Chapter 48

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Avery Adley

"What are you doing here?" Erica spat sadly.

Tom seemed to be a well built man. His appearance was a bit unkempt and his clothes were wrinkled.

"Erica... I'm so sorry." He breathed out. "I-"

"What? Sorry you were screwing someone else?"

"No! Erica! I'm trying to talk here but you're just jumping to conclusions!" He yelled. "Just listen to me for once in your life!"

My reflexes kicked in and I stepped back a little, away from the angry man.

Oliver stood in front of his sobbing sister. Tom gulped when he looked into the angry icy blue eyes.
"I didn't call you so you could yell at her. I called you because she's unhappy and you will lose your wife if you don't fix it." His eyes bore into Toms. "Although, I think she should just leave."

Tom clenched his jaw and the tension thickened considerably.

Oliver looked back at his sister. She sighed and nodded.

He walked over to me and took my hand.
Oliver turned all the burners in the kitchen off and we went for an evening stroll on the beach.

"You don't like Tom?" I asked making conversation.

"We used to get along actually." He said. "But, he started working more and more and Erica became more unhappy. I didn't like how he was blinded by money. Sure, he wants to provide for her, but she wanted her husband and not money. I don't appreciate anyone hurting the people I love."

Love.. huh?

I still couldn't wrap my head around it. We walked back to the bungalow and heard Ericas laughter.

They came into view cuddling on the lounge that we left Erica on.
Her smile was so wide. Her eyes had a dazzling sparkle in them.

Tom stood up when we approached. He suddenly engulfed me in a hug. I stiffened at the one sided exchange.

"Erica has told me a lot about you." Unfortunately Tom didn't notice my discomfort and kept talking with me in his arms. "I can't wait to welcome you into the family officially."

"Okay, that's enough." Oliver came to my rescue. "Let go of her."

Erica sent me an apologetic smile.

"Oh, sorry." He pulled back and showed me a wide toothy smile. "I'm Tom anyway!"

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled politely at him.

Oliver placed his hand on my lower back as we stood and had light conversation. I went back to fixing dinner that was left to cool on the stove for awhile. After reheating it everyone moved into the dining room.

I caught myself stealing glances at Oliver.
What Erica had said echoed in my mind.

I frowned at my plate and poked around.

How do you know if you're in love?

I felt like I needed to read a self help book. I was drowning in the thought of possibly loving someone.

I had a crush on Louis, when I was a teen, but I caught him and Leah having a full on make out session in the back seat of his car.
That crushed little 15 year old me. That was as close to love as I have ever gotten.

If I was hurt so much by just a stupid crush, how would it feel when you're in love? 

I sighed, I was getting aggravated by my own thoughts.

"Avery, are you okay?" I jumped when Oliver's warm hand touched mine.
I looked at him and he frowned.

I smiled to reassure him. "I'm fine."

I stood to clear the table but Tom swatted me away.

"Avery." Erica called me over to her. "Are you worried about what I said about you and my brother?" She asked.

"I.. I just..." I tried to form a sentence but didn't even know what I wanted to say.

Erica studied me for a bit and nodded her head. "I could have jumped the gun a little bit, you have nothing to worry about." She gave me a small smile.

"How do you know if you're in love?" I blurted.

Erica looked at me wide eyed. She smiled softly and gazed at her husband. "You'll pay attention to every little thing they do, you'll feel whole when they're around and nothing else will matter." She looked back at me. "Sometimes you'll want to strangle them, even hate them, but you'll still adore them. It can be different for everyone but, your heart will tell you." She went back to her husband with me still lost in thought.

I watched the way Oliver's hands moved as he made gestures, how his muscles flexed and followed the movements, his eyes held a spark as they were fully engaged in conversation.
My eyes followed every movement. His sharp jawline had a small amount of stubble making him look more casual, rugged and even more handsome.

My fingers itched to run my hands over his muscular body. My lips wanted to seek his out and I wanted to listen to his deep voice.

I blushed when I realised the heat flowing through my entire being.

I held an undeniable attraction for this man. I thought it wasn't love. It was lust.
However, with that lust I felt my feelings bloom and run wild.

His voice was enough to calm me but at the same time make me weak at the knees.
My heart would beat fiercely out of control when he was around and he caused anticipation in every fibre of my being. I wanted to know what he would say and do. I wanted to hear his voice and feel his touch.

His smile and laugh took me back to pure childhood happiness.

My mind was full of Oliver Black and the coward I am, was terrified.

My heart and body wanted the same thing.

I sat outside and pulled my knees to my chest.
I buried my face in my hands.

Based on what Erica said and my own thoughts, I came to a conclusion.

I'm in love with Oliver Black.

Anyone would think it was a good thing. To be in love with the man you were going to marry.

I was scared. Everyone knew what sort of person he was. He would date supermodels and actresses. He didn't commit to relationships.

And me, I'm so messed up and complicated. I'm not a happy person. I have so many fears and complexes, that only he could pacify.
I'm dirty and have been used only for gain for most of my life.

Sure, he said he would take care of me. But did that mean as a contract wife? a friend?
He's helped me so much but maybe that was just because we got along.

At the end of the day, I didn't think I was good enough for him. No matter what anyone said.

Thanks for the support everyone and my apologies if the last 3 chapters aren't as great as I would love them to be.

But things are going to heat up and get intense for them again.

Howard x

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