Chapter 7

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                     Oliver Black

A driver picked myself and my assistant up to head straight over to Adley Corporations for the 9am project meeting.

The only thing I have to look forward to is seeing that pretty little redhead.

"You're looking forward to seeing Miss Adley aren't you?" Clara smirked. "I know I am."

I turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh come on. If she's a lesbian, let me know." She grinned.

"What about Elizabeth?" I asked.

"Threesome." She shrugged and smiled mischievously.

"Isn't she pregnant?"

"Pregnant women can have sex, you know?" She smirked. "They get all crazy hormonal."

"I see." I stated blankly. I didn't want anything to do with pregnancy or children.

"We're here Mr. Black." Clara declared turning back into work mode. "Everyone has also arrived and are waiting on you. Your mother and father will also be joining us for the next meeting."

We met up with the team and went to the top floor.
After leaving the elevator we met with Adley who was on his way. We turned the corner and saw, judging by the red hair, Miss Adley dangling from a man's neck. I clenched my jaw in annoyance.

Adley wore an unhappy scowl and cleared his throat.
The man carefully lowered Miss Adley to the ground and both turned to our direction.
The man revealed himself and I recognised him as Russell Adley. I attended Harvard with him and graduated the same year. He's a smart man who would be ready to take over the company any day now.

"Dad!" Russell shook his father's hand with a bright smile. "It's great to be back."

"Mr. Black it's good to see you again." Miss Adley approached us and shook my hand.
Her complexion seemed unusually pale and her eyes wore dark circles underneath.
She wore a scarf but I could see a dark mark peeking out.

A hickey maybe?

The thought of her with another man irritated and frustrated me.
Maybe because someone swooped in before I did.

"Likewise Miss Adley."

"Please, just call me Avery." She smiled pleasantly, but as usual it didn't reach those empty grey eyes.
I sent her a curt nod before greeting the rest with brief hand shakes and nods.

We made it into the meeting room where Russell introduced himself and apologised for his absence.

During the meeting proposals were made and I advised to complete and revise their proposals to fit our needs and requirements. I wasn't going to settle for anything less than perfect.
The team wasn't bad, Adley just hadn't given them clear instructions.
Our team went away with a few improvements and adjustments to be made.

My eyes involuntarily flickered over to Avery. She was scribbling down notes like last time, but looked to be close to dosing off. I even noticed she stifled a yawn.
Although I found her to be cute, I couldn't shake the fact that she looked sick.

After the meeting Russell approached me with a wide smile and his warm grey eyes sparkled.

He's always been a happy guy.
We seem to have very contrasting personalities.

"Oliver, it's so good to see you again." He shook my hand pulled me in for a hug.

"Its been awhile, Russell." I stated as we pulled back.

"We'll have to go out for drinks sometime and catch up." He smiled. "I may even bring Avery." His eyes held a glint of mischievousness.

I nodded before following Clara out.
Clara and I walked down to a cafe to get a coffee and go over the schedule while we waited for my parents to arrive.

The next meeting was in regards to the marriage contract. I was going to make it clear that I will not be marrying Leah Adley.
She has a well known reputation in the party scene. Her family always managed to stop anything from getting out, but we did our research.
She's been busted for drugs, drink driving and has had multiple one night stands as well as been in some brawls.
A sex tape was nearly released into the media last year.
I would rather marry a rat than marry her.

Even with the rumours surrounding Avery, I would rather put up with a seemingly well natured person who works hard for her family than a lazy brat.

I sighed and sipped my coffee before my parents walked in arm in arm.

"Are you ready to go?" Mom asked. "I hope Avery accepts."

She was beaming with excitement like a little schoolgirl.

"Of course." I replied.

I dismissed Clara and sent her back to the office.
We made our way back to Adley's office. We landed on the top floor where we could hear muffled shouts echo along the hallways.

"Is that Mr. Adley?" Mom asked with a frown.

"Does this happen alot?" Dad asked an older lady who appeared to be a receptionist.

"Unfortunately." She sighed sadly. "Avery has to put up with his mood swings an awful lot. I don't know how she keeps up with his demands."

My father nodded as she carried on.
We showed ourselves to the meeting room and sat down to wait for Adley.

Finally he entered the room with a smile followed by Avery. "Hello, Vivienne, Maxwell."

Avery shook their hands as well with a tight smile before stepping back and shifting her gaze to the floor.

"Is Marie not joining us?" Mom asked curiously.

"No, she doesn't really have much to do with business deals." Adley replied.

"I see.." Mom paused. "Please keep in mind that this is not just a business deal, it's also a decision that will affect your daughters future dramatically."

I noticed a tick in Adley's jaw as Mom spoke.

"Of course it is." He regained his smile. "I only want the best for my children."

Mom nodded, slightly content with his answer.

"I have had the contract drawn up and run past our lawyers." Dad explained. "It includes a prenuptial agreement, what is required within the marriage and business.
Infidelity will not be tolerated, nor will any questionable behaviour that could put the family at risk. If any agreements are broken there will be major losses to the offending party."

"You're welcome to read the contract and have your lawyers read through it. There are no loop holes. It is air tight." I explained further.

Adley nodded while Avery made notes in her notebook.

"There will be an engagement period that will be assessed upon agreement." Mom spoke kindly. "In about 3 weeks there will be an engagement party to announce the business partnership and marriage. In the 3 weeks it would be a good idea for them to date a bit and then move in together after the engagement period has commenced." She smiled. "I'm hoping it will give them an adjustment period before marriage. Just so they don't have to go from 1 to 100."

"Okay, I will be sure to pass the information on to Leah and Marie." Adley said as he flicked through the contract. "Avery make copies of the contract when we're done here."

"Yes, sir." Her voice came out meek and quiet in the large room.

"Actually Jeremiah," Dad spoke up catching everyone's attention. "Leah isn't the one who will be marrying Oliver."

Avery and Adley's heads shot up in alarm. "What are you taking about?" His voice was low and dark.

"I want to marry Avery Adley, not Leah." I laced my fingers together and sat back on the comfortable leather office chair.

Avery stared at me in shock. Her rosy lips were parted and her eyes were wide. Whatever color that was left on her face drained in an instant.

Am I that ugly?

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