Chapter 18

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                      Oliver Black

I was surprised. The little rabbit snapped back.

Maybe, she's actually a kitten with claws.

The thought made me smirk, then it fell.
Someone had kitty declawed. It's clear her will has been taken from her.

I sighed and pushed the thoughts away.
It's none of my concern. She may be my wife eventually, but that doesn't mean we have a relationship.

But there was a huge part of me that was determined to know her secrets and why she looked so empty.

I drove to work and began with the endless amount of files to go through.

"Clara, have you found a replacement yet?" I asked her.

"Not yet sir. I have narrowed down the applicants but they still don't have enough experience." She sighed exasperatedly running her hands through her white hair. "We only have a few weeks until I'm on leave. The due date is a month after that and I can't really push my time off back any further than I have."

"We'll sort something out." I said and closed the file in my hands.

"What...." Clara started hesitantly. I just raised my eyebrow at her. "What about Miss Adley?" She asked.

"I doubt Adley would let her go."

"He has plenty of assistants working under him. Surely, he could have one of them fill in."

"I didn't think you liked Miss Adley."

"I don't really, I mean she's hot and all. She's just stuck up, but she is an amazing assistant. I've seen what she can do. Use your engagement as an excuse."

I nodded. It wasn't a bad idea. She is quite adept and has the patience to deal with that Adley.

"Keep looking through applicants. If you still can't find someone suitable, I'll consider talking to Adley."

"Yes sir." She nodded and walked out.

The day wore on and I went to many meetings. A few of them were for recent internal affairs and HR issues that are taking longer than needed to resolve.

"Sir, Sova communications rang, they're having a few issues with the new collaboration on the project with Adley Corporations." Clara immediately notified me.

"What's the problem?" I asked sternly.

"They're wanting 15% of the profit for this particular project." She sighed. "They also complained that the ideas to raise profits for our many businesses that are using Sova communications aren't going to pull in enough profit for them."

"If they're going to complain about the profit they make, then tell them to leave. We'll go to another communications business. Hell, I may look into buying one and I'll pull all of our investments." I ran a hand through my hair. "As for them demanding 15% tell them they'll get no more than 7% and that's being generous. I don't have time to play this game with them. I'm not doing this back and forth with them again. Mr. Denner has caused nothing but problems."

"Yes Sir, I'll call them right away." Clara returned to her office.

Greedy old bastard.

I arrived to my meeting only to lose my shit when the sales team didn't meet their quota for the month. Now, they have to make double and sell twice amount of shares for the next month.
I threatened with termination if I didn't see results.
The same basically went for the software developers and the people in charge of designing and building our new hotel.

Can none of these people work effectively?!

I huffed and went back to my office to check emails and finish reading contracts and files.
Before I knew it, it was already 10pm.

Shit! Avery.

I grabbed my things and went downstairs. I was hoping she hadn't gone home already.

I got in my car and went to Adley Corporations.
After parking in front I went to the door and found an intercom.

"Yes?" A male voice came through.

"Oliver Black, I'm here to see Miss Adley."

After a long pause, the intercom buzzed again.

"Miss Adley is still in the building. I'll send someone to confirm your ID and let you in."

After 5 minutes of waiting an older man opened the door and greeted me. He didn't even ask for ID. I assume he was aware of who I was and what I looked like.

I told him I would be fine by myself and went to the top floor. I walked into Avery's office to see her struggling to finish her work.
She looked gaunt and absolutely exhausted.

I studied her for a little while, and she didn't notice my presence at all.
When I was about to make my presence known her phone rang.
The loud noise caused her to jump in alarm.

I heard a soft groan and she picked up her cell.
"Yes?" She answered sleepily. Almost immediately she had to pull the phone away from her ear.
I could hear the yelling from where I was standing.

"I'm still at work, sir." She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Yes sir." She sighed. "I still have a few more files to complete."

"Of course, sir."
All the while I could still hear the loud rambling of Adley.

She hung up the phone and banged her head on the desk.

"Long day?" I smirked.

Avery gasped and clutched her chest. She looked wide eyed at me.
"You need to stop sneaking up on people." She said breathlessly.

I chuckled and smirked. I sat in one of the chairs across from her.

"When did you get here?"

"10 minutes ago."

She raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything further.
"I'm sorry to waste your time but, I still have some work to do."

"Its fine." I shrugged slightly. "I'll wait."

She pursed her lips but nodded anyway.
By the look on her face she was too tired to argue and probably figured she wouldn't win against me. No one does anyway.

"How does Adley treat you?" I asked curiously. It was a question that's been on my mind. He certainly doesn't treat her like Leah.

She froze and dropped her pen. Her eyes were wide and she looked up at me.
Avery regained her composure and shrugged. "Good."
I nodded my head, but could tell she was lying.

When silence fell between us she began writing again, occasionally she would tap away on her laptop with her slender fingers.

I looked behind her and watched the rain pour down the window.

Honestly had a bit of a block with this one. I know where I want it to go it's just a matter of finding the right direction.

How are you finding it so far?

What do you think of these two?

Howard x

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