Chapter 35

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Avery Adley

Myself and Oliver spent the weekend either working or watching tv. Sometimes we would sit together.

It was nice to have meals and light chats. I think we fell into a routine where we enjoyed each others company.

My whole body yearned to be close to him. I felt restless when I wasn't and a whole other kind of restless when I was.

We managed to go for a walk and get some fresh air. After convincing him my sprained ankle was getting better, of course.

He laced his fingers with mine and kissed the engagement ring he gave me.
Whether it was real or for show didnt matter. It still made butterflies erupt in my stomach and a blush form on my cheeks.

Women would stare in envy and awe at his small gestures.

I still felt the feeling of eyes burning holes in the back of my skull.

I looked over my shoulder and all I could see were a few people minding their own business.

"Is everything alright?" I didn't realise we stopped walking. "What is it?"

"Nothing... I just thought.." I trailed off. "It's nothing."
I hoped I was just being paranoid.
I figured between Mr. Adley and Leah, maybe everything was just catching up to me.

Oliver eyed me suspiciously. We continued along quietly and made it to the park and sat on a bench. Oliver tucked me under his arm.
His body heat fought off the chilled evening air.

"Its nice to get some fresh air." I closed my eyes enjoying the serenity.
I knew this was the calm before the storm.
It caused a sick feeling to settle in my stomach. Guilt.

I knew I couldn't tell him. That would be like asking for a death sentence.
I turned and glanced at Oliver.
He'll find out I knew all this time and didn't try to prepare him for it.
It would be akin to betrayal.

This would jeopardize the friendship we had created. I was torn.

It's going to blow up in my face.

I could hear the occasional shutters of a camera and a flash out the corner of my eye.
Oliver sighed. "Can't go anywhere without them, can we?"

"They're lost without you, Oliver." I chuckled.

I think I would be too.

"They're more annoying than lovesick puppies." He muttered obviously irritated. "Lets go."

He stood up and pulled me up with him.
We took a few steps and I looked up ahead. The hand clasped in Oliver's tightened and I felt my face pale.

The hooded man was standing up ahead. Staring. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it.
If he wasn't under the street light I would have missed him. His hoodie was black or blue and his jeans were dark. What wasn't illuminated faded into the background.

Oliver scanned my face and followed my gaze. "Who is it?"

"I don't know." I swallowed nervously. "I think I saw him after work one day."
I met his blue eyes but, when I looked back the man was gone. I searched around for him, but couldn't see a trace.

"Its okay. With the security we have no one can get close."
I nodded at his words and walked with him back to his penthouse.

"I'm sure it was my imagination and he was just someone who recognised us." I said to reassure myself more than anything.

Silently we walked the rest of the way.
After we reached the penthouse Oliver ordered a pizza.

We ate while watching tv. Afterwards Oliver went to the gym and I went to bed.
I kept bouncing between the problem with Mr. Adley messing with Black Industries and the stranger I saw.
The thought of both made me feel ill.

I finally drifted off after being able to stop my mind from wandering.
Unfortunately, my sleep, as usual, was interrupted by nightmares.

"Avery!" Oliver's voice shook me out of my dreadful sleep.

I opened my eyes and saw Oliver sitting on the edge of he bed. He was holding me by my shoulders.
I flung my arms around his neck and he held my trembling form. Tears escaped my eyes and fell down my cheeks.

"D-don't let him touch me..." I whispered. I was still half asleep by this time. "He'll hurt me.." I sobbed.

"Shh... it's okay." Oliver stroked my hair and rocked us back and forth.
He pulled back slightly to look at my pale face. His large hand cupped my cheek. "I won't let anyone hurt you."
His eyes were ablaze with sincerity and determination.

I sniffled and nodded my head. I was pulled back against his chest. His heart thrummed inside and I could feel it lulling me back to sleep.

I woke up when my alarm blared. I shut it off and felt something odd. I could feel heat in my back.
I turned my head and saw Oliver looking sleepily at me.
His lips tugged slightly and he tightened the arm around my waist.
"Good morning." His deep husky voice vibrated through my body.

"Morning." My voice was quiet. I was embarrassed and felt my cheeks heat up.
Not only was I embarrassed by this position but also by the events of last night.
They were a nightly occurrence and I knew last night was particularly bad. I was so used to getting through the torment by myself.

I left the warmth of the bed and Oliver did the same.
I nearly stopped in my tracks. My cheeks reddened more at the sight of Oliver's bare chest and toned body. He was only in a pair of underwear.

I turned away quickly and headed straight for the shower. I heard a low chuckle follow behind me.

I got ready and dressed in a blouse and pencil skirt.
I slipped on a pair of black heels and buckled them up.

"Are you ready?" Oliver asked as he tapped away on his cellphone.

"Yes." I picked up my bag and we made our way to the elevator.

We ended up in the parking garage beneath the building.

"I'm driving today." Oliver smirked.

I followed him to the Divo. "How many cars do you have?" I asked.

"A few. They're not all here though."

I nodded. I could see his BMW i8, a range rover, an Audi and this Bugatti Divo.

Why have more cars though?

I slid in to the passenger seat and Oliver followed around to the drivers side.

"Do you usually have nightmares?" Oliver asked.

I was hoping he wouldn't ask or talk about it.

"Sometimes." I stated as plainly as possible, hoping he'd drop it.

"If you want to talk about it, I'll listen."

I blinked away the tears that wanted to well up and escape. "Thank you." I said above a whisper.

He took my hand in his and held it to his lips.

After he released my hand, I stepped out of the car and into the building.
I smiled at Johnny who held the door open for me.

I reached my office and started my day.

I really hoped the calm before the storm would last as long as possible.

I was wrong.

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