Chapter 29

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Oliver Black

I thought she looked too pale. Her complexion seemed to be getting worse over the past few weeks.

Her steps seemed to falter as she walked.
I could see her almost swaying and her eyes were unfocused.
But, I could see the pain and fear hidden beneath, like she was too tired to hide it behind the blank canvas any longer. 

I called her name but she didn't respond. As I held her arm to support her she fainted.
I managed to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Avery?" I shook her slightly but I received no response.

I lifted her up. She seemed to weigh less than before.
I walked out of the lift and I placed her carefully into the car and drove her home.

After arriving at her house I knocked on the front door and walked back to the car and lifted her out.
I heard a few whimpers as I pulled her into my arms.
I whispered comforting words to her as I walked back up the steps to the front door.

The door opened revealing a shocked Alissa.
"Mr. Black, what happened?" Worry and panic was etched into her face.

"She just fainted, she's okay."

Alissa sighed in relief and ushered me to her bedroom.

The door creaked open and revealed a mess of feathers and fabric.
I placed her on the bed and tucked her under a throw blanket that was next to her.
Looking around I looked back to Alissa.

"What happened?" I asked o asked sternly.

"Miss Leah, I believe she came in here while Avery was at work yesterday and destroyed everything. The little clothes she had were mostly torn and stained." She walked over to the desk where a stack of crumpled papers lay.
"These were everywhere."

I frowned as I shuffled through them. They were all pages from the magazines. Every one had Avery's face scratched, burned or scribbled out.
Words like 'slut, 'whore', 'disgusting', 'fat', 'ugly', 'weak', 'bitch' decorated the pages. The list of names and insults went on along with a death threat or two.

I looked to Alissa who had tears forming in her eyes. "It's all getting so much worse for her. Please, Mr. Black, get her away from these people." She begged. Alissa looked as though she was about to fall to her knees and beg. "She gets thinner and more frail with every passing day."

"Calm down." I patted her shoulder. "I'll see what I can do, but we did sign a contract stating she'll be staying with me after the engagement party. I can't make a move without Mr. Adley agreeing."

Alissa looked disappointed. "We only have a week left. If her condition gets worse, call me. If anything happens at all let me know."
She nodded her head and sighed.

"No.... n-no... please..." Mumbled pleas filled the room. I turned around and saw Avery sweating and tossing and turning.

I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair in an effort to calm her down. "Shh... it's okay." I whispered. "You're safe."

Her breathing steadied a little bit and her tossing stopped. She still wore a frown.
I stroked her cheek as if to coax it off of her lovely face.

Her facial features softened and I kissed her forehead. A sigh left her chapped rosy lips. Before standing up I pulled the blanket further over her.

"Has she been eating?" I asked Alissa.

"Gerard said she's been skipping a lot of meals. Especially recently. I've been trying to give her meals up here so she doesn't have to be downstairs, but she still doesn't eat a lot." Her facial expression showed helplessness. She didn't know what to do.

"It'll be okay. Just get her through this week." I stated before reluctantly leaving her in this god awful house.

I rubbed my forehead and stepped out.

I heard tyres screeching and a cherry red Audi r8 screamed up the driveway. It stopped short of my own car.

Giggles echoed in the darkness and the familiar tall strawberry blonde stepped out of the car. She didn't even notice me.

"You know what I did to that bitch!?" She said through laughter. "You should see her room. I doubt she even has anything to wear!" A cackled laughter stung my ears.

"She's so stuck u-" her friend stopped as soon as she saw me. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth parted.

"I know! She's just a little fucking orphan. She should just die..." She trailed off.

I stood before the two girls with my arms crossed. "Please continue." I stated. Daring her to finish what she was saying. "Don't stop on my account."

"O-Oliver.. we just think she isn't good enough for you. That's all." Leah shrugged as if she hadn't just wished for her death. "She thinks she's better than us. She's like her parents." She half growled before meeting my eyes. "Have you ever wondered about those rumours? Most rumours sprout from the truth." Her red painted lips formed a smirk. Leah stepped closer to me and stood merely inches away. "If you ever change your mind. You know where to find me." She spoke seductively before walking into the house with her friend trailing after.

The way she swayed her hips and strutted away was probably what she thought would look sexy. It wasn't.

I entered my car left to go home.
I was beginning to regret this business with Adley. Not because of Avery, but because his family was more trouble than they're worth. I should have just had an all out war with him.
Even if Adley Corporations was disposed of. Even if Avery was devastated about the loss of her father's company.

I need Sam to get a move on with those investigations.

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