Chapter 4

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                      Avery Adley

We sat in the sitting room for after dinner drinks.

I collected their orders and served everyone their drinks. When I made it to Leah she purposely tipped the glass of red wine off the tray.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Avery you clumsy girl! Are you hurt?" Her tone was one of false concern.

The red wine stained my blue dress and the glass shattered on the hard wood floor.

"I'm so sorry!" I panicked. "I will clean this up right away."

"No harm done, dear." Mrs. Blacks comforting voice echoed from behind me.

I began picking up shards of glass carefully and walked to the kitchen to throw it in the trash.

"Avery, que s'est-il passé?" Gerard asked concerned as he noticed the glass and wine stain on my dress.
(Avery what happened?)

"Leah." I sighed. "Elle a renversé un verre de vin."
(She knocked over a glass of wine.)

"Elle va pour le jeune M. Black n'est-ce pas?" Gerard shook his head. "Je me sens mal pour la pauvre âme de celui ou celle qui finira avec cette fille idiote."
(She's going for the young Mr. Black isn't she? I feel bad for the poor soul who ends up with that girl.)

"Je me sens mal juste d'être lié à elle." I joked. "Tout ce qui l’intéresse, c’est l’argent. Un peu comme ses parents."
(I feel bad just being related to her. All she's interested in is money. Much like her parents.)

I heaved out a sigh.
"You look tired sweetheart." Alissa smiled. "I'll clean up the rest of the wine. You go and change. I'm afraid your dress may be completely ruined."

"Merci beaucoup, Alissa." I smiled greatfully and made my way to my bedroom.

Alissa and Gerard are married. They met here in the U.S. but both came from France. They're in their late 40s and have two children. The both of them are very kind to me.

It makes me happy to have someone I can communicate with in French. Maman was French and taught me when I was a child.
The way Alissa says my name with her accent and warmth, reminds me of Maman in a way.

I quickly changed into a long sleeved beige figure hugging dress and left my room.

"That dress makes you look fat." Leah stated blankly. "You know he's all mine."

I sighed. I was beginning to get a headache. "I'm aware Leah. Maybe you should go back to him."

"They're talking business." She sighed and inspected her nails.

I walked down the stairs and into the sitting room.

"Miss Avery, I poured you a new glass of wine." Alissa smiled.

"Thank you so much, Alissa." I took the wine from her and had a sip. The velvety texture blanketed my tongue and I relished in the warmth the red wine gave me.

"You're welcome Miss." She said and excused herself.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Oliver Black approach me.

"Mr. Black, I hope you enjoyed dinner." I smiled politely.

His icy blue eyes scanned my face for a moment. "Yes, it was delicious." He tore his gaze away to his glass of whisky. "It would have been better if your sister could keep her hands to herself." He mumbled.

I released a light chuckle. "She is supposed to be your wife soon."

"Act-" He started.

"Oliver!" Leah called and made her way over. "What are you two talking about?"

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