Chapter 61

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Avery Black

"L-Leah?" My breath hitched. "What do you want?"

"I.. um... I need help." She squeaked out. I could hear shuffling on the other end. "I can't get a hold of Russell and I had no one else to call."

I sighed. "I can't Leah, I can't help you."

"Please?" She pleaded. "I don't know what to do."

I inhaled deeply. My thoughts went back to the blonde little girl with big bright green eyes who would play dolls with me.

"Okay." I breathed out. "Tell me what's wrong."

"C-can you come here?" She asked.



"Fine." I sighed. "But Leah, if you hurt me or screw me over, I'm done."

Leah hesitated. "Okay." She whispered.

I tried to ring Russell twice and each time his phone rang out.

I dialled Oliver's number. His phone also went to voice mail.

I decided to send a text to both Russell and Oliver explaining what happened and what I was going to do.

Oliver would obviously disapprove. I know I had to think about the baby, but I was only going to go there and check to make sure she was okay and hadn't hurt herself.
It's the right thing to do afterall.

She's also a victim. A victim of her parents, of her friends and of drugs and alcohol.

I put my shoes on and made my way down to the car. Tony was off for the day as we hadn't planned on going anywhere except home, the hospital and work.

I pulled out and drove the 30 or so minutes to the house I never really wanted to return to.

"Leah?" I stepped through the door. The house was dark and quiet.

She was nowhere to be found so I climbed the stairs and towards her bedroom.

"Leah?" I knocked on the door. "Are you in there?"

The door opened and I had to stop a gasp when I saw her. Her usually perfect strawberry blonde hair was a mess. It looked like it hadn't been brushed in days, her eyes were sunken and didn't have their usual btight sparkle in them at all.
Her clothes were stained and dirty. She looked like she hadn't eaten for days.

She smiled happily at me, but there was something wrong with her eyes. They didn't look right at all.

"Leah? What's wrong?" I asked gently.

Her smile faded and she quickly burst into tears. "I-I don't know!"
She shook her head and looked back up at me. Her eyes suddenly held a deranged gleam as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her aura changed from vulnerable to dangerous in a split second.

She was clearly on some sort of drugs. Her emotions and moods were too erratic, her eyes were unclear and her pupils were dilated.

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