loaded.

I looked out the window as we waited.

"What do you think?" Oliver asked.

"It's wonderful. How do you always manage to find the most beautiful places?" I asked as I watched the scenery begin to fly by when we started moving.

"I must love beautiful things." I turned my head to face him. He looked directly at me with a certain fondness and a soft smile.

I blushed and turned away again.

We stopped at a surprisingly small bungalow.
It was two bedroom and was fairly open. A patio wrapped around the whole house and large windows looked out onto every view possible. What really stunned me was seeing the ocean. The calm waves on the beach and the smell of the ocean was soothing.
It was really only a few small steps away.

It was perfect for getting away from the drama back in New York. However, I knew it would be waiting for us.

We unpacked our things and settled down. Sunset was fast approaching.
I sat facing the ocean on the outdoor lounge and watched the sun disappear.

Oliver set a glass of white wine down for me before he sat down himself. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders while sipping his beer.

"About the marriage..." I started feeling nervous.

"Mmm?" He hummed in response.

"How does it work now?" I asked. "The contract has been breached.."

"Myself and Russell will sign a new contract. It will work the same way." He stated simply. "Nothing has really changed much."

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