Chapter 36

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Oliver Black

There was something up with Avery. She wasn't as alert as usual. She seemed to be off in her own thoughts.
I thought about that man and those nightmares.

Who is he? Did he have something to do with those nightmares?

My thoughts repeated themselves over and over.
I could tell he wasn't simply someone who recognised us from some magazine or tv show.
It wasn't as though he was staring out of curiosity or interest.
His presence was sinister.

I was wary. I could see he had no interest in me. He was intent on Avery.

I'll have to organise a security detail for her.

"Sir..." Clara walked in looking extremely worried.

"What is it?" I frowned.

"Well... Wilson & Co have pulled out. They've changed to a different company." She said hesitantly. "I've tried to find out who or why but they refuse to answer. They won't even answer my phone calls anymore."

"What the fuck?" I said under my breath. They're our most valued clients. They invest in our software and have partnered in various projects.
We had so much invested in each other. I couldn't fathom why they would do this.
They're going to receive massive losses including paying for a breach in contract.

The Wilson's are great friends to my parents. I practically grew up with their children.

Who the fuck is doing this?!

"And they wouldn't say who they moved to?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"No, sir."

I dismissed Clara and got on the phone to my father.

"Olly! How are you?" Dad chirped.

"Wilson's have pulled out from their contract which includes their investments and deals."

"... What?" Dad breathed out. "Why?"

"I don't know. They refuse to take our calls and won't say who they've moved on to." I stated, my rage was growing steadily.

"Okay." Dad sighed. "I'll call Walter."

"Get back to me when you have an answer." I hung up and sat back in my chair. I thought desperately trying to make sense of things.

I turned to calling Sam.

"How close are you in finding out about my clients?" I cut him off.

"Hello to you too." He chuckled "I'm getting there."

"Look into Wilson & Co."

"What?!" He all but screamed.  "I thought they're your best clients?"

"They were. They've pulled all investments."

"Jesus! Are you fucking kidding?" He was as confused as I was.

"I wish. Get back to me by tonight with something."

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