Chapter 59

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Avery Black

I touched my flat belly. It hadn't grown or anything, but now that I know there's a baby in there, I felt like it was providing protection somehow.

I roughly pinpointed the date of conception.

I was racking my brain because Oliver was always sure to wear protection whenever we had sex.

Except for our wedding night and one other night.

The night we conceived was when Marie and Jeremiah was arrested and I found out everything.

It was the night we had sex in the shower.
I desperately needed him to take all the pain away and make me forget the horrors of the past. Even if it was just a little while.

I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my throbbing temples.

Oliver barely talked to me since we found out. I've been trying to talk to him about it but he just cuts me off or dismisses me entirely.

I clenched my jaw and blinked away the tears that were forming. I needed to know what to do. My fear and anxiety was multiplying at an alarming rate.

Is he rejecting me and the baby? If so, couldn't he just get it over and done with?

I've had enough.

It was the end of the day and everyone had already packed up.
So, I stood from my seat and opened his office door.

"What is it?" Oliver muttered while staring at his computer screen.

I frowned at his tone.

"Mr. Black," His blue eyes snapped up to mine. "How about we actually have a proper discussion where it's not about work and you're not dismissing me?"

He seemed genuinely surprised at my stern tone.

"Avery, I don't want to talk about it right no-"

"Well, too bad! It's happening now!" I snapped. "I don't understand why you won't talk to me!"

All my frustration was starting to bubble up to the surface.

He studied my face and clenched his jaw. "It's nothing."

"It's not!" I exclaimed. "This" I touched my stomach. "Is not nothing, Oliver! You can't keep dodging it. It's not going to disappear if you ignore it!"

Oliver stood up abruptly. "I'll find my own way home. I don't want to talk about this and definitely not here." He clenched his jaw and walked straight past me.

I breathed out a shaky breath before completely bursting into tears.
I went back to my desk and sat down. My phone buzzed on the wooden desk. I wiped my tears and cleared my throat.

"Hey, Erica."

"What's wrong?" She asked immediately.

I thought I did a good job at sounding fine, but apparently not.

"It's nothing, I'm just not feeling well." I choked on a sob and eventually dissolved into a puddle of tears.

"Where are you?" She asked, worry laced her voice.

"The company."

"Wait there. I'm only a few blocks away."

She hung up and I tried my best to pull myself together but failed miserably. I resigned myself to being a mess.

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