Chapter 17

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                       Avery Adley

It's been a few days since I came back home from Russells apartment.
I've purposely been staying out of mother's way.
I'd go to work, come home and eat downstairs if it's absolutely necessary.
Every night I have nightmares, so I have been running on minimum sleep.

The weather has been miserable. Not that I don't mind the rain and storms, I'd just appreciate it if I didn't have to walk in it.

I stepped out and walked downstairs. I had a piece of toast and a coffee.
Gerard watched me in disapproval. Apparently a piece of toast isn't a 'proper' breakfast.
I know Alissa and Gerard were worried about me, but trying not show it.

When I turned to leave I nearly ran into Leah.
She was in her gym attire and glared at me.
I side stepped and went around her.

"You know you would never be able to satisfy a man. Especially a man like Oliver Black. You're dirty and weak." Her words cut me and she knew it. "He'll come running to me in no time." She smirked wickedly.

After that night at the club all those hidden thoughts came rushing to the surface.

Dirty, slut, whore, worthless, useless, fat, ugly... weak.

Gripping the strap of my bag I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued out of the house.

I made it to work and sighed. I prepared Mr. Adley's coffee and files.

"Hey Avery." Aaron greeted.

I looked up from a file and gasped.
"Aaron... what the hell happened?" I asked with wide eyes.

He had a large black eye and a swollen cheek and jaw.

"Its not as bad as it looks." He chuckled awkwardly.

"What happened to you?" 

"I got jumped taking a short cut home from work." He gave me a weak smile. "It's all superficial."

"What about the police?" I asked in disbelief.

He sighed. "I made a report but there's nothing they could do. I didn't get a clear look at the guy."

I nodded my head in understanding. "Well, as long as you're okay. Just don't push yourself."

"I'll be fine Avery." He smiled brightly. "I always am!"

He passed over some files and said goodbye.

"Avery!" Mr. Adley snapped athrough the intercom startling me.

I got up and walked over to his office.
"Yes sir?"

"Get me files on Core International Holdings." He ordered. "They're wanting to sell up."

"Right away sir."

"The Blacks contacted me." He said through gritted teeth. "They will be coming here to sign the contract at 5pm. Clear my schedule for then."

Why are they always coming here?

"Yes, sir." I was about to turn around but stopped. "Sir?"

"What?!" He growled.

I gulped nervously. "Is there anything I need to be aware of before signing the contract?"

"Its none of your concern! Just do what I tell you!" He yelled. "You're dismissed."

I scrunched my eyebrows together but walked out anyway.

How is it none of my concern?!

I groaned and banged my head on my desk before getting back to work and retrieving files for the devil.

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