Chapter 39

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Oliver Black

I paced a hole in the floor and Russell sat on the sofa bouncing his knee up and down.

I had never felt this anxious before in my life.

"Who could have done this?" Russell muttered and held his head in his hands.

The buzzer echoed in the apartment and I looked at Russell. It was 4am, I didn't call anyone else. 

"Alissa." He said before trudging over to the elevator to buzz her up.

The elevators opened and Alissa frantically launched herself out.

"Où est ma fille? Qu'est-il arrivé?" She said all at once.

(Where's my girl? What happened?)

"Alissa, calm down." Russell held her shoulders. Alissa took a deep breath.

"What happened?" Her voice cracked and her eyes were filled with worry.

"She was attacked and beaten." I frowned.

Feelings of failure and guilt weighed heavily on me. I had failed to protect her.

And maybe if I wasn't such a self absorbed ass, I would have picked her up from work because it was so late. I would have organised the security that I completely forgot about.

I told her I wouldn't let anyone hurt her.

"Not again." Alissa said under her breath. Her eyes were filled with tears.

My head snapped up.

"Again?" Russell and I both said at the same time.

Alissa sniffed and sighed. "She always begged us not to tell anyone."

I frowned and opened my mouth to speak but was cut off.

"Oliver." Dr. Klein said from the top of the stairs. "I've completed the examination on Avery." He descended. "She's still unconscious but I don't think she has a major concussion. I think she's incredibly exhausted.

Multiple ribs are fractured, she has multiple contusions and bruising all over her body.
I suspect she was whipped with a belt judging by the welts and there are buckle shaped marks on her skin.
I stitched a wound in her hairline and eyebrow.

As for the strangulation, her trachea doesn't seem to be too affected although there is slight increase respiratory effort, but nothing to cause concern.
Her throat will also most likely be sore." 

I clenched my jaw and ran my hand through my hair. I could hear Alissa silently sobbing behind me.

"I would like her to have xrays taken and I will call in when she's awake to do a proper assessment and check for any brain damage. I have given her pain relief and an antiinflammatory for her injuries."

He looked at me before hesitantly speaking.

"Forgive me, but I have to ask." He paused. "Have you ever hit or abused your fiancee?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No. I would never hurt her." I said without a doubt.

Dr. Klein eyed me carefully before nodding. "I only ask because there are clear signs of prior abuse."

My gut wrenched.

"There are a lot of old bruises in different stages of healing. Mostly on her abdomen and thighs. Probably so they were easily covered up." I could hear the anger in his voice. "Her ribs were already broken and I believe they may be displaced. Her lungs appear to be fine, but we need to be careful."

I nodded my head.

"Was she... um.." I didn't know how to phrase the question. Thankfully, he understood what I was trying to ask.

"No, she wasn't. There were signs of attempted sexual assault, but as far as I could tell she wasn't raped." I breathed a small sigh in relief.
"Whoever it was wouldn't have gotten away without a scratch. That girl is a fighter, but there will be a lot of emotional trauma with this."
He walked past me and patted my shoulder. "Call me if there are any changes whatsoever. I hope you find whoever did this."

He left us some prescriptions and some pain killers before leaving.

I pulled out my phone and hit Sams contact. My fingers worked more aggressively than usual. Alissa scurried up the stairs nearly tripping on the steps.

"You finally want to hear what I have to say, huh?" He asked with a huff.

"Avery was attacked pretty badly, Sam." I stated.

He sighed. "I'll be over in a minute. I have files to show you anyway."

I looked at Russell as I hung up. "Sam is comong over. He may have information that could help."

"Sam?" He frowned. "Not Samson Davis?" He groaned.

"The very same."

"That guys is a pain in the ass." He said before turning back to his serious tone. "What are we going to do?"

"Figure this out. Keep her safe." I said firmly with resolve.

"Alissa knows about something." Russell stated.

I shook my head. "Leave her be. It's hard enough for her as it is. Let's see what Sam has to say first. We can confirm it with Alissa later."

Russell nodded. I walked to my bedroom and pushed the door open.
I stuck my head in and saw Alissa humming while stroking Avery's fiery red hair.

"Her mother used to sing this song to her." Alissa smiled sadly. "I can't remember the lyrics."

"You were friends?" I asked.

She nodded her head and wiped away her tears. "I thought she would be safe now that she was here, away from him."

"Adley?" I asked.

She simply nodded her head again.
"I thought once she was out of that house things would be better." A few sniffles echoed. "But this.." She gestured to Avery. "This is the worst I've seen her."

"I'm sorry I didn't protect her."

"Its not your fault." Alissa smiled sadly at me. "I was naive to think it would solve everything. Something bad must have happened for him to react this way."

I frowned.

I wanted to scream for answers.

Why would he beat the absolute shit out of his own niece? His own flesh and blood.

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