Chapter 19

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Avery Adley

I felt so self conscious with Oliver sitting across from me in silence. He began checking emails as we worked. I could hear the calming sounds of rain hitting the window.
It made it harder to keep my eyes open.

"Do you need help with anything?"

I blinked a few times before looking up. It took a few seconds to register what he said in my exhausted state.

"Oh. Oh no." I smiled tiredly. "I'm nearly done here."

He nodded his head and went back to his phone.

By midnight I was finally finished.
I sighed and leaned back on my chair.

"Is it Friday yet?" I mumbled and yawned.

"Unfortunately not." Oliver replied. I don't understand how he maintained such an emotionless facade.

Unless it's not a facade?

"Thank you for waiting for me." I replied trying to be sincere but I just sounded tired.

Oliver nodded and stood up.
I grabbed my things and made it to the elevators.
I'm pretty sure I looked like a walking corpse.

Before we made it out the door, I stopped in my tracks and my jaw dropped.

"Avery?" Oliver turned around with furrowed eyebrows.

"Is- is that a Bugatti Divo?"

"It is." His eyebrows furrowed. "Is that a problem?"

I shook my head. "It's beautiful."

It's a $6 million car. I never thought I'd be able to touch one.
Even if Mr. Adley got one they wouldn't let me near it. Much like most of the cars they own.

"Let's go." Oliver said as he turned back around.

I gingerly climbed into the ridiculously expensive car.
Although I would love a car like this, I couldn't justify spending that amount of money.

The sound of the engine sent shivers down my spine.

"Do you know much about cars then?"

I looked over to Oliver.
"Yes and no. I don't know much about the mechanics and everything. I can appreciate them. I'm also the one who organises cars for my family. Well, except for Russell."

"Why don't you have a car? Do you not have your license?"

I couldn't really answer. "I have a license..."

After a long pause a loud sigh was released. "Avery, I know there's something going on with you. Although it's none of my business, it will come out eventually."

I froze. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I felt all color drain from my face.

"For my sake, don't. Don't pry, it won't end well Oliver." I looked over to him pleadingly.

He nodded and continued the drive. I began to doze off. When I felt the car stop I opened my eyes.
"Thank you for waiting and taking me home."

I reluctantly left the luxurious car and walked into the house.

After stepping into the darkness, I was gripped by my hair. A shriek left my lips.

"Where were you?!" Mr. Adley roared. He smelled like beer and liquor. His grip tightened painfully.

I winced and cowered. "I was working." My voice was weak and trembling. "Please, let me go."

A knee found it's way to my gut. I coughed and felt the bile rise up my throat. I swallowed it down.

"So who was that?!" He screamed in my face.

"O-oliver B-Black, sir." As soon as those words left my mouth he slapped me across the face. I could taste blood from accidentally biting my cheek.

"It didn't take you long did it?!"

"S-sir please.." I squeaked out.

"So you decide to rub it in your mother and sisters face, huh?! You're disgusting." He sneered.

I received more blows to my torso. When he released me I landed on the floor boards and whimpered quietly.

"You're lucky we have that stupid gala to go to, I would have made it much worse."

He trudged up the stairs. I heard a soft click of his bedroom door.

I grimaced when I tried to move and shakily stood. I silently groaned when Leah padded down the stairs.

She sniggered and waltzed up to me.
"My, my, you know you're going to receive much worse for stealing my husband." She brushed a piece of hair away from my face. "I'll make sure it's me, not you." Her voice was soft and gentle, which only added to my fear.
I had never been so scared of her before. She was absolutely menacing.

"Run along Avery." She smirked and walked to the kitchen.

I released a breath and stumbled up the stairs to collapse on my bed. I didn't bother to shower or change.
Tears welled in my eyes and fought the urge to cry my heart out.
It was all becoming too much.

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