Chapter 12

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                    Oliver Black

"How could you have the wrong damn files?!" I roared as I slammed the incorrect files back on my desk.

"I'm sorry, sir." Sean said. "I.. I can't get through to the right person at Adley Corporations."

"Are you kidding me?!" I slammed my hand on the desk. "They're important!"

"I'm aware sir. Everyone's in meetings all day, I'm trying my best to get the correct ones, but I'm just getting the run around." He was obviously feeling frustrated. It's not his fault he was given the wrong ones, but they should have been checked before they were absolutely necessary.

"I'll sort it out. Go back and do your work." I sighed in exasperation. "Next time check that you have the right ones."

"Yes of course. I'm very sorry Sir!" He exclaimed and practically ran out the door.

I picked up my phone and hit the line for my PA. "Get me Mr. Adley or Miss Adley." I instructed Clara.

After 5 minutes she had me on the line with Mr. Adley.

"Oliver, what can I do for you son?" His gruff voice was unpleasantly pleasant.

"One of my team members was given the wrong files. I need the correct files by tomorrow morning."

"Oh? I'll have the files organised right away. What were they for?"

"The files on freight and shipping."

"Okay. I'll have it organised." He sighed. "Be sure to check them next time." His tone became more irritated.

"Of course. I have meetings all day today, I may be quite late to pick them up."

"That's fine, I'll make sure someone is here to hand them over to you and a guard to unlock the door for you."

"Thank you." Relief washed through me, now that it was organised.

He hung up the phone and I got back to work.
My meetings ran late and ended up running back to back. We didn't get much of a break at all.
By 9 pm I had dismissed Clara and finished off as much paperwork as possible.

At 10:30 I couldn't do any more. I figured I'd just come in early in the morning and finish the rest.
I pulled on my suit jacket and coat.
The rain had started to trickle in and thunder and lightning clapped in the sky.

I made my way to my car and drove to Adley Corporations where a security guard was waiting.

"I'm sorry for making you wait." I told the man who had probably been standing in the weather since closing time.

"Its fine. I'm on the clock anyway!" He gave me a crooked smile.

I proceeded through the dimly lit building and into the elevators where I hit the 25th floor button.

I walked out into near darkness. I was about to follow the light but stopped when I heard a voice from the opposite direction. The muffled sounds got louder and clearer as I neared the meeting room. I saw a silhouette that, without a doubt was Avery.
The dim light that shined in from outside lit up her face and red hair.

"If there is a next time and you don't back the fuck off, I will have you charged with extortion and stalking Leah."

The aggressiveness in her voice shocked me. I didn't think she was capable of it. She always seemed meek and soft.

Leah must have been caught by paparrazi again.
So Avery's the one who has to sweep the mess under the rug.

Paparazzi sure can be a whole other issue to deal with. Theyre usually greedy and sly bastards.

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