Chapter 53

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Oliver Black

I took Avery home after she passed out at Adley Corporations.

I could hear the screaming and yelling the moment I stepped out of the elevator.

Avery's shouts, screams and yells were all heart breaking.
I was glad I got there when I did. Avery was so very clearly and rightfully not backing down.

However, the force in that hit would have hurt and knocked her to the ground.
I would rather she shy away than get hurt.

I sighed as I washed the shampoo out of my hair.

I had been doing work at home since bringing Avery back. She looked so lost and broken. Of all the times I had seen her upset, this was the hardest to watch. Even when she was black and blue she didn't look half as lost then as she did now.
My heart hurt for her.

The news stations and reporters haven't caught wind of the matter just yet, thankfully. Mom's been working tirelessly to plan the wedding, hopefully it will take some attention away from Avery's family.

I felt butterflies and an odd flutter in my heart.

She'll be Mrs. Avery Black.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a fully clothed Avery pressing her body to my back and wrapping her arms around my waist, while the water rushed down on us.

I turned around and met with those sad grey eyes that looked at me with a lost expression.

"You should rest baby." I whispered and I tenderly held her face in my hands.

She shook her head and opened her mouth to speak before closing it again and looking away.

"What is it?" I asked.

Her eyes studied my face. Her clothes and hair began sticking to her body.
I gently brushed the hair away from her beautiful face.

Her small hands reached up and cupped my cheeks. She pulled my face closer to hers and kissed me like her life depended on it.

I could feel her grief, her sorrow and her need.

She needed me both emotionally and physically. I wanted to be able to take her pain away for at least a little while. Make her forget.

My arms automatically wound around her petite frame.

We made quick work of removing Avery's clothes with a sense of urgency.
I lifted her feather light body and wrapped her legs around my waist.

I sucked and nibbled her earlobe. I could feel her melt into me with a moan. One of my hands lightly gripped Avery's long soft red hair and gently pulled her head back to expose her neck.
I nipped and kissed her soft creamy skin before trailing back to her luscious lips.
Avery softly moaned into the kiss while her fingers tugged at my hair.

When I felt her dripping heat rub against me, I easily slid into her. I leaned her against the tiled wall and thrusted into her.

Avery's arms held on to me like I was the oxygen she needed to breathe. I had no intention of left her go.

Her gasps and moans drove me further to the brink.
I held myself back but when her moans became louder and I felt her twitching and pulsing around me, I pushed myself further and deeper, faster and harder.

Our pleasure mounted and built before we both released.

We both stood in the shower staring into each others eyes. Her breath came out in pants as the warm water cascaded over the both of us.
I lowered her to the ground and kissed her gently.
We finished the shower and scrubbed each other clean.

Later, Avery reheated some leftovers for dinner and set the dining table.
We sat in mostly silence. Avery looked like she was thinking hard.
I saw tears well in her eyes. Her fork and knife clattered on her plate and she brought her hands to her face.

I stood up and moved to her side in an instant. 

"Avery..." I stroked her hair as I kneeled down.
I didn't know what to do or say or what would make her feel better.

Her arms wound their way around my neck and she cried on my shoulder.

I rubbed her back and shushed and cooed.

"I just didn't think they were so cold hearted that they would do something so horrific." She whispered. "I-I don't know what to do."

"You dont have to do anything." I murmured. "They will never hurt anyone ever again. I promise you."

Avery pulled away and looked at me. "You know what he said when he picked me up from the hospital after I tried to kill myself?"
She chuckled humourlessly. I didn't respond and waited for her to continue.
"He said "next time you want to die, let me know. I'll gladly finish the job." I was in denial. I denied the fact that my own 'family' were a bunch of monsters."

I sighed. I wish I could say I was surprised at what he said. I kissed her her forehead. I brushed away her tears and grabbed her hand. She didn't question me and just followed where I was going. I sat her on the couch and wrapped the throw around her. I walked back to the kitchen and scooped some ice cream into a bowl.

She chuckled when I gave her the bowl and said a 'thanks'.
I put a movie on and wrapped her up securely in my arms. Occasionally she would feed me a spoonful of chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

"I nearly forgot to tell you, mom and Erica want to go shopping with you next week for the wedding." 

Avery looked at me and nodded. She placed the empty bowl on the coffee table.

"I've assigned Tony to you and hired a few more body guards."

She sighed and looked at me. "Oliver I dont-"

"You can't argue with me on this. You need protection. Things will become even more hectic." I said seriously.

"I just don't want to be followed everywhere I go."

"They're very discreet unless there's a possible threat. That's why I hired them."

"Okay." She gave me a small smile and nestled herself into my chest.

My phone rang. I picked it up and hit answer. "Sam?"

"The news broke out. There are vultures hanging around your apartment and both office buildings." I sighed. I knew it was naive but I really hoped it would take longer for it to break out.

"Be careful. Russell can't do anything either. I spoke with him and he has put Leah on lockdown." He continued. "Leah is really unhinged. Russell said to keep Avery away from the house." 

"Okay. Thanks Sam."

"Thank me with full course meal from a five star chef."

"Bye Sam." I hung up with a slight chuckle.

Avery tore her eyes away from the screen. "Everything okay?"

"The media have jumped on the news." I sighed. "We'll have to be careful."

Avery nodded her head but I didn't miss the worry.

We watched the movie and Avery eventually fell asleep on my chest.

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