Chapter 8

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                        Avery Adley

What did he say?!

I felt my jaw drop as soon as the words "I want to marry Avery Adley" left his lips.
I was so shocked I forgot to breathe.
I broke out into a cold sweat while Vivienne and Maxwell Black wore happy and proud smiles. Oliver Black sat there nonchalantly.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mr. Adley's face contorting and growing red in anger.

My hands shook and my face had paled further than before.

"Did this little slut seduce you into making a decision?!" He all but yelled. I flinched and shrunk back slightly.

Vivienne stared at him in pure shock and horror.

"No. She didn't." Oliver stated calmly. He wasn't affected by him one bit. "I will not accept a wife who is a drunk and regularly partakes in drugs and even has a sex tape floating around." He shifted and rested his head on his hand. "I won't have a partner who will bring down the family and business." He stated matter-of-factly.

My mouth ran dry.
I don't know how he found out, but I'm going to get all the blame for this.

"I'll have you know Leah is ten times better than this woman." Mr. Adley spat.

I squeezed my eyes shut hoping this would be over.
His whole doting father persona just flew out the window.

Mr. Adley rose up onto his feet while leaning over the desk and pointing his finger at Oliver. "You better think over your decision, boy." His tone was threatening.

I kept my head bent not wanting to look up at anyone for fear of further exacerbating his fury.

"Mr. Adley." Oliver said in warning. His tone was calm and even but still had an edge that made the temperature drop in the room. "I have already made my decision. You may speak with your family about it, but whether you accept is up to you."

I want to help the business. My Papa's business. That's all I have to live for.
But should I really marry a stranger?
Would Mr. Adley even allow it?
We have alot to gain from a matrimonial partnership after all, we gain an ally and lose a competitor.

But, would he hurt me? He doesn't seem to be a person who gives his emotions away.
I can't get a read on him.

It's not like I have a choice, anyway.

"Avery!" Mr. Adley snapped at me, pulling me out to my thoughts.
He began walking out of the room. On trembling knees I scurried after him.

As soon as I entered his office I was smacked across the face. Hard. A cry left my lips as I stumbled into the wall but managed to stay on my feet. Tears formed in my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. I hadn't felt that sort of force in a long while.

"S-s-si-" I was cut off by another slap and a rough grip on my long pony tail.

"Did I say you could speak?" He growled dangerously.
"What did you do?! How did he find out about Leah?!"

"I-i don't know." I shook my head. "Just because I got rid of the evidence, doesn't mean it didn't happ-"

I was cut off again by another punch to the gut. I fell to my knees, desperately gasping for air.

"Get out of my sight. I'll deal with you later. Finish your work at home!"

"Y-yes sir." I squeaked out as tears continued to run.

I rushed out and in to my office. The door slammed behind me and I frantically collected my laptop, files, notes and bag. I slipped my coat on but thought to fix my make up and appearance first.
As I thought my cheek was swollen, painful and bright red. I touched up my foundation so you could only see slight redness and rid any tear tracks. My hair was a mess so I combed and retied it.

I hurried out with all my things and made it down the hallway. The Blacks had just gotten in the elevator. My eyes met the icy blue eyes of Oliver Black before the doors slid shut.

"Avery, are you leaving? Is everything okay?" Norah from reception asked.

I cleared my throat and turned to the stern looking woman. "Yes, everything is fine. I'm not feeling well, so Mr. Adley insisted I go home for the day." I smiled at her. "Could you please make a couple of copies of this contract for Mr. Adley and hand them back?" I asked handing the contract to her.

"Oh. Okay." Her lips were in a thin line and she looked at me with uncertainty. I could've sworn I heard a "kids these days." As I walked into the lift.

I was crossing the lobby when someone called out my name.
I looked around to see Aaron heading towards me with a bright smile.

"Hey! I was just coming up to see if you wanted to grab lunch with me." He said enthusiastically.

We had been having lunch together for the past few days.
If I couldn't leave he would join me at my desk instead.
I would tell him he didn't need to, but he insisted every time.
Afterall, I enjoyed my quiet time, but I just gave up and let it be.

I smiled up at him. "Thank you, but I'm not feeling well and have been sent home."

"Are you okay?" His face flooded with concern. "Now that you mention it you're a bit pale and you're eyes are red."

"I'll be fine after some rest." I smiled politely and walked away.

"Ah, wait!" Aaron held my arm at the elbow.
As soon as I felt his touch I ripped my arm away from his grip.

His eyes widened but, thankfully he didn't comment on it. "Let me take you home. I'm on break anyway." A gentle smile graced his features. "I won't take 'no' for an answer."

I swallowed nervously and hesitantly nodded my head.

"Great, my car is in the basement parking lot." Aaron led the way and i gave him my address before we drove off.

The ride was fairly quiet. I didn't want to talk so I just stared out the window.
Everything was all too much. Oliver Black asked to marry me, exactly something Mr. Adley didn't want.
He couldn't have me work anywhere else or be away from him, I knew too much about his business.
Now, he'll probably beat me to death.

We made it to the familiar black gates of hell.

"Nice place." Aaron commented under his breath. "The perks of your father being CEO."

His attitude towards me was odd. He's kind, but he doesn't seem to like the fact that I'm related to the CEO or an influential family. He would often make comments in regards to me being wealthy.

"Aaron, just because my family has money doesn't mean our lives are perfect." I snapped through gritted teeth.

He looked shocked. His brown eyes widened before darkening.
I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I snapped." I looked back at him.

His face softened back to his kind countenance.

"No, it's okay Avery. You're absolutely right."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I stiffened when he grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on the back.

I felt uncomfortable. The way he looked at me as he made the simple gesture, made me feel unsettled.

"Thank you for the ride Aaron." I said pulling my hand away from his.

"Anytime!" He smiled. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you up to the house?"

"No, it's fine thank you." I opened the door and climbed out before he could say anything else.

"Okay, I hope you feel better!" He yelled through the window of his blue Ford sedan before driving off.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I opened the gates with the keypad and walked up the winding driveway praying that Leah or mother were out.

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