Chapter 43

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Oliver Black

After her shower Avery went to sleep before I left. She was embarrassed when she realised she was only in her bra and panties.

Even in her condition she still looked incredible. Her body, although thin is still curvy and enchanting. My imagination would run wild if I wasn't careful.

I wondered what she would say when she realised I had to change her out of her wet clothes.

She's been so physically and emotionally exhausted.
I couldn't blame her though.
The doctor said it was normal, but she needed to eat more and put on some weight.

The look in her eyes as she stared at her reflection made my heart clench.
She was shocked and disgusted.

As she cried and yelled at me all I could hear and see was pain.
She believed every word she said.

I suppose if you spent years with a group of people who constantly told you how worthless you were, you would believe them too.

I was determined to protect her.

I won't fail her again.
I will tell her how beautiful she is. I'll make her realise what a gift she is to this earth. To me.

"Oliver!" Russell called from the other side of the lobby.

I nodded and walked over to him.
"Let's go." I said and I followed him to the elevator.

"Who would have thought Avery would keep records of everything." Russell said thoughtfully.

"She's smart."

"I don't even want to know what my father has been up to." Russell shifted uncomfortably.

"You have to be prepared." I said looking at him. "Once shit hits the fan you have to be ready to take over. We'll try to minimise the damage to both of our companies, but I don't think we'll get away unscathed."

Russell nodded.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out. The whole floor was dark and quiet. It was eerie.

Silently we walked down the hall towards Avery's office.
We didn't even need to make it to the door way to see how much of a mess her office was.
There were files and books scattered everywhere. Her computer monitor was broken and shattered. Everything was pushed off of her desk.

"Here." Russell stepped over the mess and picked up the sleek silver laptop.

"She said the files were in the cupboard." I stated as I continued to look around.

Russell dug around in the grey cupboard next to the desk. "Got 'em!"

I walked out and into Adley's office. The doors were parted and I pushed through.
A pot plant caught my eye. The pot had been shattered and there was dirt every where.

Russell walked in and looked around.
In the corner I saw a hand full of buttons scattered around.
There were so many signs of a huge struggle.

She must have put up one hell of a fight.

"Oliver." Russell's voice cracked.

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