Chapter 45

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Oliver Black

I looked at the phone in Avery's palm and back to her face.
All the colour drained from her face and the fear that took so long to wash away was back.

I picked up the phone without a word. I hit answer and held it up to my ear only to have to pull it away again. This man had a way of making himself heard.

"You better be dead in a goddamn ditch somewhere, girl!" Adley snapped. "I know full well you're still at Blacks.
You need to get to work and sort out Leah's fucking mess, now! You hear me?! I will make you look 10 times worse than when you left the damn office!" Avery winced as he yelled into the phone. "What? Are you deaf too?! You useless moron. Honestly what good are you? I can't do anything with you. Hell, you can't even show my partners a good time. What good is having a pus-"

"Why don't you keep your disgusting thoughts to yourself, Adley?" I growled.

Avery looked at me with uncertainty.

"Black." He breathed out but began laughing. "I see she's got you wrapped around her little finger." He scoffed. "Figures. Just like her whore of a mother."

A flicker of anger went through Avery's grey eyes. I almost thought I was seeing things.

I gently rubbed her shoulder and arm as she gripped the desktop. Her tense shoulders eased slightly.

"We all know you didn't think that when you were in love with her." I said mockingly. Avery's eyes widened considerably.

She didn't know...

I was met with silence. I could imagine him red faced and grinding his teeth.

"Listen her-"

"No, you listen here." My voice was dangerous and threatening. "If you so much as breathe in Avery's presence, I will rip you apart."

Disgusting laughter met my ears.

"Your days are numbered, old man." I hung up the phone and passed it back to Avery.

"I'm getting you a new phone and number." I pulled Avery into me. Her delicate arms wrapped around my waist.

I was really enjoying our little makr out session there...

I sighed into her hair and kissed her shoulder.

"Was what you said true?" Avery asked.

"About Adley and your Mom?"

She nodded her head.

"Yes, Russell told us about it."

Avery leaned back and ran her hand along her smooth tied back red hair.
She let out a humourless chuckle.

"She always hated him." She shook her head. "Papa wasn't his biggest fan either. Both him and Maman kept it civil, though." Avery exhaled. "I never would have thought... with the way he spoke about her..."

"He's bitter and jealous." I said. "He doesn't seem like a person who wasn't used to getting what he wants."

Avery nodded but she couldn't hide sadness and fear in her eyes as she looked down.

I cupped her cheek and lifted her chin with my thumb.
Adorably, she rested her chin on my chest.

I had noticed this about her in the past week. She was becoming more comfortable with affection and just general physical contact. She wasn't stiff or rigid anymore. Her smiles even seemed to hold more truth and her eyes weren't as empty.

"Hey, he can't do anything to you anymore." I said with honesty. "I won't let him."

Her eyes glistened a little and I could see an emotion whirling around in there.

"Oliver, why do you care about me?" She asked quietly. Almost afraid I would snap at her or something.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Erica said you don't care about many women."

Avery Adley

I gulped. I felt like I shouldn't have asked that. I was a little afraid of what he would say.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Erica..." He muttered.
He looked at me again and I watched as a large smile grew on his face. Astonished, I felt like I should take a picture. He had a singular dimple on his right cheek.

"Avery, I told you. You are the most beautiful, smartest and kindest person I know." He murmured and began planting kisses on my face. "I care about you very much. I want to help you, protect you and look after you. I don't want you to get hurt or feel afraid. I will do anything to keep those vicious people away from you."

My heart pounded in my chest. I stared wide eyed at the man who looked amused by my expression.
His amusement was taken over by serious honesty.

"You're the first woman to make me feel like this." He said quietly. "Honestly, I was a bit of a slut."

With that last comment I began laughing. The last thing I expected of this very proud man was to insult himself and call himself a slut at the end of a very touching speech.

I think all the tension finally left my body and tears reached my eyes.

Oliver seemed shocked but soon chuckled with my laughter.

"How about we grab something for dinner on the way home?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded my head."What do you have in mind?"

He thought for a little while. "Chinese?"

"Sounds good." Oliver helped me off of the desk.

We went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered our food. I saw people whispering before I saw a magazine sitting on the counter.
I slid it over and the head line had the  oxygen knocked out of me.

"Avery Adley drugs and suicide? Does that explain her absence?
Hear from Leah Adley talk about Oliver Black, rivalry and suicide."

Oliver saw it and picked it up. He frowned and gritted his teeth.

Our food was ready and we went back home. 

Hot shame crawled over me. I felt embarrassed.
I was bringing this wonderful man down.
I could see what Mr. Adley meant by the mess Leah created.

"Avery, stop thinking." I looked over to Oliver. He was looking at me with a frown. "This is not your fault and is an easy fix."

I breathed in and out. "I just can't get away from them, Oliver." I whispered.

He thought for awhile and a small smile reached his face.
"Let's go away for a little while." 

"Isn't now a really bad time?" I asked.

"It's never a good time." He shrugged. "Besides, Russell has everything going smoothly on his end and Sam can take over for me. Dad is always around anyway."

"Sam?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wouldn't he need an assistant anyway?"

"He may be an idiot but he knows how to handle business when he needs to. I'll ask one of the secretaries to take over in the mean time. It will only be about a week."

I didn't really have an argument.

"It's settled." He said and sorted the containers of food on the table.

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