Chapter 9

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                      Oliver Black

I stared back at the man whose slightly tanned complexion was steadily growing red and wore a deep scowl.
I could see my father and mother smiling happily, completely oblivious to the man we just pissed off.

I looked back to see a pale and trembling Avery with her head down.

"Did this little slut seduce you into making a decision?!" Adley said with a raised voice.

Avery visibly flinched and shrank away from her father. Presumably from his loud outburst and insult.

I saw mother's mouth drop with wide eyes. She couldn't fathom what he just said.

"No. She didn't." I said sternly. My irritation was rising. "I will not accept a wife who is a drunk and regularly partakes in drugs and even has a sex tape floating around." I leaned into the chair more and rested my head on my hand. "I won't have a partner who will bring down the business and family name."

"I'll have you know Leah is ten times better than this woman." Adley growled at me. His eyes were challenging me.

He rose up onto his feet while pointing his finger arrogantly at me. "You better think over your decision, boy."

My lips formed a grim line and My jaw clenched. My father didn't even speak to me in such a manner.
I could crush his empire with just a few phone calls. Afterall, he has many dirty secrets.

"Mr. Adley." I said in warning. My tone was low but calm. "I have already made my decision. You may speak with your family about it, but whether you accept it is up to you."

Avery kept her head down, not once looking up at the scene.

"Leah, is more wife material than this girl." He gestured to the small woman almost huddled in fear next to him.

The thought of her being afraid made me frown.

What could she be afraid of?
Why would he say all this about her anyway?

"Leah will calm down with marriage." He said firmly. "She is someone you could be proud to show off to others. This little mouse here is simply trash. You obviously haven't heard the rumours about this bi-"

"What does it matter to you Mr. Adley?" I asked having enough of him constantly insulting her. "Either way you get your deal with my company."

Mr. Adley's jaw clenched. His grey eyes burned with anger, his posture screamed intimidation, but I wasn't afraid, nor intimidated. He was just a silly man way out of his depth.

I saw my mother huddle closer to my father. She was never one for confrontation unless she was particularly enraged.

"I think this meeting is over. You have your copy of the contract and my decision." I told him standing and buttoning my suit jacket. "Be sure to contact me by next week."

"Avery." Adley called.

She didn't move and just seemed to be in her own world.

"Avery!" Adley snapped again.
She finally looked at him only to shakily scramble after him as he exited the room.

All three of us watched the two retreating figures through the glass walls.

"What was that?" Mom breathed out.

"He wants Leah to be the one to marry Oliver." Dad sighed.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Won't the result still be the same?"

"Well, he obviously spoils Leah and wants her to marry a man who can provide a particular lifestyle. Who better than the top businessman in the country?" Dad explained shaking his head. "Avery may have been adopted but she is most definitely not treated like the other two children."

I ran my hand through my hair.
"This is already turning out to be more trouble than it's worth." I mumbled.

I don't even want to marry.

"He'll accept." Dad said. "You didn't really give him an option."

We gathered our things and entered the elevator. I looked up from my phone to meet the grey eyes of Avery.
She looked to be finishing for the day, but her eyes were red and she had a red tint on her cheek.
She simply looked exhausted.

"I don't understand why they treat Avery differently. She's such a good girl." Mom murmured.

"I don't know." Dad sighed and pulled her closer, planting a kiss on her temple. "Jeremiah held a lot of resentment toward Joseph and his success. By rights the business and everything should have gone to Avery. I don't know how he did it, but I know Joseph and Camille would not have left her with nothing."

I pondered over what he said and he's right. Avery should have been the heiress to Adley Corporations.

"How could he talk about her like that though?!" Mom cried. "And when she was sitting right there too! Did you see the poor girl? Even with the rumours going around she's a better choice for Olly than Leah is."

"Mom, settle down." I sighed. "It's really not worth stressing about right now."

Mom huffed silently, but I could still see how upset she was.
I couldn't help but agree with her though.
She is a better choice and isn't afraid of hard work. She also has natural beauty and I wouldn't be ashamed to call her mine.
Leah on the other hand is attractive, but fake. She's haughty and spoiled as well as shallow.

We exited the building and said our goodbyes.
After I stepped into my awaiting car, my phone rang.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Oliver!" Russell's loud voice echoed through. "I was just ringing to organise those drinks on Friday."

"I have work to do." I replied.

"Oh come on!" His tone was pleading. "Make time for an old friend!"

I heaved out a large sigh knowing full well he won't stop until I agree. "Fine. I'll meet you on Friday, text me the address and I'll let you know a time."

"Great!" He exclaimed happily. I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear.

I hung up and pocketed my phone before I began driving the 10 minutes to my office.

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