Chapter 20

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Oliver Black

I decided to get one of my associates to do further investigations into the Adley's. I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to protect Avery.
I know there's something very wrong.

I kept telling myself it was just because I hadn't been with anyone lately.
But, in the pit of my stomach I felt different and I didn't know what it was.

It had already been a few days since I saw Avery.
I kept thinking about the way she looked at the Divo. It was quite an adorable sight. She stared at it in awe, and admiration. Her grey eyes sparkled with fascination.
I could see she was fond of the i8, but the Divo was in a league of its own.

I began getting ready for tonights gala.
Mom was excited when the Adley's said they would come. Mostly looking forward to seeing Avery.
Although she would never say it, but I know she dislikes Marie and Jeremiah Adley.

I slid on my tuxedo and fixed my tie.
Using some product I roughly did my hair, lightly combing it with my fingers.

I slipped my leather dress shoes on and made my way out of the walk in.

I briefly looked out at the view. The sun was setting over the horizon. I could see dark clouds rolling in, indicating we're in for more rain.

My thoughts drifted back to Avery. She liked the night time view at Adley Corporations, I wondered how she would react to my penthouse view.
The bedroom and living room have the best views of the city.

I checked my watch and walked down to the lobby.
Tony nodded to me and opened the passenger door.

We drove through the city and reached the Adley's just over half an hour later.
Stepping out I fixed my jacket and walked up to the door.
I was greeted by Alissa who smiled warmly and ushered me into the house.

"Oh my, Oliver!" Mrs. Adley exclaimed entering the room. "You look very handsome." She smiled.

I nodded in acknowledgement, but she decided to pull me in for an awkward hug.
Adley showed up beside her and gave me a handshake.

Heels clicking on the stairs alerted me. I turned my head and saw a strawberry blonde with a large smile plastered on her face.
I stuck my hands in my pockets and sighed.
Her dress was scandalously low cut and had a long slit exposing her tall legs. The fabric trailed behind as she descended the stairs.

"Oliver! You look so handsome." She smiled. I began getting extremely impatient. Leah stood next to me and wrapped an arm around mine.
Her mother looked happy with the scene before I moved out of her hold.

"Yo!" Russell grinned. "Here for my cupcake are ya!?"

I nodded and gave him a handshake.

"Do I need to give you a lecture?" He laughed. "Like, "bring her back by 12 or else." He playfully pointed a finger at me with a stern look on his face.

"Don't be ridiculous." I huffed.

"God, relax! The girl is coming." He laughed.

"Russell, leave Oliver alone." Leah pouted. "I'm sure he doesn't want to be here for her."

"Grow up Leah." Russell growled and received a smack upside the head from his father.

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