Chapter 63

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Avery Black

I groaned softly as I felt my head and muscles ache. I peeled my eyes open only to shut them again due to the bright light.


I blinked a few times and saw Erica standing over me.

My eyes widened when I remembered what happened. I clutched my head hoping the pain would recede.

"Oliver... the baby.." the heart rate monitor began to beep faster.

The doors opened and closed softly.

"Oh good you're awake."

"Sarah, please tell me my baby is alright." I begged.

"Calm down." She rubbed my shoulder soothingly. "Your baby is fine. You have a severe concussion, but no broken bones. Your head took the brunt of the fall." Sarah shook her head. "You're both very very lucky, Avery. I cannot stress that enough. I've run all the tests and your baby's heart beat is still as strong as before. I would like you to take it slow and careful until you're at least 12 weeks along. You did have some bleeding but it wasn't anything we need to be concerned about."

I breathed out a massive breath of relief and my head landed back on my pillow.

"And Oliver?"

She sighed and leaned on the end of the bed. "He's out of surgery now, but he's lost a lot of blood." Sarah frowned. "He got shot twice. One bullet was embedded in his shoulder and the other went through his lower back and out the other side. It was only a flesh wound. He was lucky that it didn't hit any major organs or arteries." She chuckled. "I have never seen so much luck before in my life."

"Can I see him?" I choked out.

Sarah smiled at me. "Of course you can. He was taken to his room 2 hours ago. I'm pretty sure he's sleeping at the moment."

I frowned. "How long have we been here for?"

She checked her watch. "About 7 hours now." Sarah sighed. "He was conscious briefly before he went in for surgery and managed to tell the nurses to give me a call. Oh-" She dug around in her pockets. "He told someone to get these back." She took my hand in hers and placed my rings in my palm.

"Thank you." I whispered and slid them back on to my ring finger.

Erica got me a wheel chair while Sarah began detaching everything except for the drip.
They both helped me up and off of the bed and into the chair.
Every movement made my head spin and body ache. I thought I was going to throw up multiple times along the way.
I held it all in and didn't complain, I had to see Oliver. I had to make sure he was okay with my own eyes.

We entered a dark room and I was pushed towards the bed.
Oliver was still asleep but looked pale even in the dark.
I placed a shaking hand on Oliver's large one and brought it to my lips.

"I'll be right outside." Erica touched my shoulder and left the room.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered in the dim room. I looked down and rubbed my belly while sending silent apologies to our baby.

"Avery?" A hoarse voice croaked.

"Oliver." I breathed out. "Thank God your okay."

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