Chapter 3

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                      Avery Adley

My peaceful Sunday afternoon was interrupted by Alissa, one of the maids who work in this house.

"Miss Avery, Mr and Mrs Adley would like to speak with you downstairs." She said with her delicate french accent. She sent a sympathetic smile before leaving the room.

I groaned and set my book down. I rushed downstairs to see what the wicked witch in botox wants.

"Mother, you asked to speak to me?" I made it to the living room to see her and Leah talking and giggling in excitement.

They were both wearing ridiculously tight clothes.
One would think they shrank in the wash.
Leah's was extremely low cut and not leaving much to the imagination. Her strawberry blonde hair was silky smooth and her makeup was done to perfection.
She was a typical Barbie doll.

Mr. Adley sat across from the girls and motioned for me to sit down. Leah wore a triumphant smile on her face and her green eyes sparkled with happiness.

I sat on the single arm chair and waited for someone to speak.

"Your sister is getting married." Mr. Adley smiled fondly at his daughter.

Leah giggled.

"Oh. Congratulations Leah." I smiled and tried desperately to sound sincere, but honestly, I didn't care.

"I've made a deal with the Blacks." Mr. Adley said. "Oliver will marry an Adley, that way our project will have more security and a promise for future investments and projects."

I nodded.
I looked at Leah and she looked truly happy to be marrying someone she doesn't even know.
Mother and Leah started talking amongst themselves about the wedding and what the engagement ring will be like.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
I'm pretty sure she just wants a rich husband.

"The Blacks will be coming over for dinner tonight. Make yourself presentable." Mother stated as she looked me up and down with disgust. "I know it's hard for you, dear."

"Yes of course, mother." I nodded. "Do you need me for anything else?"

Mother pursed her lips and shook her head. "You may leave." She said with a flick of her wrist.

I trudged up the stairs not really looking forward to swapping my jeans and shirt for a dress and heels.

I searched my closet for clothes and found a long sleeve navy blue dress that ended just above my knee and had some lace detail. It was a v neck but didn't show too much cleavage. I paired it with a pair of nude heels.
Once I had everything laid out I showered.

I looked in the mirror when I had dried myself off.
I saw some bruises on my arms from being grabbed and thrown around.

I sighed and continued to dry myself off before starting my make up.
I blow dried my hair and tied it into the usual high pony tail.

I always keep it tied up, especially after Leah and mother decided to hack at it and cut it all off a couple of years ago.
That was painful. She straddled me from behind and almost ripped it from my skull.

My make up was natural with some nude lipstick.
I leaned my head against the wall and sighed.

This is going to be painful.

I walked out and put my underwear on, then my dress and shoes on before stepping out of the bedroom.

I walked down stairs and found mother and father talking in the living room.

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