Chapter 38

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Oliver Black

I was lying in bed when I heard Avery come back. I could hear her footsteps and the sounds of the shower running.
Usually, she was a little quieter.
I looked at the clock and saw it was after midnight.

I was avoiding her.

I was still pissed that she could have at least told me something underhanded was happening. Instead she chose to keep quiet and let him get away with it.

I suffered the losses and lost face. I thought we had a good relationship. It wasn't forced and was easy. I still found her undeniably beautiful.

But it was all a facade. She was only here for her family's business. She didn't actually care.

I sighed and rolled over.
I hadn't slept or eaten properly since the whole thing happened.
I missed her. Or at least who I thought she was.

I closed my eyes and rid myself of any thought. I dozed off only to wake up 2 hours later.

Standing up I pulled on sweats and a t-shirt.
I was going to go downstairs and get a glass of water and maybe watch some tv.

When I stepped out, I frowned. Avery's shower was still running.
I walked down the hallway and found her door slightly ajar. There was no light coming from the room.

"Avery?" I knocked lightly. I recieved no answer.
I pushed the door open and saw a stream of light come from the bathroom. The door was wide open.

"Avery?" I called again. There was still no reply.

I walked further into the room but my feet came in contact with something. I looked down and saw her black bag on the ground with the contents spilled out of it.
It was very unlike her. She was always neat and clean. In the few weeks living with her I noticed that very quickly.

I side stepped the mess and walked further in the room. I made it to the doorway and called again. I got nothing.

I walked in and noticed the lack of steam.
As soon as I turned to look in the shower, my breath hitched.
I sunk to my knees, eyes wide.
I was trying to comprehend the scene I was witnessing.

Avery was slumped in the corner all beaten and battered. Her face was black and blue and swollen. Her right eye was swollen shut. I saw blood that was getting washed away by the water but had stained her clothes.

"Avery?" I breathed out. I reached out to touch her but quickly realised the water was ice cold. The tap was set to a warm temperature, all the hot water had run out of the system.

I reached over her and turned the shower off. Avery didn't move an inch. Her left eye was open, but she wasn't there. Her skin, where it wasn't bruised was pale and her lip was busted and almost blue.
I grabbed as many towels as the bathroom held to wrap her up in.

I touched her arm and she immediately flinched away.
As I thought her skin was freezing cold.

I could see the trembling of her body. Whether that was because she was afraid, cold or both, I didn't know.

Disregarding it, I wrapped a towel around her as best I could. I pulled her from the floor and stood up with her in my arms.
Her soaking body soaked my own.

Whimpers left her ice cold, almost blue lips.

I whispered sweet nothing's and reassuring words.
My mind was racing with questions that were going to have to wait to be answered.

I laid her on her bed gently.
When I got a better look at her my blood was boiling.
Her shirt and skirt were both ripped. She had deep blue or black bruises all over her body.
Large hand prints even wrapped around her neck.
Painful, bleeding welts and scratches covered her arms, legs and back.
I padded her off gently. I was trying my best not to hurt her.

I debated with myself on whether or not to undress her.

I knew I wouldn't get her dry and warm in the clothes she was in, but I didn't want her to feel violated.

I carefully pulled off the torn clothing and threw them on the floor.
I was only further angered when the material had moved. Even her panties were torn and barely hanging off of her hips and only one strap of her bra remained.
I could see bite marks and hickeys all over her neck and shoulders.

Once I had her dry I pulled the driest part of the duvet over her.
I walked into her closet and felt completely lost. I didn't know what would be best.
I grabbed a pair of panties and rushed to my room for a shirt. It would be loose. Leaving plenty of room for her sore skin to breath.

I dressed her and tried to dry her hair.
I pulled a throw blanket out and wrapped her up and took her to my room and placed her under the dry, warm blankets.

As soon as she was under the covers I grabbed my phone from the bed side table and dialed my family doctor.


"Dr. Klein, it's Oliver Black I need you over here now. It's an emergency." I practically barked at the sleepy man.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." Without waiting for a word he hung up.

I looked down at Avery and saw her eyes were closed. I touched her face and neck and found that her skin still felt cold. I climbed in next to her and ignored the flinch when I wrapped my arms around her. I rubbed her arm up and down to create some friction and generate some heat.

"What happened to you Avery?" I whispered.

Could it have been the man from the street? What about Adley? She always seemed to be incredibly timid around him.

I knew he wasn't a good man, but I didn't think he'd hurt his niece. Not like this anyway.

I pulled out my phone and rang Russell.

After it rang out, I rang a second and third time.

"What?" His groggy voice murmured.

"Get your ass over here, it's Avery."

"Wai- What?" I hung up on him.

I sighed and looked over to the petite woman in my bed. I placed a kiss on her shoulder.
I heard the buzzer go off downstairs and slipped out of bed.
Thankfully, it was Dr. Klein. I buzzed him up and 2 minutes later he was in the apartment.

"Oliver, what's happened?" The tall lanky older man had clearly gotten dressed in a hurry.
His hair was a mess and his shirt was messily tucked into his slacks.

"My fiancee came back from work a few hours ago. I was already in bed, but I got up and thought something was off. I found her in the shower completely beaten and freezing." I spoke as I walked him up to the bedroom.

He walked in when he saw the small body on the bed.

"I'll have to ask you to wait outside while I examine her." He stated calmly. I could see anger lighting his brown eyes.

I nodded my head and reluctantly left the room, closing the door softly behind me.

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