Chapter 47

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Avery Adley

Erica cried herself to sleep on the couch.
I picked up some tissues and the empty cup from her tea.

She didn't really say much and just cried. Oliver walked out with messy hair and a slight scowl on his face.
It looked like he had run his hand through his hair a million times. I was surprised he didn't pull it out entirely.

"She's asleep." I whispered.

He sighed and walked over to his little sister. His face softened as he looked at her with love.
It must have been hard for him to see her so distraught.

He scooped her up and gestured to the door of the guest room.
I scurried off to open up the room and pull back the covers of the bed.
Gently, he placed her in bed and tucked her in.

A soft smile reached my lips at the sight.
I picked up her surprisingly heavy bag and placed it inside the room. I believed this was her packing light.

"I'm going to kill him." He growled quietly.

I shut the door softly and followed him to the living room.

"Let her calm down. You don't know what happened yet."

"Avery, you saw her! He's hurt her!" He himself looked a little distressed.
He slumped onto the sofa and closed his eyes.

I stood behind the sofa and tried to fix the mess of his silky black hair. It was bugging me a bit.

"I don't want to see my little sister hurt." He said after awhile of silence.

I smiled a little. "I know."

He slowly and gently trailed a hand along my arm. Goosebumps followed his long fingers.

He held both of my arms and I yelped a little as he pulled my arms to his chest. My head landed in his neck.

Oliver heaved a sigh.
"This wasn't exactly how I planned it to go." He played with my hands and fingers.

I woke up and saw Oliver fast asleep. He was on his stomach while an arm was draped over my waist. I slipped out but heard an unhappy groan behind me.

I showered and changed.
When I walked out to the kitchen I was met with a load of breakfast foods. Eggs, toast, bacon, sausages, muffins, omelettes and fruits.

Erica was dancing around the kitchen, springing from one side to another to get utensils. Her brown hair bounced around following after her and pop music played.

She finally noticed me and her lips curved into a huge smile.

"Come and eat!" She said giddily and switched off the music.

If I didn't see it, I wouldn't have guessed she had cried herself dry yesterday.

I obeyed and sat down. She piled my plate with more food than my stomach could handle.

"How about we go swimming?" She asked. Her blue eyes sparkled.

She gave me such a happy look I felt I couldn't refuse her.

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